
Warframe Dev Tracker

12 Mar


Originally posted by UraniumKnight

Question. If I have F6 rebound to my gear wheel, will it still take screenshots? Can't find anything to rebind to take the screenshot with another key.

On testing, it will not take screenshots when bound to another key.

Sadly not possible to rebind atm afaik.


Originally posted by [deleted]


To be fair stuff like that is easy to do most of the times, I/we just need to know about it. It's a big old game by now with loads of complex stuff going on. 'The giant-ass crash looking thing with the tiny-ass, glitchy, bitchface hole' with an in game screenshot is quickly fixable by one person. 'Melee sucks and needs to be reworked!' means a lot of people and a lot more complexity.


You'll notice changes to this shortly. We're aware of it.


Originally posted by PVP_in_your_pants

I'd be happier if they widened that hole in the floor on Kuva Survival. You all know the one.

F6 screenshot me and I can take a look. Edit: nvm, found and fixed, part of next hotfix, likely won't be perfect but should be a lot better!


Originally posted by OstrichVsUnicorn

Dug this comment by a level designer up for you; https://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/93ehrq/why_i_hate_wallhopping/e3d3hzz


send it to support.https://digitalextremes.zendesk.com

Send it as "Logs and Metadata", with the category "Level/map Screenshot metadata".And include the screenshot.

Make sure you upload the raw screenshot as an attachment, make sure you got it by pressing f6. (don't upload it imgur or something first) - they need the metadata intact.

Hopefully it'll be fixed once they get the time then...

Still valid. Also the Corpus are upgrading their ships and facilities I heard and will eventually phase out their stoneage-old rust buckets. That said I'll fix this particular lip right now. Edit: lips for Outpost Rescue tile fixed and will be in next hotfix

11 Mar


yeah honestly that word is almost exclusively used as a slur

true, but monkey isnt predominantly used as a slur

(oon is predominantly used as a slur in games yeah


10 Mar


Operator Witch Hats 2019!

09 Mar


Originally posted by CampusCarl

Can I thank you for putting "The DE response"? I wish Botty would come back soon

You can but I was just copying the OP's formatting lol


https://forums.warframe.com/topic/1068712-third-sortie/?do=findComment&comment=10577114 We are going to change the Sortie and work on a real fix for the mission itself soon.


This is a performance bug we will fix soon!


The DE Response

Probably can make this a lot better this year, I'm thinking.


We are looking into this issue.


Originally posted by suddenly_satan

Confirming for XBox controller on PC: restarting steam fixed the issue. Thank you!

Aw yahhhh


Originally posted by Vadhakara

Save us /u/rebulast you're our only hope!

08 Mar


Originally posted by Goklayeh

It's only registering my highest score (37 at the moment). If I do less, nothing happens.

Have done way more than 100 right now, and I don't want to do 100 points in one session.

EDIT: all right, my bad, I'm an idiot, it shows you the TOTAL numbers at the end of every mission. I thought these numbers were additional to the previous ones. You know, like all other ressources.

Something like "last mission: +8, total: 38" would make that cristal clear.

What is your account name?




Hildryn's Main Blueprint is being moved from Vox Solaris' Offering Rank of Shadow (Rank 5) to Agent (Rank 2).

This is coming in a near Hotfx - thank you for your feedback!



Can you restore to defaults and see if all functionality is there, just on the new default bindings?


Originally posted by loliwarmech

Is it cumulative? I've closed ~50 total fissures in separate runs and I don't have anything besides the first reward still

It should all be adding up cumulatively, yes.