
Warframe Dev Tracker

21 Feb


Hey Tenno! Using/abusing a macro to void dash crazy amounts of times which otherwise wouldn't humanly be possible are not condoned. We will be looking into Magus Revert.

13 Feb


Originally posted by Kliuqard

I’ve mostly been expecting nothing ever since mid January.

We will blow away your non-existent expectations then!

14 Jan


The more important question is:

If [DE]KekBot kicks feelsbadman does the chat read "feelsbadman was keked"?

30 Nov


Originally posted by gerrittd

Dani also mainly plays on PS4 rather than PC

Yep! Was just chatting with her about it this morning. She really only plays on PS4


Originally posted by GlauberJR13

Because playing their own game is more fun and also let’s them know the game from the player perspective.



Originally posted by De_faulty

They are taxi-ing the new employee spaceysarah

She’s only MR4 and she needs to unlock the weapons

We usually run Helene on Saturn to level stuff up. Easier to survive than Hydron, stock up on Orokin Cells. Win win.

It was out first time taking [DE]spaceysarah. FWIW bunn97 carried us - great playing with you.

Besides - playing with [DE]Helen on Helene gives an rng boost..... right?

20 Nov


I approve of this product or service.

19 Nov


Trail Blazer and Air Time will have updated images in an upcoming Hotfix - thanks!

16 Nov


Hey Tenno! This issue should be fixed as of 3:30PM ET.

The issue occurred when deranking a Syndicate mid-bounty, while gaining standing for the Ventkids. If you were affected by this issue please create a support ticket with a screenshot for further assistance.


To use the term ‘experimenting’ would be accurate. It’s been just over a year since we launched any form of Twitch Drop for Warframe, and we’re still learning as we go, especially with campaigns as large as Plains of Eidolon or Fortuna. (Come February of 2019, we’ll have actually have been streaming on Twitch for 6 years!)

One thing we must correct right away is your statement that ‘only Partners were eligible’, when in fact EVERYONE was eligible to trigger Twitch Drops. This campaign was not Warframe Partner targeted - thus any Warframe streamer could participate. The only requirement was ‘If you’re a broadcaster, the Warframe account you are playing on needs to be linked to the Twitch account you are streaming from. Your audience will not receive any Twitch Drops until you do so.’ meaning truly any Warframe streamer could participate.

Speaking towards the advertisement of the Fortuna Twitch Drops campaign, one can’t disagree th...

Read more

08 Nov


Originally posted by AtomZaepfchen

do you have an picture link? i would add that to my wierd picture collection

Just google 'I feel it'


Originally posted by Sh0cktechxx

Picture is great too lol

It makes me laugh so hard. Great meme for sure


Hey - it's an excellent song!! Freddie and Bowie are all you need on launch day.

07 Nov


The visual effects of the shield have changed since MCGamerCS video was recorded, the current shield looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/xjXbq8F.png

15 Oct


The team is looking into these spawn reports!

12 Oct


Uh gotta go 😅

09 Oct

04 Oct


Originally posted by TrainLoaf

That's interesting to know, so in theory super sampling should help push the load onto the GPU more correct?

No, super-sampling is "doing extra work with your GPU" (ideally because it's got free time on its hands). It's not going to make your CPU any faster because it isn't doing any work that the CPU was doing in the first place.


Originally posted by thefritob

They crack relics just like everyone else. Also just as ecstatic when you get the bp you've been wishing for.


If you wanted even further context ....https://twitter.com/soelloo/status/1047266290652442624


We did a stress test when profiling on stream last weekend and hosting a full squad doing 20 minutes of Pluto - Palus I was usually 100-140 FPS.

Unless you're running a high resolution you're almost certainly CPU-bound (I know I am). If you want to check: look at the floor and if your frame rate stays roughly the same your GPU is unlikely to be the bottleneck.