League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

18 Jun


Originally posted by Sharick43

Then again as a renekton player i gotta tell ya most of the duels i loose because nasus is a straight up monster in late game (i know i can go with team but before that i have to be running from Nasus not to give him the fat advantage

Oh you gotta take him down. Renekton's reward is crazy.

17 Jun


Originally posted by DueBell514

Would it be possible to increase the likelihood of a nemesis dual happening in a match with opposing characters. Since it was dropped I have only seen 3 nemesis duels, it's posts like these that remind me that nemesis duel actually exists.

It's something we have talked about a few times. We still want it to feel special when it happens, and it shouldn't be something that is top of mind when picking one of these champions.

We could make it happen more frequently, but the primary constraints are to make sure teams are on equal enough footing and late enough in the game so that the duel isn't a prominent power spike.

I personally think we could stand to see it a little more often without it having a drastic impact on the game. Though there are plenty of players who dislike this sort of mechanic, so we wouldn't want to go too far if we did make it happen more often.


Originally posted by justanotherjayd

Yeah there's Nemeis Duel between Rengar v Kha'zix and Nasus v Renekton

Gonna need to extend that list soon.

14 Jun


Originally posted by Deucalion24

that’s a good point. without seeing the code though, I have no idea what the other complexities some of those other champs have vs. tibber’s programming that would be keeping them from porting over a whole handful of them

The big challenge with pet champions are the number of things on screen + how targeting works.

A lot of things on screen can be a problem for older devices, especially in AllForOne where you could have multiple of the same champion.

More summons can also mean that the targeting system needs to account for them. They can block skill shots, change basic attack targets, and we need to think about how the tap targeting system takes them into account.

That isn't to say we can't/won't see these kinds of champions, don't worry, we will. None of those things are blockers, just challenges. I just wanted to talk about some of the challenges that we run into with summoning lots of pets.

30 Apr


Mana burn is something that League PC originally had, but it was removed early on in its life.

I wouldn't expect it to show up in either game, it has a few problems that don't really make it worth having.

1) Like others have pointed out it wouldn't work vs several champions, and while this is fine for some games, it isn't really a space we like things to sit in for Wild Rift.

2) Mana burn is very unfeelable until it feels horrible. Small bits of mana burn is easy to miss and not even know you are being mana burned or burning someone else. But when it does start to matter, if you are the one out of mana, it feels awful, and the only thing you can do is go back to base. While as the one doing the mana burn you might not even really notice.

Basically the feel good, feeling, of mana burning someone isn't nearly as strong as the feels bad, feeling, of being mana burned.

Generally a silence effect, or spell shield, counter, or something else ca...

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16 Apr


Originally posted by osgonauta

How about increasing the amount of wards the totem gives after a set amount of time or after an objective has been completed? This would increase vision as the game progresses while remaining a whole team effort.

Let's start with what is the problem you are trying to solve with any change. We could increase wards as the game progresses, but what is motivating us to do so? Any change also comes with trade offs, and too much vision has its own problems.

If we felt vision in the late game was a problem, and something that needed to be increased then this could be a good option. However it's generally better for vision to decrease over time so that players don't have perfect situational awareness. An example of this is that losing a tower decreases vision.

This makes sure that plays still happen, and players can set up ambushes or take objectives.

31 Mar

30 Mar


Originally posted by Reivax_Enyaw

Can y'all remove disabled champions in banning phase for USB then? There's beem a lot of champions in my region that is disabled but is banned resulting in a wasted ban.

Ya this seems like an oversight or a bug. I'll make sure it gets brought up.


Sorry, some champions are disabled in USB. Basically every champion needed rescripting and big fixes, so for its first release we had to disable select champions.


Sorry, not every champion is available in USB. Many champions need to be rescripted for the mode, so for its first release we wanted to ship it with as many champions as possible without keeping players waiting any longer than we had to.

20 Mar


Yeah that's not sufficiently detailed. The first blood needs to happen very soon after someone goes AFK in order to prevent a remake. This was built to prevent players from going AFK to remake a game if they had a poor jungle invade or something. It's not precise because we can't tell the exact moment someone goes AFK (as opposed to just stopping for some reason), so it is possible for a first blood to happen after you see someone go idle to prevent a remake. However, if someone is AFK from the start of the game, you should still get a remake vote even if there is a first blood afterwards. If you can dm me info about the game, or capture a video following the AFK player in a replay, I can poke the team about it.

