
Warframe Dev Tracker

28 Nov


Grand Master eh?!! Thank you for the years of support - and the list! A lot of this does hit dev goals and discussions. 5 years and we still haven't solved the time to make every great idea happen though, but we're trying and now we have another cheat sheet :)

02 Sep


Originally posted by [deleted]


If your IGN matches your reddit name I see 34 runs yielding 8 Barrels, 7 Receivers, 5 Stocks, 8 Blueprints, a full set of the Puncture mods with some spares, and one of the AW mods. I'm not sure what you mean by "get nothing"?

11 Aug


Originally posted by DeltaVelorium

Oh hey it's Glen being an ass again.


26 May


We usually only log a few MB/hr and it clears it every time you boot the game.

I'm guessing your 18hrs AFK probably triggered some power state that made the graphics driver stop responding -- usually we generate a lot of swearing in the log when we can't talk to the hardware any more.

Zip it up and send it to support next time (or DM it to me on discord https://discord.gg/ZdJdgM7 [DE]Glen). If it isn't a device problem it's probably an easy fix.

But otherwise... do you really want us to be optimizing for the 18hrs AFK 'in some weird state' case? I can think of a dozen issues on my list that wo...

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31 Mar


Ok we figured it out and pushed a server-side fix ago.

The problem would only occur if there was a host election at the lobby (not to be confused with host migration mid-mission). For reasons we're still investigating we were never getting host election when we were trying to reproduce this issue and so many hours were wasted going off in other directions (I literally simulated thousands and thousands of missions to try to flush out the bug).

And yes, it would have caused problems for Infested Salvage, too.


IGN of who hosted, what date/time it was, and what you did just before that run would be helpful. I've personally put in close to 7 hours of ODS now trying to reproduce this with no luck.

Really could use the EE.log from the host when this happens.

09 Jul


We should have held it back 100%. Sometimes we have an immovable deadline (almost always a marketing promotion) and it twists up our priorities. It shouldn't but it does. Our QA is not at fault and did their best given the unreasonable scope and time. Your rant is spot on and the only thing we can do now is make it right.

Sorry for the mess. :(

02 Nov


Originally posted by FaradayFrame

I have discovered a lot more about API, but I want to publish it gradually in case DE doesn't like it. I mean taking down partial API doc is easy but If I'd post everything I think It would be pretty messy :S

Altought, you can't rely on your application security just because you doesn't make things public. Application security is about doing secure programing aswell as implementing passive so as active security measures. One day DE will understand that...

... and here I thought application security meant the client can never be trusted. If you have some 'secure programming' in mind that makes for a trustworthy client and a way to prevent API probing with valid credentials you should sell it and live in a gold castle! :)

07 Apr


Originally posted by Vordeqor

did the update break the game for anyone else? i'm stuck at a black screen when i launch.

Ugh sorry about this - Can you share your AMD card / driver version?

[Edit: or a support ticket with a log]

02 Dec

28 Nov


Do you have vsync on? If not, this graph is a sign of proper threading. Vsync off means faster we make it the closer you get to all cores, swamped aka render as fast as possible.

24 Oct


Fix in hotfix, sorry about that


Agreed, will get to it


Some of those mod stats are additive (if you don't see '%')- will be changing UI to show them at max so its easier to evaluate.

As far as augments being worth it - I think they are a fun change up - but for optimizing it does depend.


Sorry guys - would you mind trying "unchecking" DirectX 10 & DirectX 11 in the launcher settings?

19 Sep


They soon will! (About f'in time)

24 Jul


Originally posted by [deleted]

Hi Steve,

I just wanted to give you some feedback, as I'm a new player that came in right after update 14 and thought it might be good for you to see how a new player experiences the game going in.

Context - I'm a 40 year old with 20+ years of fps experience, reflexes slowing but still good, usually come in 2-3rd in standard shooters TF2, CoD, BF2 - also 5+ 90's on current WoW so also have a fair amount of xp in MMORPGs. I'm also someone who will not personally "pay to win", so I was very interested in experiencing your game from the perspective of the "poor" player.

Your game is incredible. No really, absolutely incredible. The level of mobility that you give the player creates a visceral engagement that makes this one of the most immersive games I've played. I'm seriously hooked - played only 3 times and already logged 15+ hours.

The intro levels were extremely good - they filled me in enough that I was curious and wanted to find out more about th...

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A big part of U14 (for me personally) was to see if we could have a less sh*tty intro into the game and your critique is pure gold for me. I will be working on ironing these out. Thanks a million.


Thank you for sticking with us! Warframe is the most fun/stressy project I've ever worked on and it's this relationship that drives us to work harder and try to live up to the expectations we've created. The rest of this year should be pretty exciting as we continue to introduce more shiny new as we start sawing through long term issues we've been avoiding.

13 Mar


Originally posted by stimpakk

I began to play this game in April last year and this is the first update where I can say that I was actually disappointed with DE. However, I jumped to conclusions and after testing the latest patch, I can say things have changed for the better here.

Snow Globe:

The issue isn't HP, the issue is that IT.DOES.NOT.SCALE. We've debated this on the forums and everybody knows that low to mid tier players have a functioning Snow Globe but that T2/T3 defense players along with high level defense players regard Snow Globe as useless as it dies in one or two seconds. See edit below

Grineer lights:

They're were unavoidable, too numerous and would one-shot low level frames in one hit and didn't hit enemies. They didn't make sense lore-wise or game mechanic wise. Cutting damage in half is not going to fix these issues since the lights don't add any difficulty or challenge, ...

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Time the deploy so that invuln phase is getting attacked - this converts back to health which can (mathy math) double your invuln time at any level. This is scaling IMO.

The lights are supposed to be Grineer traps. They suck that they are hidden and that will be fixed. We blew the rollout of this but the intent is to add more dangers and game mechanics to levels overtime. This one is fail.