
Wayfinder Dev Tracker

24 May

    [AS] SOLIDAge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Thanks, and we agree! Sadly the Steam ability to give copies with a purchase is no longer supported. If there was an easy way to give out 2 keys we would!

23 May


Originally posted by Setharius710

Solid, is there a chance, even if minuscule, that Wayfinder: Echoes could the first game or a base to build on in the future? The lore, world characters, etc are so original and amazing. I would absolutely hate to see this end up as a one off.

We've been pretty honest with people saying that we're doing this to deliver a 1.0 product that players can have forever.

If the game finds an audience, people are happy with it, and it's financially viable we'd LOVE to support it for years. We aren't doing this due to lack of caring about the world and characters and lore, but out of necessity due to the current state of the industry & business.

20 May


We discussed this at length, but sadly we had to table the ideas we had because we just didn't have time. Something we hope to solve before leaving Early Access!

    [AS] SOLIDAge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Redtrojan77:
Originally posted by AS SOLIDAge: We'll be doing a live stream showing off the game this week. Most likely will be on Wednesday, but stay tuned to here and our socials for more info!
enable refunds
You can contact Steam support. If you're eligible for a refund, they'll refund you.

Originally posted by ventrueluck

Would cost them nothing to give out extra copies of the game to founders.

We want to, but there is no easy way to get player information on Steam or PlayStation. We continue to look into it though.


We'll be looking at expanding to the Epic Game Store in the future, but right now we'll be launching Early Access on Steam.

    [AS] SOLIDAge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Before we leave early access we'll introduce another character, new zone, expanded housing and more.
    [AS] SOLIDAge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
We'll be doing a live stream showing off the game this week. Most likely will be on Wednesday, but stay tuned to here and our socials for more info!

18 May


Unfulfilled Promises: With the game's transition to a single-player format, I will not receive any of the exclusive items promised in the founder packages. Instead, the developers are offering in-game currency for cosmetics, which holds little relevance in a single-player game where modding is encouraged, allowing players to acquire items for free. This drastic change not only devalues my initial investment but also breaches the trust and expectations set when I made the purchase.

This is inaccurate. The 3 outstanding Founder's Items will be delivered with the Echoes Update. All Founder's Items from all the packs will carry over to Echoes.


Originally posted by MetazX

The part you conveniently left out is:

You become a founder by installing cheat engine. So yeah.

This is possible on every single player game on pc. I can’t control that.


Originally posted by Old_Barracuda_536

Exactly what I've been saying. You kept seeing shit like "we're working on X,Y, and Z" but nothing was added. I even gave them the benefit of the doubt because they were honest and said they wouldn't add anything until the DE debacle was cleared up. Then after it was, they still didn't add shit, then jumped ship. And now a bunch of people are getting shafted for touching It. I'll never buy another AS game again Just because of how much they hid the actual agenda.

In December re disabled in game purchases. The minute we took over the business and had made the decision to move forward with Echoes in March, we removed the game for sale, and announced we would be quiet for awhile and there would be major changes coming to the game.


Originally posted by kiku_ichimonji

I’m just curious for one thing. They said the game will have no mtx but then say they will convert leftover runesilver to a different ingame currency that you can buy cosmetics that aren’t in the drops loot table. So if you can’t buy that currency, how would you get these items otherwise?

You can’t. They’re designed for founders. They’re called founder’s coins and you’ll get an allotment based on how much Runesilver you ever had in your wallet. This includes the runesilver from founder’s packs or purchased.


The people in the thread are correct. Steam has discontinued this feature for new titles. Since the game does not require you to give us your email address when you start playing it there is no way other than Steam or PlayStation entitlements to gift extra copies.

    SOLIDAge on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'll bring it up to the team, but sadly if we did that, there would be no co-op.

17 May


Originally posted by Lightningbro

I'll be honest, I'm disappointed. I NORMALLY love "Peer 2 Peer" co-op games.

But... I loved Wayfinder the way it was, even with all the issues.

There's a lot of people I'd normally never interact with, that I ended up talking and fighting with in Wayfinder.

I'm sad that there's probably no hope for their original vision. I understand that the dialogue around the game isn't too happy, with the launch and the HUGE delay on updates because DE decided to play hot potato, Normally I love you DE, but WTF.

If we had gotten the game's original vision, I think the game'd be on the up and up, but instead, it's starting to feel like this game is going solemnly into the territory of "We're going to update for, like, a year to keep up facade and keep some of our promises, and then drop the game saying 'it was a good run' and never look back." Devs be damned if they want otherwise, I'm pretty sure this is where the company is going.

Is there no chance anym...

It's not about righting the ship, it's about we had two paths we could choose from. Deliver a 1.0 product that people have and own forever using our own money to get there, or shuttering the game forever with nothing to show of it. Neither of them are where we want to be. That said, we'd love to continue creating content both inside the game and outside the game for Wayfinder. Official mod support, cross-play, matchmaking, and lobbies are all things we’ve explored and want to do but didn’t with our limited time and resources. If it makes sense financially to do it in Early Access or beyond, we’ll do it.


Originally posted by kjersgaard

Feels like more proof to me they are just going to release the game and walk away. If they aren’t already developing ‘DLC’ then they have no real intention to. And if they’re telling people to use cheats they don’t really give a shit about the integrity of the game either. Neither things bodes well for a long term game.

No, this is just me being an honest and realistic developer. Of course people will hack the game to do whatever they want.


We are currently promising to deliver version 1.0 of the game so players have something forever. If there is an audience for Wayfinder, we will continue to make content for it past that release, but it needs to make financial sense to do so.

16 May


Originally posted by WatchingTaintDry69

So is this not available for those of us who paid for the console version?

No, it's all coming to PlayStation 5 and Xbox.