War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

19 Aug

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Plenty of them.

I often run behind Soviet/Polish bad boys in park

As addition, I was in Kubinka, so I was able to see all the RUSSIAN BIAS live.

And Maus. It's hidden behind Mortar "Adam". Yes, there is a mobile mortar that is so huge, you can hide Maus behind it

    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

PS. Devblog will land soon™

    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

The M60 MBT was in service for many decades. It was first employed in the late 1950s, when the US was in dire need of a tank that could fight the newest generation of Soviet armour. Now, more than half of a century later, we can clearly see that American engineers created a combat vehicle with almost infinite potential for modernization.

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The War Thunder Team

    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

Any vehicle BR is subject to change. It doesn't matter if we are talking on regular vehicle, premium or event machine. If battle performance shows, that vehicle's BR should be changed, we will change it.


The upcoming War Thunder update will see three new modifications of the legendary Russian tank being added to the game – the 1989 T-72B build, the 2011 T-72B3 and the latest 2016 T-72B3 build!

War Thunder tank commanders should by now be well familiar with the Soviet T-72, which was the most-produced tank in the second half of the 20th century. The present modifications; the T-72A and the T-72B perform rather well in rank VI battles but struggle quite a bit against the top-tier Western tanks. This can be explained for a number of reasons: their average mobility, lack of modern ERA and fire control systems, and insufficient destructive power of the shells. Fans of the Soviet/Russian armoured vehicle tech tree had much to think about, mainly because of an incredibly wide range of available T-72 modifications, both developed ... Read more

18 Aug


Yes, let me just spoil the whole update 3 blogs in

We have more to show guys. Stay tuned.


The international client gets far more anyway. Regardless, as I've said, this vehicle is not in this update so it has no place here.


All vehicle types are developed independently. But specifically in the cases of smaller nations, they have a much more finite pool of possible vehicles. So for example when they have patch with a lot of content, the patches immediately after will be much less so for that nation regardless of what type. Otherwise they wont have much to look forward to or go even longer periods without anything.

So the point here was, Italy had quite a lot last update, including ground forces whatever your opinions on them were. So this update, there should be lower expectations for them in general.

Of course as I said, they may have something(s) new in the fleet department to look forward too.


I was more referring to the whole fleet they just received and the F-104S.


Not really. Sometimes a moderator may remove something whilst they wait for clarification from a CM.

This is something from the Chinese client. As far as im aware its not coming here this update.


There is no east German T-72 this update. Just to close this case.


I didn't say it would 100% be that way. Its too early to say right now hence why I said it may or may not.


When we have more news to share we will. Its likely you may see some more Italian vessels this update


And as I said, we regularly review and adjust all of those as well as costs. If its not done immediately, then it will likely be done in the next review.


Italy got a whole fleet last patch, as well as their most modern aircraft and a host of ground vehicles regardless of what they were.