War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

07 Dec


Again, that BR isnt final. Its simply to inform those worried it was considered for 9.0 as some were speculating. Where it ultimately ends up depends on how it performs.


Huge difference between adding content people want and expanding BR ranges when we have explained time and time again why thats not possible to do every time people want it to be done.

What the community want is gauged in a plethora of ways, but you pretty much explained it yourself. Satisfied people typically don't come to the forum, make an account and say "Wow, good job Gaijin, thanks for this". They just simply play the game and enjoy it. So the less than 1% of the playerbase thats on the forum dont necessarily reflect the views of the community or the playerbase as a whole.

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1. That's something for Gromvoiny. I don't know.

2. Dunno.


French Crusader?

I think you need a fancy dress store:


I think they have some in the Berlin zoo?

But if they have leaked out, you should probably be alerting local authorities and not me.



We are not power leaping into a new era and the A-7D offers no real major "advantage" over what the Phantom can already do as CAS aircraft. Simply that we are fulfilling what we said we would do to continue working on expanding Rank VI.


Already have several times now.

Im not sure if some people missed it, or just dont want to accept it.


You also missed the point where for every 1 of these jets for other nations, there are likely 5 other examples for the US we must add.

Nobody said those aircraft wont come in time, but in the meantime, the US also have aircraft that exist that need to be added.

Neither of those for now.


Britain has had the most attention after USA, USSR and Germany this year which entirely reflects how much the nation has played. As I said before in most cases its actually had even more than Germany this year.

Regardless of whatever point is trying to be made, your personal wishlist is not the subject matter of this topic.

Not for the time being. Thats for sure.


That would be correct if there was also not a plethora of US, German and Soviet content we could also still add for the WW2 era if we wanted to also fully explore them. That argument doesn't just work for Britain.

The point is the community wanted and continue to want more focus on the later areas of the game. WW2 content was the primary focus of the game for 4-5 years.

Whilst we have not stopped adding content from that area, you also should not expect to see a huge amount of diversion of resources to an area the playerbase as a whole dont want the focus of development to be on.


As I have already explained, we cant progress further into higher ranks where many of the things you and others want to see without first getting through the bulk of Rank VI. Which is an area which the US simply has more than anyone else.

Again, perhaps redirect your frustration to history rather than us. The US simply has more examples than anyone else to add.


Unfortunately this game is about 9 nations and not just Britain. So yes, if we stopped all development on literally everything else, then we probably could increase the size of the British tree drastically.

But that is not what every player in this game wants.


Nobody ever said there would be another MiG-21Bis.


Please try to consider, as we always explain, there is absolutely no reason to withhold a finished dev blog when the model, text and information are ready for publication just because the next or subsequent vehicles are not ready and the same people on the forum and elsewhere get upset because they do not understand how things work.

Time and time again, people jump to the same conclusions over the same matters based solely on the first few blogs because they dont understand how schedules work.


Two parts to this.

1) Those 3 nations typically have / had the most vehicles to choose from and examples of famous combat machines. By far, their vehicle pool out shadows the other nations by a significant margin. Historically speaking we are into an era now were Germany for example will start to slow down and other nations might speed up in some areas. As evident already with Britain thats had more than Germany this year and to an extent France moving forward.

2) Additions to the game as I said are largely driven by the community. What the community want, in the areas the community want to see have a big impact on what comes. Supply and demand.


Not really. Phantom FG.1 was modelled from FGR.2 and both were completed around the same time, because its more efficient to have two extremely close models made together. So I dont see how a British Phantom Model could have been added to the French or Italian tree as neither of them had it

The FG.1 also did not "take the place" of a French or Italian jet in any way. It simply does not work like that. Think of it as 2 jets cast from the same mold with miner alterations. You cant use that same mold to make an Italian or French jet.

Game content is what the community as a whole want and demand. The community as a whole drives what we add to a large degree.

Because it factually is the most CAS orientated Starfighter in game with the most payloads by far. A separate missing feature that aids in their use is another matter entirel...

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