I would expect maybe both teams would get baron. Again, I'm not too sure what COULD happen, I don't even know if its physically possible in an ideal scenario where without ping and all variables aside, for both teams to execute a monster/neutral objective together at the same time. Of course, none of those scenarios would come up, it's just every now and then, the front page of Reddit has this post of like one in a million chances of something so coincidental, that we never thought it would be possible without staging, and I was just curious if smite executes like that would be possible.
The reason it intrigued me was because this is all automatic, I would think ping wouldn't be a variable (to a non game engineer like me).Now, it's not about who presses the button first, with time delay, reaction speed, ping, it would be impossible to double smite at the same time. Now that it's automatic, if both junglers somehow got the threshold below at the same time, I would think som...