
Wayfinder Dev Tracker

16 Apr


I don't really get the WDWNT hate... it also doesn't compare to ITM at all so not sure why they're unfairly lumped together.


This is a known issue. Please reach out to support on discord and we’ll get you fixed up.


Japanese electronic stores just hit different. I MISS JAPAN :(

15 Apr

    [AS] SOLIDAge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
(Cross posting the news article that was posted to Steam April 8th)



We have reached an agreement with Digital Extremes to begin the transfer of Wayfinder to Airship in earnest. Until this moment, Digital Extremes has remained the publisher of record on Steam and PlayStation. We now begin the process of transferring those responsibilities to Airship.

We know Wayfinder had a rocky launch, but we still believe in the game and the world we created.

When we founded Airship it was to create great games... Read more

Originally posted by Zennialmillennial


I followed the advice on the following forum and waited about 30 minutes and thankfully it started back up. It now has the “Powertrain Malfunction/Reduced Power” warning though and I don’t feel comfortable trying another fast charger because obviously that triggered it.


Thankfully I have some family in Austin that is going to let me spend the night and hopefully I can charge it enough on a Level 1 wall charger to get me back home to Houston tomorrow evening and take it to the dealership once I’m home.

If you need to get it fixed in Austin, Riata Ford in northern Austin did this repair for me incredibly fast a few weeks ago!

10 Apr

    [AS] SOLIDAge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Again, you're welcomed to message me privately about the situation if you want to, I have absolutely no context or idea of the situation that you mentioned but happy to look into it.

Originally posted by Rias Gremory: That's BS.

I read the very cryptic announcement and like any person with half a brain could see that shutting down purchases for a game with <100 active players is bad news. ON top of other concerning things that were in that announcement. All I said was that I read the announcement and it appears that the game is dying. It didn't even take 30 seconds after that to get chat banned. Your mods are abusing their power. No surprise that you're defending them and blaming the victim though. I love the "doompos...
Read more

Originally posted by Badaltnam

I used to be one of the people that came to pick up the car, we arent payed enough to deal with refusing a car over such small damage, you should be fine

Thanks. I pray that’s the case as it got bigger overnight and is now closer to 12 inches 🙃

    [AS] SOLIDAge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
You're more than welcomed to message me privately to discuss, but stating you had multiple bans then you might want to take a look at exactly what you're posting as the rules are clear.

We do not silence anyone in Discord and you're free to speak your mind about the game or the state of the game, where it becomes a problem is when you do so not in good faith and not looking to engage in conversation but simply trolling.

Originally posted by DISCORD RULES: Engage in good faith conversations.
Speech will not be censored, but we ask players to express their concerns with constructive criticism and feedback. Baiting, doomposting, trolling and intentionally making statements with the perceived purpose of agitating other users is not productive. This can be determined at the discretion of the recipient or moderator/staff, and will result in a warning, followed by a timeout, then a server ban.

Originally posted by Madstupid

From my experience I didn't think it will be an issue. My car had a crack in the windshield I wasn't even aware of when I submitted my car and they didn't mention it.

The car I just bought from Carvana came with 5 chips in the windshield.... But it passes their requirements... Whatever.

Did you drop it off or have them come to you to pick it up?


Originally posted by Madstupid

If it's just one crack it will probably be fine...

The actual impact area is very small, but then a crack about 5” spider webs up the windshield


Do I say anything? There’s one fairly large crack that’s not immediately noticeable but if somebody looks at the car for more than 30 seconds, they’ll see it. I’m pretty frustrated at this time obviously. What does Carvana do in this situation? Do they change their offer? How does that work? Would I be better off bringing it there or them coming to me and your experience which one has less of an inspection?

External link →

08 Apr



We have reached an agreement with Digital Extremes to begin the transfer of Wayfinder to Airship in earnest. Until this moment, Digital Extremes has remained the publisher of record on Steam and PlayStation. We now begin the process of transferring those responsibilities to Airship.

We know Wayfinder had a rocky launch, but we still believe in the game and the world we created.

When we founded Airship it was to create great games in compelling worlds, with memorable characters and adventures. With those core principles in mind, we've spent the last several months working behind the scenes, challenging some of the core ideas in Wayfinder and creating an experience that remains consistent with our standards and beliefs. We did this while keeping in mind that we want to respect our founders and excite new players - all while staying feasible as a business model for us as a new independent publisher. We plan to share these changes soon, but we aren...

Read more External link →

We have reached an agreement with Digital Extremes to begin the transfer of Wayfinder to Airship in earnest. Until this moment, Digital Extremes has remained the publisher of record on Steam and PlayStation. We now begin the process of transferring those responsibilities to Airship.

We know Wayfinder had a rocky launch, but we still believe in the game and the world we created.

When we founded Airship it was to create great games in compelling worlds, with memorable characters and adventures. With those core principles in mind, we've spent the last several months working behind the scenes, challenging some of the core ideas in Wayfinder and creating an experience that remains consistent with our standards and beliefs. We did this while keeping in mind that we want to respect our founders and excite new players - all while staying feasible as a business model for us as a new independent publisher. We plan to share these changes soon, but we aren’t... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

02 Apr


Easy. Technology started to move too fast, and people could experience it for themselves easier and faster than ever with the internet.

29 Mar


You can cross the street to go to cabana Bay for tons of food. It’s a five minute walk and easy to do.

26 Mar


Originally posted by Itzu

I’ll say what he should have said. You guys blew the momentum after the holidays. You guys have been silent for 3, almost 4 months now. To the point that the whole thing screams abandonware. This is basically EA games 101, if the devs go dark for months, it’s most likely that the games dying slowly, or the titanic is sinking and everyone’s trying to jump ship to save their careers. We know there’s issues with the publishing, still doesn’t mean you ignore paying customers for months.

I'm sorry that you feel that we went dark. Upon returning from break between Jan 3rd - Feb 28th, we released 4 patches (granted 1 of which was a smaller hotfix), and we've been engaging with the community here as well as Discord the entire time trying to keep them in the loop about what is going on.

22 Mar


Originally posted by JAXxXTheRipper

I am so sad that I waited 8 years for Capdumb to just f**k up the sequel to my favorite game ever.

Guess I'll wait until it's at 60+% off or the community finds a way to create mods.

For all the people that defend this shitty practice, if a game contains microtransactions for resources, the gameplay loop was designed around them. They are not “just a shortcut”, it's a conscious design decision that's been purposefully made. If you had free access to these resources, or they wouldn't even exist, the game would instantly improve. So it is a crutch that was designed to make you pay for it, either with playtime, or money.

Honest question- If Dragon's Dogma 1 is your favorite game ever, why now do you have a problem with this type of MTX when the first game sold armor, weapons, crystals, consumables, inventory increases and more for real dollars?


Originally posted by nierozumny

Wait... "crystals"? So it's a useable item? When I heard about it I thought it would be buying the option, which was ridiculous on it's own but are they really selling a one and done kind of thing? You wanna fast travel again? Too bad pay us more.

or just buy them in-game.


Originally posted by stark_resilient

multiple save should be a free feature not a paid one.

wtf are you talking about

No wtf are YOU talking about? You can’t buy multiple saves. If you’re going to get mad and argue about something you should actually have an idea of the features you are upset exist / don’t exist.