War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

27 Feb

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Iceman51326: how do i record inside of replay to create a cinematic or just a video in general without all the 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 numbers and stuff. also when i said rewind my game just went black how do i fix that?
Standard button combination to hide UI is Left Alt + Z.

  • A bug that sometimes caused launched ARH missiles to not display on a client and to not trigger RWR has been fixed. (Report[community.gaijin.net]).
Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the ... Read more

The French Strasbourg battleship with its non-standard armament layout is the main reward in the Raider Hunter vehicle event!

Strasbourg: An Event Vehicle Battleship for France at Rank VI At a glance:
  • Improved armor!
  • Main battery guns at the front.
  • Good speed.
  • Reconnaissance aircraft.
  • Radar.
  • Mediocre air defense.
Vehicle History
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During the interwar period, France urgently needed new competitive battleships that would comply with the terms of the Washington Naval Treaty. In 1932, two Dunkerque-class battleships were ordered for the French Navy, designed as a response to the latest warships of the leading naval powers. Strasbourg was the second battleship of this type, built at the Chantiers de l’Atlant... Read more

In this month’s Pages of History, you will find yourself in the midst of key historical events across different theaters of war. From the Soviet Union and Austria, Iraq and the Mediterranean — take part in battles using vehicles corresponding to these historic conflicts and earn rewards! 

From March 1st until March 31st, you’ll have access to 8 tasks consecutively. Completing each task will grant you a trophy with a reward, completing all of the tasks will earn you a unique player icon!

James Edgar Johnson James Edgar Johnson was a British Royal Air Force fighter ace who flew the Spitfire. Piloting of course required both hands, which was a challenge for James due to a previous sporting injury he ... Read more

26 Feb

    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi! We want to look into this issue as it's not occurring for everyone - please could you create a report on our issue reporting platform, link it here and I'll forward it to our QA team so that they can investigate. Thank you. https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi! We want to look into this issue as it's not occurring for everyone - please could you create a report on our issue reporting platform, link it here and I'll forward it to our QA team so that they can investigate. Thank you. https://community.gaijin.net/issues/p/warthunder
    magazine2 on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Hi! Since it's currently training and the event starts on February 27th (11:00 GMT), the rewards will be shown in-game tomorrow.

Today we’ll be taking a look at a new premium for Germany and France — the experimental Marder CLOVIS light tank featuring an oscillating turret!

Marder CLOVIS: A Premium Light Tank for Germany (pre-order pack) and France (Golden Eagles) at Rank V At a glance:
  • Drum-style automatic loader with 12 rounds!
  • Good mobility.
  • 105 mm HEAT shells.
  • Coaxial 20 mm cannon.
  • Poor armor protection.
Vehicle History
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In 1979, the Marder DF 105 prototype was built in Germany, featuring an oscillating FL-15 turret on the chassis of the German Marder IFV. To compensate for the increased weight of the turret, the vehicle was given a more powerful engine. The Marder DF 105 received the classification of “Combat Tank” and was considered for u... Read more

  • For win64 clients, the utility that collects data on game crashes and offers to send it to the developers has been replaced. Due to the dump generation, it now allows data collection on “silent” crashes that previously occurred without any messages at all. Now when sending reports, you must send the “metadata” file containing the CrashID from the “.game_logs\” folder in the root folder of the game.
Patch notes reflect only key changes, meaning they may not include a complete list of all improvements made. Additionally, War Thunder is constantly being updated and some changes may not require an update. Changes reflected in patch notes are formed by taking reactions and requests of the community from the ... Read more

25 Feb

    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ⛧GuerrilaDragon⛧: I keep seeing players with #1 and #2 in their usernames. I'm sure many of you have seen them. What's up with that? Are they legit players or are they actually bots?
Regular players. If you want to create an account with GuerrilaDragon nickname, but it's already taken, one of the proposed names can be GuerrilaDragon#1
    CyberStonka on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by jpc1918: Just had a match at 6.7 with nothing but generic names where the intelligence seemed lower then average
Also when did they force us to first get X kills before allowing RB?
You need to bring a bit more info, no clue what game mode you have on mind. Best to attach link to server replay: https://warthunder.com/en/tournament/replay

Hey everyone,

The game may not be available at the moment as we are experiencing some technical issues on our servers. We are endeavouring to fix these issues as quickly as possible.

Thank you for your understanding.

Today we’re taking a look at one of the more unconventional light tanks out there, the Harry Hopkins Mk.I, a new tank for Britain at Rank II! 

Harry Hopkins Mk.I: A Light Tank for Great Britain at Rank II At a glance:
  • Rapid fire 40 mm cannon!
  • Relatively good armor for a light tank.
  • Scouting ability.
  • Low reverse speed.
Vehicle History
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Harry Hopkins, or the Mk VIII Light Tank was designed in late 1941 in order to replace the Mk VII Tetrarch, with the primary goal of increasing the overall armor protection. This was achieved, however the tank was plagued with teething issues throughout its development and testing cycle, which resulted in long delays and a significant reduction in the number of tanks produced from the initial plan. 
... Read more

24 Feb

Today we’re taking a look at a machine with an interesting story, a French vehicle, captured and modified by Germany and then captured back and used by the French!

Pz.Sp.Wg.P204(f) PaK: A Light Tank for France at Rank II At a glance:
  • Powerful L/60 50 mm cannon!
  • Great top speed and mobility.
  • Scouting ability.
  • Limited protection.
Vehicle History
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France built over 700 AMD Panhard 35 armored cars from 1937 to 1940. After France fell, Germany would go on to enter a large number of these vehicles into service with their own army, modifying many of them to suit other roles. A late and relatively rare modification was the inclusion of a German 50 mm cannon, both the L/42 and L/60 versions were fitted into a small number of Panhard 178 model... Read more

Start your engines, call your friends — tank football is back in War Thunder for 2025!

To help you remember how to jump and dash, warm up and prepare for matches properly, training events are available for you from February 25th (11:00 GMT) until February 27th (10:45 GMT). In these training events, achievement progression is not available.

From February 27th (11:00 GMT) until March 17th (05:00 GMT), daily football matches are available at the following times: from 11:00-14:00 GMT, 16:00-22:00 GMT and 00:00-05:00 GMT.

Join other players in a 3v3 event (for solo players), or gather a team together and show off your skills and tactics in a 4v4 event (for squads).

Football themed rewards! For each goal, assist or save, you’ll receive achievement progression points. The event rewards are given fo... Read more

23 Feb