League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

16 Apr


Originally posted by osgonauta

How about increasing the amount of wards the totem gives after a set amount of time or after an objective has been completed? This would increase vision as the game progresses while remaining a whole team effort.

Let's start with what is the problem you are trying to solve with any change. We could increase wards as the game progresses, but what is motivating us to do so? Any change also comes with trade offs, and too much vision has its own problems.

If we felt vision in the late game was a problem, and something that needed to be increased then this could be a good option. However it's generally better for vision to decrease over time so that players don't have perfect situational awareness. An example of this is that losing a tower decreases vision.

This makes sure that plays still happen, and players can set up ambushes or take objectives.

15 Apr

14 Apr

11 Apr

04 Apr

01 Apr

31 Mar

30 Mar


Originally posted by Reivax_Enyaw

Can y'all remove disabled champions in banning phase for USB then? There's beem a lot of champions in my region that is disabled but is banned resulting in a wasted ban.

Ya this seems like an oversight or a bug. I'll make sure it gets brought up.


Sorry, some champions are disabled in USB. Basically every champion needed rescripting and big fixes, so for its first release we had to disable select champions.


Sorry, not every champion is available in USB. Many champions need to be rescripted for the mode, so for its first release we wanted to ship it with as many champions as possible without keeping players waiting any longer than we had to.

29 Mar