
Wayfinder Dev Tracker

09 Feb


🚨Server Alert 🚨

We have taken down the servers to investigate + rollback the missing items reported by players.

  • Steam will be online in approx. 2-3 hours after our rollback is complete.
  • PlayStation players we'll update you here when we have an estimate for PS4+ PS5.

    Thank you for your patience.


🚨Server Alert 🚨

We have taken down the servers to investigate + rollback the missing items reported by players.

  • Steam will be online in approx. 2-3 hours after our rollback is complete.
  • PlayStation players we'll update you here when we have an estimate for PS4+ PS5.

    Thank you for your patience.

Patch Notes

  • You can now craft multiple Gloomstones and Imbuements at once.
  • Pause menu now displays the correct scaled power level.
  • Store Bundle thumbnails will no longer show only one item on the featured page.
  • Added a Fast Travel flyout menu, which is a list of unlocked Signal Fires to choose from. This can be accessed from any zone map.
  • The Character Menu now has a new visual presentation, including detailed tooltips for Character Stats.
  • Added Performance and Quality modes in graphic settings for Console
  • Shaders are now pre-loaded when the game starts.
  • Continued performance improvements to both Skylight and The Highlands.
  • Various improvements to how the inventory loads and replicated across servers.
  • The character menu has been reworked resulting in im...
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    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

08 Feb


Originally posted by InstanceDull3651

you should refund they are laying off left anf right man. about 150 players daily

While I encourage everyone to vote with your wallet just as I do, I have to interject here and say that your statement of "they are laying off left and right man" is inaccurate. We had to part ways with 12 employees last week, due to the unfortunate reality of where we are, but this was to ensure Wayfinder + Airship both have a future.

05 Feb

UI Updates
The Character Menu has had a facelift, and removes tabs for submenus which can be accessed via a button grid below the gear slots.Players can also navigate the stat window to see information on each stat, and how it affects their character + loadout. Mouse users can hover directly over the stats, while gamepad players can enter stat focus mode with a button.

With this update, we are also experimenting in the Character Menu how tooltip style popups look and feel when navigating the menu with a mouse. We would love to hear feedback on this.
Minor update to the Affinity Menu allowing Perks access through tab navigation, instead of hidden as a submenu accessed through a hotkey.

Inventory UpgradesThe Inventory has also had a little facelift, as phase one of a few cool upda... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

Originally posted by dan_144

Yep, you're eligible. Don't get your hopes up but you'll be on the list at least!

Am I at the bottom of that list because of my free upgrade that I already got it?


Originally posted by ggrnw27

Provided that “first class” on this flight is actually marketed as first class (and not something like D1 on an international flight), yes. The earliest your upgrade could clear (if available) is 5 days before your flight. You’ll just need to make sure you’ve requested the upgrade online/in the app. Your profile may be set to do this automatically, but it’s good to double check for each flight

Thanks for the quick reply. It is indeed marked his first class and it’s domestic. I have requested the upgrade automatically.


As the title says, I purchased a regular ticket with my platinum status and was instantly upgraded to comfort plus.

I’m curious as I get closer to my takeoff if I’m eligible to also be upgraded again to first class if there are available seats.

External link →

30 Jan


Originally posted by CityMuggle

I’m most excited for the Ministry of Magic and Super Nintendo World! I visited Super Nintendo World in Hollywood and by the looks of it, the one in Orlando will be better.

It’s almost double the size and that doesn’t include the new donkey Kong land area 😳

26 Jan


I’m sitting by the pool at Sapphire Falls enjoying a drink and see this post. So I came into the thread to make a snarky comment… then I read the entire post 😂

24 Jan


Rented a private server with G-Portal and whenever any of my friends get online our pals are standing there, stacked on one another, starving, maybe hurt and not working. About 15 seconds after connecting they all start to move around and work + eat. Any ideas?

External link →

23 Jan

Subtitle: Six Major Changes to Enhance Performance and Stability

It’s time to optimize! We hope players have been enjoying the first iteration of the Job Board Preview. We are actively reviewing and planning adjustments to the system based on the mountain of feedback provided by all of you. Our next patch will include quite a few job-related fixes and changes, thanks to the community’s help.

As we showcased in our Q1 Roadmap, this patch will primarily focus on optimizations rather than content. We remain committed to securing the foundation of the game, and we’ve heard players loud and clear: you want better performance, fewer disconnects, and a more stable experience. The team’s big hope with this patch is that we’ve made a significant leap forward in terms of the client’s overall responsiveness and stability.

Shader Precompilation:
Upon startup, we will now perform shader precompilation right away, as opposed to when you encounter content. This w... Read more
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.

20 Jan


I sent a brand new iPhone Pro Max 13 to Aventura hotel with absolutely no problems 🤷‍♂️

19 Jan

  • Removed Runesilver toast remaining on the screen after traveling
  • Removed Eventide info page popping up every time the player travels
  • Added Objective marker for the job objective Arcane Brewer
  • Added Waypoint marker for the job 'Threat Display'
  • Added waypoint on Gloomsphere imbuement slot and location for "Mutated Expeditions" daily jobs
  • Fixed Balgrim Sappers and Reapers not counting towards the "Balgrim Reaper" objective
  • Fixed an issue where players were unable to accept the job 'Precise Brewer' from the Job Board
  • Fixed an issue where Weekly Quest completion were not fully registering as being completed
  • Removed prompt from approaching Eventide portal location
  • Removed access to the Eventide Portal travel menu
  • Removed Vale Shard and Winter Queen Shard Fragment from Echo Matrix
    /u/ on Steam - Thread - Direct
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.