War Thunder

War Thunder Dev Tracker

20 Aug


Yeah the magic ball ran out of magic for today


You just asked me a page or too if Sweden will get something this patch. Weather something gets a dev blog or not really doesn't mean all that much in a lot of cases.




Its possible. But not tomorrow.


Oh my bad, I thought it was. Its a surprise on the ground then.


The ground and air release trees are your friend


We are not going to give hints at this stage. As I said earlier, it could change.


There will be somethings for Sweden, but as we said in the most recent Q and A, its too soon to talk about helicopters for them.

Allow me to ruin your day )))

Its not coming for now.

I think your ball may be defective then.


We have one.

Just because you do not care for Naval does not mean everyone is disinterested in Zara like you.

If all goes to plan, tomorrow should be a pretty nice blog indeed.

Neither of those planes are coming even remotely soon so it's not a question for now and not something for this topic whatsoever.

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Zachowując niemal idealną równowagę między mobilnością, ochroną i siłą ognia, pośród wszystkich ciężkich krążowników, włoskie okręty typu Zara są uważane za jedne z najlepszych w momencie ich budowy. Wkrótce okręt prowadzący tego typu - Zara - wzmocni najwyższe ery niedawno wprowadzonej marynarki Regia Marina w nadchodzącej dużej aktualizacji War Thunder!

W skrócie: Następca typu Trento, włoskie ciężkie krążowniki Zara oferują lepszą ochronę i równie potężną siłę ognia kosztem mobilności.

Typ Zara, ciężki krążownik, Włochy, V era.


Silny pancerz

Doskonała siła ognia


Brak torped



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Striking a near perfect balance of mobility, protection and firepower, the Italian Zara-class heavy cruisers are considered to be among the best ships of their class at the time of their construction. Soon, the lead ship of the class - Zara - will reinforce the top rank of the recently introduced Regia Marina in the upcoming War Thunder major update!

Briefly: Successor to the Trento-class, the Zara-class of Italian heavy cruisers offers stronger protection and equally formidable firepower at the expense of mobility.

Zara-class, heavy cruiser, Italy, V rank.


Strong armor protection

Excellent firepower


No torpedo armament


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“Tryb anonimowego handlu" jest teraz dostępny na Rynku. Pseudonim Gracza zostanie w nim zastąpiony wyrazem "Anonimowy". Ten tryb będzie automatycznie włączony dla wszystkich kont wchodzących na Rynek. Aby wyłączyć ten tryb, należy kliknąć na swój pseudonim na stronie Rynku i odznaczyć opcję w ustawieniach prywatności.

Zespół War Thunder

    Stona_WT on Forums - Thread - Direct

Maybe you got achieved it for for previous (ongoing) battle, that's why you did not saw it during the end of last battle?

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No. It's to give you an option to be anonymous during trade.

Market is not available on consoles, sorry.

To allow Players stays anonymous during trade.

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“Anonymous trading mode” is now available on the market. The player’s nickname will be replaced by “Anonymous”. This mode will be automatically enabled for all accounts when entering the market. To switch this mode off you need to click on your nickname on the market page and disable the checkbox in the Privacy settings.

The current provided changelog reflects the major changes within the game as part of this Update. Some updates, additions and fixes may not be listed in the provided notes. War Thunder is constantly improving and specific fixes may be implemented without the client being updated.

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