League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

29 Mar


Originally posted by GodsCupGg

gonna check it practice tool again

Edit: checked on a puppet in training at lvl 15 i have 1.01 atk speed dash and instant open tab no change in atkspeed

Verified myself too in practice tool. Looks like the attack speed is only lasting 1 attack. I will see if we can hotfix this, but we may need to wait to the next patch due to logistics. Thanks for posting this thread.

24 Mar


Originally posted by loyalshnuffy

It's nice to see you responding to so many messages. Thank you



Originally posted by yazmadaoyna

After emerald nobody actually cares about role queue. Because everybody plays every lane. But when there is a broken champ, banning system is much more needed. Higher elo players want banning system more tbh

I'd def believe that is very true for some players and I get the argument, but it's not true for the majority, even in high skill play. This is the kind of thing we survey folks on pretty frequently.

23 Mar


Originally posted by cha0z_

Hey, regarding the wild pass - will you continue to do events with the same frequency or you will switch the content/initiative to play from events to the wild pass? Will be upfront here - I hope that you will not go "all mobile, all profit" way and keep it a premium experience... I really liked that till now purchases are not "in your face" and one could receive icons, heroes, borders and so on - from events that are unique, thematic and different from each other.

Already spend 150-200$ and I am not regretting, just keep in mind that a lot of us (I am sure of) not only prefer WR as a gameplay over ML, but totally also the more premium game feel attached to it. VG is a good example for bad trajectory (besides their bad monetisation strategy that they should had changed literally 1 year after release with model similar to PC league) - started like you - totally premium experience (their only mistake was they gave easy and fast path to unlock any skin you want) and from there...

Read more

There are no plans to adjust our event strategy in regards to event pass. They are separate systems with separate goals (give some free content and cheap access to more content for players who play heavily).

We are going to look at some continued improvements to events but I think you'll be happy with them based on this comment :)

From a $$$ perspective, obviously we need to make money as a company but the most important $ figure we track is ensuring people don't regret their purchase after they buy it. We think it's absolutely critical that people can choose to spend money and feel good doing so.



We definitely still want to add bans, but game development is always about tough tradeoffs. In this case we made a call to prioritize position preference system before adding bans. A lot of the client work, UX/UI, etc is the same folks who would be doing both systems.

While bans is certainly the easier feature it non-the less would have delayed position preference noticeably later and the upsides to PosSel are much higher - influencing everything from better team comps, helping players learn and onboard, reducing toxicity, the list goes on. Fear not though, we still believe bans are highly valuable though and will still add them at a later date.


Originally posted by nagabalashka

Does someone understood what they said about attack speed ?

There will be more details in the patch notes but essentially we slowed down how much higher volumes of attack speed reduce your windup frames. It's important to note you will still get exactly as many attacks per second you'll just pay a slightly higher movement penalty for attacking while running with late game items. There will be no noticeable change at lower attack speed values.

I personally still feel it's very generous and smooth, but we're definitely going to be listening to feedback on this one.

22 Mar


Hmmm yes, the Force is strong with this one

10 Mar


Originally posted by YEETpoliceman

Alright, thanks for the answer

i'd also wanna add that these articles (the "Real Talk" ones, anyway) will likely just be casual check-in updates (like League PC's "Quick Gameplay Thoughts") as opposed to big feature announcements which you'll usually see on YouTube, in dev diaries, on the website, etc


Originally posted by YEETpoliceman

I wish they could say more about RoleQ etc..

Im so sad that i got nothing from this real talk tbh

i worked with alan to write this, and i feel you. we wanted to just acknowledge a lot of the pain y'all had been feeling (finally, right?) so we'd have something to refer back to to hold us accountable. unfortunately, we don't have much hard data to share quite yet - we're really invested in making these spaces better, so just want to echo a thank you from the team for pushing us on them.

07 Mar


Originally posted by TwinShad0w

Your communication is the sole reason I'm still hype for this game. And for that... Thank you! <3

Cheers mate :D


Originally posted by dameddy

stop browsing reddit and fix your game

but like how will I keep up with the dank memes?


Originally posted by somedingusnumber2

f**k you

Let it out friend, use your words :D


Wild Rift is out for both Android & iOS in EU and South East Asia! If you are in the Americas you'll have to wait a bit as we roll out the game to the region (I know I'm impatient for it to be out too).


Originally posted by Nights0nRepeat

It just sucks. Like I bet they will just silently roll the beta out this month in NA, no release date or hype. Just hey.. yeah NA comes 5 months from now in March. That's the last of it.

Trust me, we are just as anxious to tell y'all whats up as you are anxious to hear it. I promise you we are working as hard and fast as possible to get everyone news asap. However, as you might guess, its pretty bad form to share information that isn't solid or is likely to change. Thats why sometimes (speaking generally here) news is often delayed to make sure the released information is accurate.

Thats the intellectual answer, emotionally though it feels more like GAH IM SO EXCITED AND I WANNA KNOW BUT THERES NO NEWS, WHY GOD WHY DO THEY HATE ME?!?!?! *ahem*

I promise you its the exact opposite, we actually love you :D. Well, at least that how I feel :). Either way, thank you (and everyone) for being patient! Everyone on the team really does love and appreciate all of y'alls passion & excitement <3

04 Mar


Originally posted by LostVengeance

Multiple instances of tenacity stack multiplicatively, not additively. I believe the tooltips are the one that's incorrect, as this has been documented before in League PC. This means that the correct formulas are the following:

First Part

= 1 - [(1 - 0.2) * (1 - 0.35) * (1 - 0.3)]
= 1 - (0.8 * 0.65 * 0.7)
= 0.636 or 63.6% tenacity

Second Part

= 1 - [(1 - 0.2) * (1 - 0.3) * (1 - 0.3)]
= 1 - (0.8 * 0.7 * 0.7)
= 0.608 or 60.8% tenacity

There isn't any wiki documentation for Wild Rift yet, but to answer your question there is no hard cap on tenacity but only diminishing returns. The largest possible tenacity at the time in League PC was documented here at 98.6% for reference.

This is correct. Tenacity stacks multiplicatively, there is no actual "cap".

01 Mar


Originally posted by Riykin

Liandrys is not core for any of these champs, except ori.

exactly. its just a flavor of the month thing imo because item is too good (being 90 AP and 250 HP for 3150 in the previous patches)

Singed and Teemo benefit from Liandrys more because they can utilize the Max%HP burn better which fits their playstyles which evidently makes them their core item due to how well it synergizes with the kit

Our nerf only takes the AP down a notch which we believe should target the item's non-traditional audience like Orianna and Gragas. In general, all Liandry's first item builds on every champ were over-performing, but even moreso on champions like Orianna (roughly 5% more win rate than rushing Luden's Echo). Conversely, Singed rushing Liandry's vs. Rod of Ages was 3% in favor to Liandry's. Patterns like this suggest to us that the item is actually propping up non-traditional users way more than its traditional users. This coupled with the fact that champions like Singed and Teemo were over 52% win rate in aggregate led us to just nerf the item itself for this patch.

21 Feb


... i gotta make some edits