League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

20 Feb


Originally posted by MashV

Thank you for responding. What you're doing with this game is really appreciated.

Much appreciated. Thanks for the great thoughts and feedback, always happy to talk about these things!


Originally posted by ikiRT00

I understand. Thanks for the feedback again. You guys are awesome, for real! S2

Ditto! Appreciate the great feedback!


Originally posted by ikiRT00

Agreed. But could you implement pink wards in game? Maybe as an upgrade for normal trinkets after achieving certain lvl. It could take 2 slots of the normal wards, limiting the amount of trinkets on the team, but granting true vision.

We could even choose between blue, red or staying with the yellow. Blue could be limited to only one ward, but with longer range and red would be like said above.

I think it would add depth not only for the support role, but for the team play as well.

By the way, thanks for the answer and all the support you guys provide for our community!

Pink wards are an interesting topic and one we've discussed. It has some complications with the current system both from the itemization and vision system.

In the item system we don't have or want consumable items, so we'd need to have a pink ward in the trinket system.

For vision system it mostly falls into the overall balance and volume of vision on the map. Pink wards are not only extremely powerful vision additions, they subtract vision from the enemy which has a pretty massive impact on the overall balance, especially when you can multiply that by 10 players. The biggest impact this would probably have is on snowballing, which is something I'm not sure we want to be making stronger atm, but there are pros and cons to these options.

I think Pink Wards are a potential option (and we've discussed it in the past), there's just some complications that would need to get sorted out and we'd need to be careful before we added them into the system.


Originally posted by MashV

apart from that item, is it planned to add more pc lol items to wild rift or it's a design choice to have this amount of limited items? Same for runes, it would open lot of personalization in playstyles to add more runes and items.

On a related note, why don't you use the new upgraded pc lol icons in wildrift too?

Runes we're unlikely to expand a lot, they just simply aren't as important a system in Wild Rift as on PC as the time for Runes to really shine is on PC is That Level 1-3 window. Before a champions power really activates, and items start to get completed.

Wild Rift has such a short time window for that phase a super heavy focus on runes just doesn't make sense, but we may look at adjusting the system we already have.

Items are a system we'll likely be doing some updates and expansions on at some point, we'll go into more details as we get closer to releasing them.

19 Feb


Folks in the thread have largely answered it already but there's a few reasons we stay away from support items as they exist on League-PC. Support items in this case I'm referring to (and I'm assuming you are too), the starting items for supports that assist in gold generation only. Not, stuff like Staff of Flowing waters - Normal items for support characters.

The big reasons are

  • We do not need them to gold to supports early in the game. Our laning phase is shorter -and- the gold system innately accounts for it.
  • We need less vision than on PC for the game to function properly. It's a smaller map with much more open terrain. We cannot mirror 1-1 ward, and vision count without very serious problems.
  • We do not believe that warding is the supports job. Warding and vision gathering is part of the team nature of the game, by allowing support players to opt into buying a lot more vision, we functionally fo...
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18 Feb

07 Feb


Originally posted by ggdenied

Hello there! Community Leader here for Wild Rift for MY and SG :D Was wondering if the upcoming tournaments are strictly invited only, or will there be open qualifiers for aspiring teams? Cheers!

Thank you for helping us build the community! I hear you on having open qualifiers for new aspiring teams. Can't disclose any further details now, but please be on the lookout for more announcements from our team in SEA soon.


Originally posted by Lxrs98

I basically want the system of pc lol for wild. regional leagues and msi/worlds. I’ll be patient because this will take time - but please bring us esports items ingame so we can cheer and support our favorite teams

Do you think the mobile audience wants the exact same things? Would you do anything differently?


Originally posted by neongodcsgo

Nice, I'll make sure to read it!


Originally posted by hafizhakimi_r

Hello. I know that this is not related to wild rift esports but just asking is there any chance of a riot games world championships? Like having league, tft, valorant and wild rift world championships in one big event.

We really want to give each game its own spotlight. Also, if you only play/follow one of the games, it would feel bad to be forced to endure watching other games before you can watch the one you actually like. But hey, I can't speak for all of esports at Riot.


Originally posted by hafizhakimi_r

I would say stick to bo3/5. Maybe if you want to stretch it take it to bo7 for grand final. Other than that is just too long because even tho this is not league, i dont think the pro players can endure a series of bo9

Agreed that Bo9 is probably too much. I really meant to say we will explore ways to make series a bit longer. Imagine putting together a huge event and having ~30 minutes of gameplay if a Bo3 goes 2-0.

06 Feb


Originally posted by MrMiauz

To get it out there have you thought about doing segments during the lol pc esport days like during the lec,lcs,lck,lpl etc the games are shorter so it’s not like there going to take up a lot of the broadcast time and it will get the lol pc watchers into the game more

Especially if you can get the pro teams to have WR teams it can build there fan base up also

Interesting thought here. We do want to leverage LoL PC Esports to promote WR Esports and vice-versa — but we don’t want to be pushy. When TFT came out we put a significant amount of TFT content as part of LoL All-Stars and the community didn’t receive that very well. People tuned into All-Stars to watch LoL, not TFT. We want to avoid that with WR. Nonetheless, there’s one big question behind this that is — how big is the overlap between the LoL and WR audiences? We know there is some overlap, but don’t know how big it is yet.