16 Mar


Originally posted by ragingOcean

This makes no sense. People intact play what is strong or what gets buffed. Maybe lower elo players don’t because they don’t read patch notes or even care or know what patches are

I can promise you that is not true, and people play what they enjoy regardless of rank. That is perfectly fine and I'd argue better anyway. If power was the only thing that mattered we would see far more people playing Singed and Asol, yet they are some of the least popular champions and ones a freakin space dragon.


Tanks have been very strong for a very long time, I can't imagine this patch makes them weak.

I can't say that they will be "meta" because the meta is shaped by what people are playing, not what is strong. So player perception and how feelable something is has an outsized impact on if it becomes meta.

But I'd bet that if you are looking to win more games picking a tank isn't going to hurt.

03 Mar


Originally posted by brainsuckerf

u/R0gueFool I heard that you're the person that work on the game's control. Would you share your thought on this solution?

Hey sorry for the late response, the last few days have been busy.

I guess the question is what do you think you are missing with the current camera system?

Wild Rift is intentionally focused on your champion, and their position. We did, somewhat recently, make a change to show your champion in the mini-cam if they would be off-screen (such as when you pan the camera). But that is more of a tool for when you are using things like Pantheon's ultimate, and it is not something we want to encourage players to use all the time.

I think the biggest problem I see here is that most people do not use a 3 finger claw grip when playing, and we don't want to encourage that to be the norm.

I believe the team did try versions of a free cam system early in Wild Rift's development (before my time) and it leads to a lot of complex situations.

27 Feb


Can you capture a video of this happening during a game (you can dm me on reddit or post a link here)? This is obviously not correct behavior, but I don't think we've ever encountered something like this in testing. It might be hardware issue like other folks are suggesting, but a video will help us diagnose what's going on.

18 Feb


Originally posted by Yin155

Hey sorry to hijack this post but I wanted to bring a bug with her auto to your notice, when you try to hit a honey fruit somtimes her autos just go through it unless you hit the button specifically for it.

Ya it's an odd situation because plants don't have a typical hitbox. I'll make a note to bring it up and we can see what pops up.

17 Feb


This brings back flashbacks to early playtests of me getting destroyed... In early tests we didn't have a MS in combat and she could zoom around dodging everything.


Originally posted by ArmchairSeahawk

I was trying to play it in URF mode haha

Sorry it isn't live yet, I should have said the next content patch, not balance patch.

20 Jan


There is not a way to disable this, however 3's second press does not affect the cool down of the ability itself. It is simply there to help with his combo.

Bit of a sneak peak, but in the next major content patch we are adding this combo tech to Alistair's 2>1 / W>Q so that it functions by pressing 2>2 /W>W, and Jayce's ranged form 1>3 / E>Q so that it functions by pressing 1>1 / Q>Q.

14 Jan


Originally posted by TheQuestionableDuck

hey can i ask for a toggle button for zoe auto cast q behind and Infront of me? auto q backwards are extremely weird when i started playing her from pc its feel so weird have it like cast in the moving direction similar to dashing skill toggle. and also this weird bug that haven't been fix is popping up really frequently when you use joystick and manual q control at the same time it sometimes lost tracking of my control joystick making it really awkward when you bubble an enemy and both of you just stare at each other because you cant get your q in. i have lost so many fight because of that bug.

Champion-specific settings and toggles are not something we want to do, it ends up being a rabbit hole where before each game you need to adjust your settings or don't feel like you can play a champion until you have tweaked their own specific setup.

There are situations where players might prefer using an existing setting over another with a champion, but we are not happy when something must be used (Looking at you Riven, and Dash in Move Direction: Off).

I understand that shooting the projectile away from your opponent is a bit odd, but we felt it was worth it to avoid situations where tap casting the ability would basically be trolling yourself if the first cast went toward your target. It can still be aimed in situations where you do want to send the first cast forward, though that will likely be less common.

As for the bug you problem up, this isn't something I have seen, but if you have a clip (ideally showing your screen touch position if possible)...

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