League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

02 Apr


Originally posted by thouchimcken

Do you get enough sleep?

honestly? not really


Originally posted by Plat_4_Beat_Faker

Is there some way to get these 2D animated splashes as wallpapers? I love these animated splashes and I'd love to have the foxfire ahri one as my wallpaper. it's clear that so much work has gone into these!

oo good question! I'll ask the team see what they say


Originally posted by underpaidgamedev

I'm not /u/R_Bazerka but game development is an industry that is not actually very reliant on going to college for it at all, depending on what your job is. It can make stuff easier, but it's not really a requirement at all.

Main skills you want are organizational skills & people skills, things college won't teach you directly (but can indirectly).

Stuff like programming/art/writing can be self taught or (in the case of art/writing) come naturally by anyone with the drive to do so.

(Almost) No one cares if you didn't go to college or didn't get a degree in comp sci if you can prove you have the work ethic by making your own projects, whether that's a full blown indie project or working in the mod scene.

In fact, honestly, having a degree completely unrelated to comp sci is seen at a lot of big companies as a benefit not a hindrance because it means you have outside knowledge that can come into play which happens more fre...

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Listen to this person, they know what they're talking about


Originally posted by [deleted]


Haha no, her name is Neeko


Originally posted by HenryChess

I entered college as a chemical engineering major

Then how did you end up being a game dev? 🤣

Im a sh*t engineer / scientist. I get too distracted / bored with repetitive testing


Originally posted by gandalftheokay

League player for 6 years, great job to you and the team. So many great quality of life and visual changes that I wish the PC version had. Im playing on my S21+ and its just incredible.

Thanks! We're really overwhelmed with the reception, its been both exhilarating and terrifying. Glad you're enjoying it <3


Originally posted by Pudinmonsta

As someone who's pursuing chemistry, but is passionate about food, but isn't passionate about the lack of financial compensation for say, a chef, what other directions can food science be explored in a non traditional way? My biggest inspirations are Herve This and Alton Brown.

Yea! It can work in various ways. Most of the time I've seen it work in food labs. My focus was on agroponics & alternative methods for growing fresh foods. Most poverty & the horrors that are associated with that can be linked to someones ability to obtain and eat fresh foods (specifically vegetables). Most of the cost for fresh veggies is in transpo & shipping so if you can grow it closer to the cities that need them, you widen access to healthier food options. Better food = healthier people = less medical bills = more money for education, housing, etc = better standards of living.

Its all about finding what you're passionate about & what you want to execute on!


Originally posted by TeoVerunda

Does Wild Rift experience Spaghetti code?

My other question is sunny side up or scrambled?

All games have spaghetti code ;). Thats the secret.

Uhhh I pref sunny side up :)


Originally posted by zieleix

I like f1 my fav team is Mclaren, so glad they have Lando and Ricardo, who's ur favorite team

Eyyy the bois in orange! They've got a great lineup. I WANT to root for Haas, but im a Redbull guy.


Originally posted by deadxdolly

What kinda freeze dried fish? Do you get them at a pet store?

Yes petstore, no idea what kind of fish


Originally posted by HrishHD

Wow a true chemE applying what you learnt and all. And here I am crying myself to bed over this kinetics assignment 😂

What was your favourite chemE course, other than fluid dynamics?

I actually really enjoyed Ochem 2. Most ppl hated it, but my brain just works that way I think


Originally posted by Flyntloch

What music do people on the dev teams listen to? I am seriously curious to see if there's any big songs that help them think/work, or just playlists in general.

I have lofi hip hop beats, smooth evening jazz, and classical piano playlists at the ready


Originally posted by spydermayhem

You ever play Motorsport Manager? Should F1 ever do a dirt track event like Nascar did on Monday? Favorite place to snowboard?

I have! Its a fun game, would recommend :D.

F1 on dirt tracks would be fun, but i'd imagine deeply dangerous lol. Dirty = rocks + open c*ckpits = injured drivers lol.

Snowboard - I've never been but I really want to go to Solitude in Utah. I've heard good things :D


Originally posted by Neoxyte

What's your favorite restaurant?

Ooo hard question, theres a hawker center in Singapore that has an amazing char kuey teow stall that i love. I'd have to say that (I'm ethnically singaporean so reminds me of my culture)


Originally posted by LookAtThisGraphs

Why dont devs want us to know champions winrate? (and other stats) Its seems really sus, every game should have public API even more Wild Rift since Devs are calling the "most balanced moba mobile"

I promise no conspiracy xD. Its more that creating APIs / crunching statistics = work, honestly lots of work. When given the choice between "release the game" vs. "make an api for champ win rate" we will prioritize releasing the game always. TO BE CLEAR I am not confirming that an api is coming, I straight up have NO CLUE (im not on that team). Im just giving you an insight into what I imagine the prioritization convo looked like

01 Apr


Originally posted by inssein

What games do you play outside of league? do you play any other mobas.

I dont play other mobas too much (I watch them though!). As for other games I mentioned it in a prev response :)


Originally posted by LICKING_AHRIs_FEET

Is mayonnaise an instrument?

i dont even know how to respond to this lol


Originally posted by hazardous_lazarus

Shoo, F1 racing, nice.

How do you rate the Bahrain race?

Also, gow long have you been into it? I started watching in 1997.

Yoo, Bahrain was awesome. I've been a Lewis fan for a while, but I'm really excited to see Redbull challenging Merc this season. I want a tight / close fight for the championship and it seems like Redbull is up for the challenge this year :D. I'm also a Ceco fan so hype for that haha.

I started watching in 2018ish?


Originally posted by xXFast_BOIXx

Your fav champ in Wild Rift or LOL?

hmmm tough question, but i usually veer towards gangplank or morgana :D. I like their mechanics


Originally posted by psycho-logical

Lore wise, who do you think is the strongest champ?

hmmmm, I think Bard's lore is largely untapped potential I think. Mystical interdimensional space traveler gathering meeps only to chuck them at an enemy the first sign of trouble? Color me interested