Originally posted by theSynnefulKage

Hello and nice to meet you Noha! I was wondering if you guys ever needed on-air talent or any of the like, is there an option to try out or get that position?

Nice to meet you too! When the time comes we will definitely look for new on-air talent for WR. Those opportunities are, for the most part, regional. So I encourage you to look out for opening coming from our regional esports teams.


Originally posted by YEETpoliceman

I would looove to expect from competetive scene, a bit longer plays, what I mean by that is just that we have a sligthly bigger map but that's not happening i guess.

Also the fact that we don't have inhibs it's saad.

What I loved to experience is replay feature or spectator, one of the best things i did enjoy.

What I also expect from esport side to come out is role/ or even just ban system in game

May I ask why would you like longer games? One of Wild Rift core features is the shorter games. That’s intentional and unlikely to change drastically. On the esports side we’ll likely explore Bo5/7/9 instead of the traditional Bo1/3/5 in LoL PC.


Originally posted by aron11195

riot ben forbes is already asking about it on twitter 3 days ago. they want info on what devices ur using

^ this! please send reports to support-wildrift.riotgames.com so we can collect more info!


Originally posted by Zarathos-X4X

It would be amazing to See Untapped Countries with Amazing potential and Great Potential have a chance to showcase themselves on the bigger Stage. Countries like India, Singapore etclack representation and acknowledgement even though there's amazing Player base already Present. As for the Global Perspective, am official Ruleset would make it clear to the Community Organisers. Support towards Grassroots, and transperancy Between Riot and The Community will also build confidence, and help boost the Esports Ecosystem

Yes. Totally hear you on fostering community tournaments. Stay tuned, we’ll share more soon!


Originally posted by RebelHeartXO

Hello, glad someone from Riot is looking at this subreddit for the potential of esports.

Having said that, we would expect the following

  1. Regions who have not excelled in LOL PC might have a shot in LOL WR, particularly SEA and South Asia. we actually see SEA, Korea, Brazil and China as legitimate major regions like how the LCS, LEC, LCK and LPL is in the PC counterpart.
  2. Create grassroots programs for more players to have opportunities to grow and have a shot in competitive WR
  3. Strengthen marketing plans for the countries with stronger presence for mobile gaming. The competitor MOBA has actually saturated the PH and ID market so there is comparison but due to the global presence of LOL, it can create strong waves. Oh did I mention the impact of viewership. Just to share the finals of the competitor MOBA's "Worlds" have gained 3 million peak viewers more than any game of Worlds 2020 except the final, mostly are Burmese, FIlipino, and Indonesians...
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Thanks for your thoughts. We 100% don’t want to assume that the major regions for LoL PC will be the same for WR. We want to give regions an equal playing field and time will tell us how they perform. But I totally hear you on paying special attention to mobile-predominant markets.


Originally posted by heskethh2

One Thing I strongly suggest is

- Do Not going toward franchising model like LEC/LCK (the buy-in, mobile leagues are best being open, any team can promote or relegate.)

- Allow space for big community/third party events as much as possible, dont tied everything to the leagues

having leagues is ok but should allow space for big events outside these, from the community and 3rd party around the world to run both, Basically like how #VALORANT is working right now is the very ideal also how PUBG MOBILE doing with their Season is a great example

because in Mobile Esports, 3rd Party/Amateur/Community is the key and you need to provide space/help them at the most this at the end will help elevate the high level and the top leagues automatically

by all this you can still run major leagues and events like MSI/Worlds into it without preventing 3rd parties from hosting big events

as I sai...

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We learned that, to create a thriving Esports ecosystem, you need all parties to be financially healthy. You want teams making money, pros making great salaries (on average, not just a handful doing big bucks in prize pools). Our best answer for sustainability so far has been long-term partnerships with teams in the form of franchises. It really helps creating stability for businesses. It’s hard for an Esports org to invest millions of dollars to setup infrastructure and close long-term sponsorship deals, if they don’t know if they’ll be part of the top-tier competitions next season. That’s especially true when you have leagues vs an open tournament structure.

But we don’t want to assume franchising is the answer to everything. We don’t even want to assume that leagues is the answer to everything. The structure will probably vary from region to region, and evolve over time. Franchising is also a topic for a few years down the road, when we’ve tested markets and know what th...

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Originally posted by Linko_98

Yeah competitive integrity is the main problem, I dont know if there are controllers that can make players cheat but when the time comes and there will be console pro players you will have to check controllers every time. I remember reading about counter strike pro player that was cheating by having something in the mouse.

Thanks for your long answer, I wish you guys good luck and I hope we can get a fantastic competitive scene.

Yeah we do have a standard procedure to check any peripherals used in official competitions. We’ve been doing that with mouse/keyboard for years in LoL PC, and would definitely do the same for controllers should they ever be allowed in WR competitions.