League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

10 May

09 May

08 May

07 May

06 May

05 May


Originally posted by TheGivingTree7

Besides addressing actual concern. There are more post/comments talking about the poor state of tanks and how this patch will bury them, than praises, yet those post get ignored. Praises however, that can't be ignored. Shouldn't community managers actually address.. The concerns of the community or just high five and slap ass?

I'm not a community manager, I'm a designer on in-game so when players bring up pain points that are outside of my wheelhouse there isn't really much I can add to the discussion. Plus this is something many of us do outside of our regular work, so a choice of how we want to spend our free time.

I also make a point to not feed the trolls, no one gains anything in those situations, and if someone just needs to vent there isn't much value in trying to have a discussion.


Originally posted by gheycub

Somethings the AFK system won’t pick up a “non-participant,” However, everyone will report them as AFK and a little while later I’ll get the punishment confirmation email. Will we get compensation after-the-fact as well?

Yes you should, but let us know if that doesn't happen.


Originally posted by CloudDrinker

It's so nice to see rioters here I hope you will countinue to be here even when people don't like stuff

We are around all the time, and try to chat when we see something we can add value to.


Originally posted by SchokoArti

The Patch looks awesome but there is one small thing which made me wonder: whats the reason u decided to give control wards 3 instead of 4 hp comparer to PC?

This was done because 4 felt like too much of a slog for our games pacing. We didn't want you to spend a bunch of time to destroy a ward when things are closer together, on a smaller map. Pink wards also are less valuable in Wild Rift (you don't have to purchase them separately) so it makes sense for them to be easier to destroy.


Originally posted by I_am_Patch

Afaik attack speed is lower in wild rift compared to PC lol. Along with other stats like move speeds, to compensate for map size and game time etc.

Attack speed and moment speed are about the same. While the Wild Rift map is smaller than lolPC, keeping the movement speed the same is important for not drastically changing the feel of combat and someone's ability to dodge.


Originally posted by fyi_radz

oh ya, will u guys ever considering dodge feature?? sometimes i get tilted even from draft phase and dont wanna start the game with that attitude

Not really my area of expertise, so I can't say. However working on this in my previous life on League PC I would say we are reluctant to make dodges too easy because it wastes a lot of time for every player. If we ever did dodges it would likely have a penalty component to it to discourage people from using it unless really necessary. I don't think it's likely anytime soon, it was a deliberate decision not to allow dodges in champion select in WR.


Originally posted by Elegaynte

But what about the penalty for players who aren't "AFK" but are obviously trolling and griefing by running around in base, wasting summoner spells, doing nothing just to avoid AFK detection? Will there be compensation in ranked games with those insufferable people on your team?

Yes, we consider "non-participation" to be the same as AFK and try to detect it. If someone triggers the AFK system doing that you will get compensation. However, we are conservative with how we're detecting that kind of behavior because there is a high risk of false postiive (e.g. the person who got detected on Yuumi falsely in this post).


Don't worry she isn't forgotten, and we have a small passive rework planned to account for the Elemental Rift changes. It really comes down to how Elemental Rift shapes up. Because, like you said, she is so tied to dragons we needed to see how Elemental Rift will look before making the change to Shyvana.


Originally posted by jlozada24

I have a question I can’t find answered anywhere and don’t have enough friends to test it. Does the heal from harmonic echo proc multi person censer/flowing waters? What about an aery shield from Jarvan’s 3rd ability?

Censer and SoFW both proc off any healing/shielding.