League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

09 Apr


Originally posted by False_Ocean

Thanks for the Warmog's nerf!! Also edited the post to include the link to the thread.

Unrelated question but Will the old Solari Chargeblade ever come back? On-hit item which applies on crit and gives extra crit chance seems so much interesting to me than the current version (which is just a glorified sheen item which has 3 stack and can crit). The extra crit chance helps a lot when I want to go lethality-crit but still want that sweet 100% crit chance.

The current Chargeblade seems to benefit crit builders more than caster adcs.

I wouldn't expect it to come back. We changed it because of the problems that came out of being able to rush 50% crit. I haven't looked at its performance since the changes, but I haven't heard of anything being out of line or casters needing some love.

08 Apr


Originally posted by gheycub

I don’t believe the major issue regarding all this confusion is about the home guard MS. It’s about the respawn timer changes.

1) Some players believe the winning team had shorter respawn timers and this was a built in snowballing mechanic. With the 3.1a changes the winning team will have even shorter respawns.

2) Others believe the winning team had shorter respawn timers (snowballing mechanic), but with the 3.1a changes that will be slightly less than before.

3) Others believe the losing team had shorter respawn timers (comeback mechanic), but with the 3.1a changes that will be slightly less than before.

4) Finally, others believe the losing team had shorter respawn timers (comeback mechanic), but with the 3.1a changes that will be slightly more than before.

So please clarify this once and for all, I’m begging you! u/Endstep u/R0gueFool

Right those 2 changes, Homeguard + Respawn Timers, are very interconnected. We would not do one without the other. Base respawn needed to go up to account for the Homeguard change.

As for the details of the respawn modifier changes.

Respawn Modifier

  • Game Time < = 12 minutes
    • For each level the player is ahead or behind the average level, the respawn timer is adjusted by 10%
      • RespawnModifier = (PlayerLevel - AveragePlayerLevel) * 0.1
    • The modifier cannot exceed 15%
      • -0.15 < Respawn Modifier < 0.15
  • Game Time > 12 minutes
    • No modifier

Realistically this is not a change you would be able to notice, you would need to be +/-2 levels from the average instead of 3 for this to kick in. All it really means is that if you are far ahead or behind (in the early-mid game) your respawn will be more in line with everyone else.


I'm going to link some more details about the Homeguard+respawn changes here because I have seen some confusion due to how we worded the change and I want to try and clear that up.


I think you have a nice breakdown here, I made that Warmog's change!


Originally posted by Pyrothy

Can someone explain the philosophy behind making it feel worse if you're behind? Is it to make people more willing to ff early in the match? In league they introduced bounties and objective bounties to help the other team catch up, why are they trying to make it harder to come back in wild rift?

So we could have explained this a bit better. This is not about making a losing team lose more, in fact, the opposite.

Before this change:

  • Homeguard
    • Allied champions gain MS, removed on dealing or suffering damage
    • 0:00-0:60
      • Area: Entire Base
      • 80% MS for 12 secs
    • 0:60~12m
      • Area: Fountain
      • 40% MS for 10 secs
      • About enough to get you to your T2 turret.
    • 12m+
      • Area: Fountain
      • 30% MS for 4 secs
      • About enough to get you to the edge of your base.

This change removes the 3rd group and now after 1 minute, when you leave your base you have more movement speed. This goes hand in hand with the respawn changes.

This means that for the slight increase in death time you are now able to get back into the action quicker. If you need to defend your base, contest an objective, or even just get back to farmin...

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07 Apr

06 Apr

05 Apr


Originally posted by robotbeatrally

Plat players are not supposed to see diamonds anymore. You either get matched up or down but not both. I'm emerald and I'm mostly matching with emeralds but I noticed myself matching with all platinum players ones and all diamond players once. Which was weird. I don't think the game is hard enforcing the rules with premades though. I'm sure you can get unusual match ups still but they are just less common.

It does enforce the rules with premades (outside of a full 5q) by using the average rank of the premade. If the average rank of a premade is Emerald III (e.g., Emerald IV with Diamond IV), then they could match with Plats if needed, so in that case you can have a Diamond in with Plats. It will still balance the teams on MMR though, so both teams will have an equal shot at winning.


Originally posted by pradohood

Hi Josh, do you guys factor in a player's historical rank into matchmaking? At emerald me and my friends often run into opponents who are currently diamond but historically master/gm/challenger

A certain amount of past rank is baked into their current rank because it determines how far back we will roll a player when a new season starts. Outside of that, no, because we have found historical rank to be much less accurate than a combination of current rank and MMR.

It's possible to run into situations like yours if the system needs to expand the MMR gap enough to find matches, however the team balancer will always make sure that your team has just as much MMR as the other team does.


Originally posted by Elegastt

Hey Josh, thanx already to answer so many questions, especially given the controversial topic.

I got 2 questions regarding what i believe is the biggest frustration atm: the difference between actual rank and actual skill:

  • any plans to implement ELO for plat and emerald? This way it's easy to give everyone fair matches while still allow people to climb if their skill is higher than its current rank.
  • don't you think it would be better of there are more people in the lower ranks? I know this would be a controversial thing, but if people are more evenly spread across ranks it would reduce skill difference within ranks, no? That way you don't need to hard constraint rank difference

Plat and Emerald still have a back end MMR that is used to matchmake and balance teams. The gap that is allowed within a team for that MMR is dependent on who is available when you play. The closer to peak hours you play, the better your teammates will be.


Originally posted by fedekun

Is there an MMR for PVP or is it just random? I swear (Master MMR in Ranked) get matched with people that just installed yesterday when I play PVP with friends.

PVP uses MMR only, however that MMR can expand as needed to get you into a match quickly.


Originally posted by Euphoric_Software481

Hello Josh. Thank you for taking the time to do this. I would like to hear your opinion on a small thing I have in mind.

How hard do you think it will be to implement a system where if one role in your team is an auto fill, the enemy in that same role will also be an auto fill. We desperately need a system like that this because I can not express how infuriating and sad it is to see your E4 Lux main JG auto fill get smacked all over the map by an Ex GM D4 JG main who lives and breathes objectives. It simply doesn't seem fair. You just cannot expect an auto fill JG to match the macro and micro of a JG main. And just because of this one simple mismatch, your whole team pays the price.

Maybe it can never be implemented for all roles since it would be too complex or increase Q times by a lot, but can we have this for JG role at least? It would be a very-appreciated change for the community.

Also, ignore the trolls and negativity that you probably keep encounter...

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We are actually investigating this exact type of thing. I can't speak to the difficulty of the implementation yet though. It would also have wait time implications.

We actually have measured exactly how much of an impact having a mismatched autofill JG has on winning, and while it does have a measurable impact, it is orders of magnitude less than the overall skill difference between teams. Which means in practice, despite the noted disadvantage, it is consistently overcome by teammate skill in the data.

That said, like I said, we are still looking into it because we agree the feel of it is disproportionate with the actual outcomes.


Originally posted by UnemployedWeebTrash

Hi, I am currently GM 270 points, I'm just wondering how do you classify how much points a player gets? All of my friends receive +20 after reaching master till they reach challenger while I receive +15 or +16 since reaching master.

Thanks in advance!

It means they have a higher MMR, which in turn means they have been more likely to win matches against harder opponents.


Originally posted by airstrike

Have ranks gotten easier to climb? I’m just as bad as I’ve always been and struggled to get to top levels of Emerald in season 2 and now breezed through to make it to Diamond (though hard to get out of Diamond IV)

There were a few updates we announced last season that helped players get to ranks they were supposed to get to before, but weren't.