League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

28 Mar

27 Mar

25 Mar

23 Mar

21 Mar

20 Mar


Yeah that's not sufficiently detailed. The first blood needs to happen very soon after someone goes AFK in order to prevent a remake. This was built to prevent players from going AFK to remake a game if they had a poor jungle invade or something. It's not precise because we can't tell the exact moment someone goes AFK (as opposed to just stopping for some reason), so it is possible for a first blood to happen after you see someone go idle to prevent a remake. However, if someone is AFK from the start of the game, you should still get a remake vote even if there is a first blood afterwards. If you can dm me info about the game, or capture a video following the AFK player in a replay, I can poke the team about it.

16 Mar


Originally posted by ragingOcean

This makes no sense. People intact play what is strong or what gets buffed. Maybe lower elo players don’t because they don’t read patch notes or even care or know what patches are

I can promise you that is not true, and people play what they enjoy regardless of rank. That is perfectly fine and I'd argue better anyway. If power was the only thing that mattered we would see far more people playing Singed and Asol, yet they are some of the least popular champions and ones a freakin space dragon.


Tanks have been very strong for a very long time, I can't imagine this patch makes them weak.

I can't say that they will be "meta" because the meta is shaped by what people are playing, not what is strong. So player perception and how feelable something is has an outsized impact on if it becomes meta.

But I'd bet that if you are looking to win more games picking a tank isn't going to hurt.

15 Mar

14 Mar