League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

29 Mar

28 Mar


Originally posted by JackMehoffFast

Not being able to start Long Sword when going Divine Sunderer first sucks. Other than that, they're nice additions to the game.

It is something we spent a bit of time going back and forth on. Ultimately building out of a long sword would require us to put a lot more AD on the time (likely building out of B.F. Sword), much more than we wanted to. So instead the AD comes from Jaurim's Fist.

27 Mar


He is in a fine spot right now, people often undervalue him because he isn't as flashy or getting the kills himself, but he does a great job setting up his team. And the smite nerfs to basic attacks likely helped him a bit.

26 Mar

25 Mar


Originally posted by Burnt_Burrito_

I'm no expert, but I think the logic behind it is that if tenacity goes past a certain point it can render a lot of the cc skills in the game functionally useless.

And that's a BIG thing considering how many chmapions rely on CC for pretty much anything. Not to mention all the champs that you have to counter through CC.

Imagine you're Veigar and a fed ass Sett is coming towards you with enough tenacity to go past your stun circle before your second skill lands. Doesn't seem exactly fair, does it now?

Either way, that's just my first guess.

Ya, we do have a limit for these reasons. We don't want to invalidate CC by driving Tenacity too high.


Originally posted by VASQUEZ_41

Who gets demolished by unexpected heals? Tanks maybe?

I know I was like "What!?! I just missed a kill because Braum knocked *Insert champion name here* over the wall then ran off and healed!".


Originally posted by nickersb24

So whisper a little more for the eager?

I yelled it...now my neighbors think I'm crazy.


Originally posted by Terrible-Solution214

Oh, interesting thought. I'll bring this up, no promises about what'll happen. There could be some funkyness on certain champions we would want to be aware of.


Originally posted by YaBoiKd

You can whisper it no one will hear

I just whispered it, I don't think anyone heard.

24 Mar


Originally posted by RiotSheiky

I actually think this item is super fun, but a little harder to realize the magic with sometimes. There are some truly hype plays in our internal playtests with this item, and I'm curious to see if it picks up some interesting play in pro.

That being said, we are looking to make its affect more appreciable and easier to use.

I have some great clips of EndStep shattering my world with his Seedjar plays...that I can't share, right now, because I was playing an unannounced champion.


Originally posted by Squidlettt

Is there any plan to update the default and pre made builds at all to reflect the changes over time please?

We would love to be able to do this, it is a very large undertaking to build out but I hope we can have down the road. It still has some problems though. A system like this can easily reflect popular builds over powerful ones. And making the popular builds the default would feedback into itself.