
Wayfinder Dev Tracker

22 Mar


Originally posted by Past_Tomorrow_9905

Solid you all messed up going christmas vacation when you all that momentum, and the way you made the Awakening system killed this game for me...

Sorry but one thing I won’t apologize for is giving time off to the hard working employees, so they can spend time with their families.


Originally posted by stark_resilient

those aren't the reason why people are mad at dragon dogma 2 currently

they are pissed that there's only one save, which RE4 has multiple saves...

The link, the title, and even the comment you commented on isn’t about a single save file, it’s about MTX.


Originally posted by BxLee

Nah RE4 had mtx like a weapon charm that doesn’t do much, or an outfit that doesn’t really matter. But DD2 has mtx for starting a new character and fast traveling lol. Like we always joke that devs would eventually do that but I never thought it would actually happen.

It’s honestly disgusting. There’s no reason why any kind of mtx that isn’t strictly cosmetic should be in this game. It’s a $70 single player experience with no story dlc. This isn’t the dev’s fault, but whoever made the call for these mtx thought they were going to pull a fast one


Originally posted by SergeantThreat

Haven’t played Dragons Dogma 2 yet, but Resident Evil 4 Remake had some really dumb micro transactions available, but luckily they weren’t really necessary to enjoy a great game. I hope the same is true here

Exact same as RE4

21 Mar


Originally posted by shakethatbear404

It’s looking grim. There hasn’t been any content updates in months now and there’s no timetable for when the next content update will drop, as they’re currently in a bit of a legal battle with DE for transfer of the servers or something like that. Wayfinder is an amazing game, but I’m not confident at all with how things have been going.

Plenty of truthers and copium in the discord if that’s what you’re after.

I know we’ve been quiet for a while, and we hope to return to talking to everyone soon. Wayfinder is not going away. I realize those are just words right now but please be patient with us while we continue to work through the transition.

20 Mar


Originally posted by paulordbm

Have you tried disabling anti-aliasing and screen space global illumination? This fixed the crashes for me. I know it's not great to play without AA but at least no more crashes.

I’m curious if these drivers allows us to turn these two settings on yet. Have you tried them yet?


Originally posted by Braoyen

You should be able to send out your solana from phantom if you uploaded your coinbase wallet.

Yeah I'm able to send and swap stuff already in my wallet, but any idea how to "unstuck" that transaction that's in the coinbase wallet?

19 Mar


Originally posted by Braoyen

Found a solution to this: download phantom wallet > add / connect your coinbase wallet to phantom by entering your perosnal phrase from CB wallet (You’ll end up with two accounts. Account 1 and 2.) > Go to account 2 and send out your solana to account 1 solana wallet address.

Solana is not the problem it’s coinbase. Don’t use solana network on coinbase wallet. Use phantom or metamask for anything involving solana.

hmm I am not the OP, but have the same issue. I followed these steps though and only have Account 1 listed.

18 Mar


Can I ask how you got to this to work? when I got to my App Store and look at iPad and iPhone apps, I only see a few apps listed, and Copilot is not one of them.

17 Mar


Originally posted by Everborn128

Do you know if you click advanced where you pick the % you can actually set the core clock mhz max?

Yeah I clicked custom, then advanced and just turned it down some. I also disabled the 2 settings in HD causing issue. Screen space and AA.

16 Mar


7900 xtx here. Had constant issues as well until I used adrenaline to underclock the core speed by 10%. No issues since.

07 Mar


Players want devs to speak like real people and not suits… they do that then people cry.

05 Mar


Originally posted by shakethatbear404

Thanks for responding… any time table on when we can expect SOMETHING?

And regarding the media attention, this is directly from your discord:

“> pretty sure we will blow some minds and get some media attention with what were cookn

-[AS] Sir_Snarf

No, there's no context for this one. But you know, they've been quiet for reasons.”

I think at this point I don’t even want to be teased, I just want to know when I can expect something. You guys did make a great foundation and you hooked me, that’s why I’m so frustrated with the lack of communication.

Yeah I agree, it shouldn't be framed as a "tease" and shouldn't be hyped at all, and can see how it reads that way. I can't speak for Alex but think he was more or less confirming 1. We are hard at work behind the scenes 2. Thing are happening with the transition and people will take notice - BUT that's not obvious. I'll have a chat with him to make sure that communication is clear going forward and I removed it from the dev tracker. Appreciate the feedback.


Originally posted by shakethatbear404

Nope. Their revamped roadmap said Grendel and the next major content would be out end of Q1 which Q1 ends in 25 days.

Their discord mod keeps teasing some bullshit like “the team is working hard” and “what we have cooking will get us some media attention”. It’s a shitty way to treat your loyal community.

I don’t want to say I regret buying the highest tier founders pack because I did get close to 200 hours on this game, but AS has left a sour taste in my mouth.

Sorry you feel this way, and I can see how it would be frustrating. I just posted a small update above your text saying where we're at. Unfortunately, we aren't able to share much else just yet. This isn't because we're waiting for the right time or some big reveal or "media attention" as might have been misconstrued, we're simply waiting to be in control of the game before we can move forward and discuss what's next.



Hey everyone. I know that you’re all eager to get information on the latest updates for Wayfinder. I wanted to quickly provide some context as to why we haven’t shared much recently.

We are currently working through the transition of service from DE to Airship. As you can imagine, this is a significant undertaking, and it directly affects aspects such as release dates and content—your primary concerns, which we fully acknowledge. We are very keen to share information with our players, but at the moment, we lack concrete details to provide. Sharing premature information could lead to further disappointment and raise questions that we, frankly, do not have the answers to just yet.

The moment we have updates, we will share them here first. Thank you for your understanding and support.

03 Mar


Holy sh*t! I was just thinking about this. I had it as a kid and loved every bit of it. I’m gonna buy it right now and leave it as a coffee table book.

29 Feb


Originally posted by rosier9

It's not like there's a SC attendant to enforce that. It's more of a CYA by Tesla than anything.

The Lectron adapters lack the DC connectors needed for fast charging.

28 Feb


The directory underneath the title of the game shows that it’s your Opera browser.

  • Fixed an issue causing Jobs to fail to populate on the Job Board
  • Fixed an issue causing players to get stuck loading at 14%
  • Fixed an issue causing players to have missing Vestiges and Essences from their inventory
  • Fixed an issue with item scaling causing accessories to be dropping and unequipable at level 34 & 35
  • Fixed an issue causing player to be missing cosmetic dyes from their inventory
  • Removed the "All" tab from the player shop
  • Fixed an issue causing Health potions to be missing from player HUD
  • Fixed an issue causing players not to receive Mastery XP
  • Merged duplicate Wayfinders' Awakening levels to allow players to further Awaken their highest level Wayfinder at Omen
  • Fixed an issue causing some players to get stuck at 99% loading
  • Fixed an issue causing the overworld map fast travel menu not to appear...
Read more

27 Feb


Originally posted by RedLimes

I was hoping for a full fix for the 100% usage bug but at least it's at the top of known issues. I think that one may occasionally effect other games so it will be a big boon when they fix it

Me too but at least since undeclocking my card I’ve had no crashes or issues.