League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

01 Apr


Originally posted by Ephemiel

Has there been a moment where the team can't really decide on what champ to add/many members felt they shouldn't be added yet?

I have no clue o.0. I dont work with the champ team super closely so I'm not sure what things they've all gone through


Originally posted by WowYouTriedIt

Apple juice or orange juice?

depends on the time of day, but usually apple in evenings orange in mornings. But only orange with lots of pulp.

When i was a kid i used to think orange juice w/ pulp is just getting bonus fruit in my juice = more value. Since than i just like the feel of pulp XD


Originally posted by Boxortoo

What games do you play on your free time (outside of league/wild rift ofc. :P)

lots of tft and slay the spire right now in addition to WR & league :D


Originally posted by Khnlai

Hooman serve your catto 😼

Edit: She demands treatos

you right


Originally posted by limsyoker

Thanks for stopping by! What’s for lunch?

I actually got caught up in meetings so didnt get to eat. I had some coffee & eggs for breakfast though!


Originally posted by R_Bazerka

Yea! I entered college as a chemical engineering major, and half way through I was like "fluid dynamics is not really my jam, but i like cooking" enter food science. Its honestly super interesting. For example: when we were learning about super saturated solutions (if you heat up a liquid, it changes the amount of solids that liquid can dissolve) we made fudge!

When you heat up the liquids in fudge, it increases the amount of sugar the solution can hold while still remaining liquid. After you dump a ton of sugar into the solution and let it cool down, you bring the solution below the maximum threshold for sugar aka the "saturation point". It still remains a liquid, but its holding more sugar than it can normally dissolve (why its called a super saturated solution). So when you do anything to the system (tap it, wiggle it, add 1 grain of sugar, etc) it causes a cascade effect in the solution turning it from liquid -> solid super fast! To learn how the dyna...

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Originally posted by GodsCupGg

Imagine not asking for food

So food science?

Yea! I entered college as a chemical engineering major, and half way through I was like "fluid dynamics is not really my jam, but i like cooking" enter food science. Its honestly super interesting. For example: when we were learning about super saturated solutions (if you heat up a liquid, it changes the amount of solids that liquid can dissolve) we made fudge!

When you heat up the liquids in fudge, it increases the amount of sugar the solution can hold while still remaining liquid. After you dump a ton of sugar into the solution and let it cool down, you bring the solution below the maximum threshold for sugar aka the "saturation point". It still remains a liquid, but its holding more sugar than it can normally dissolve (why its called a super saturated solution). So when you do anything to the system (tap it, wiggle it, add 1 grain of sugar, etc) it causes a cascade effect in the solution turning it from liquid -> solid super fast! To learn how the dyna...

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Originally posted by My_Little_Foxy

Did game development turn out what you expected it to be? Are you happy doing it? Sorry if this was outside the range of questions you wanted to ask, game development is just an interest of mine.

no! its a great question, game development, much like any other job, is a mixture of both good and bad. However, I've found its mostly good :). Theres so much joy to be had in creating things for players & fixing pain / problems that people experience. I really love it :)


Originally posted by KSmoria

What rank are and # of ranked games played? (in WR)

I just finished my placements sitting at Bronze 2 i think? I kinda shot myself in the foot tho (played while sunk deep in my couch, so performance was far from optimal).


Originally posted by TheLilyDragon

What kind of cat do you have? What is his/her favorite toy? Why have you not paid the cat tax? What is his/her favorite food?

Shes a short haired... something? Tbh im not sure I adopted her from a shelter when she was a kitten XD. Cat tax: https://twitter.com/RiotBazerka/status/1376967065790246912?s=20

She demolishes pretty much all toys I buy her. I found the guts of a stuffed mouse strewn around my bedroom a couple nights ago XD.

She also really loves these freeze dried fish treats. But they stanky so I give them out sparingly


Originally posted by itsameamariobro

I live in the southern US so we ride the mud instead lol. Snowboarding was always an interesting sport to me tho. That’s pretty cool! Edit: also thanks for interacting with the player base during your lunch break, we appreciate you.

"mud" lol, I grew up in Texas so I know what you mean. Still remember when we got 1/2" of snow in 5th grade. We absolutely flipped out. I remember it took 1 cars worth of snow just to make a snowball lol


Originally posted by heyyura

What's your favorite keyboard and what switches?

Do you use a different keyboard at home and at work (pre-WFH if y'all are doing that)?

Bonus: any thoughts on ergonomic mech keyboards? I've been looking into those a bit lately

I currently have 3 ergodoxes (1 infinity ergodox + 2 hotdoxes). I love them lots. On my main keyboard I have holy pandas and on my 2 alts I have Kiwi switches (tactile) and Tealios' (linear). So its safe to say I do love ergonomic mech keyboards XD.

I started using them cause i have shoulder issues, so having 2 key pods means it reduces shoulder pain for me :D


Originally posted by itsameamariobro

Since no one else seems to be here atm, do you snowboard and if so, in the US?

lol, i do snowboard! We mostly go to Big Bear mountain or Mammoth Mountain. I started snowboarding end of 2019, so this year was my first full season. I REALLY love it :D


Originally posted by itsameamariobro

Do you use your position to get trolls banned when playing and getting toxic/literal troll picks//gameplay?

uhh i think you're asking do I ban trolls / toxic ppl personally? No, Im not an expert in those areas so me taking on individual actions, imo, is irresponsible. However, I do report people as I see fit! And if there is a REALLY egregious case I'll take a screenshot & share with the relevant teams for specific review, but always the people with the expertise are the ones to take action there


Whenever I play other games, I'm always curious about the random life facts of the devs who make the game. Wanted to do a ama style thing if y'all were curious about a WR devs life. Some ground rules:

  1. Be respectful please! There are some things that I might politely decline to answer
  2. I only have a short amount of time (doing this during my lunch :D).

Ask away!

Edit - some of my fav topics to talk about:

  • F1 racing
  • Mechanical keyboards
  • my cat
  • cooking / food science
  • games (duh)
  • snowboarding!
External link →

Its hard to say whats causing the issue right now without knowing more about your account (please do not share your account details publicly or even DM with me). I'd encourage you to create a player support ticket as a next step. The PS agents have the tools to look into your account and can help you fix whatever is causing the login issue :). Good luck friend!



I totally understand your approach here, but imo the addition of neutral objectives creates variability & flavor in each match. Because of a teams movements & rotations around the map to secure various objectives each match ends up looking very different to the one you just played = more fun. Otherwise without neutral objectives most matches would fall into an optimized pattern for success "push, group fight, push win" I think. Obviously there is a point at which too many things is, well, too much but I think its at a healthy balance right now :). I do agree though it does take a while to get used to, but complexity sometimes is why a thing is fun x).


Is this still happening to you? There were issues with the Wild Core store earlier this week, but I believe they were resolved. Lmk if you're still hitting problems and I can report to the live ops team


Glad you're enjoying it! I guarantee you we will never add any mechanics that are pay to win (buy a skin, get more power in game, etc). There are some luck based things (like hextech chests), but all the content you're able to obtain from chests you can also buy direct and, as mentioned previously, they dont give you any powerups in a match but instead are purely cosmetic.


A dev who never knows how to end these types of messages

30 Mar


As what many of others have said, this is a phone setting, not something we can wrangle within the app (and even if we could we likely wouldn't want to). It's up to the user what level or 'do not disturb' or to turn off notifications of the apps they don't wish and those are handled differently based on your device and your personal settings.