World of Warships

World of Warships Dev Tracker

16 Sep


We've created some unique mission chains for the U.S. Air Force's birthday! Leer en el portal

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct


The Warship Strike mode in the Armory is temporarily disabled. ETA at last mention was around 2 hours.

I'll keep this thread updated as information comes in!

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Careful - I am acknowledging here that I was able to recreate the bug. We're taking a look at it.

Bugs happen. They always have in all games and they always will. It's a simple process of recreating, identifying, and eliminating.

Let's not veer this into personal attacks against Flamu or myself or anyone else.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

That's not how the bug / action works. Respectfully, if you are aiming normally and not "throwing your mouse", then you probably need to adjust your aim up a bit to reliably hit the CV.


¡El gato legendario hace su regreso! Leer en el portal


O gato lendário está de volta! Leia no portal


The legendary cat is making his return! Read it on the portal


A Captain’s guide to using the German Tier VIII Premium battleship. Read it on the portal


Um guia do Capitão para usar o encouraçado Premium alemão de Nível VIII. Leia no portal


Una guía del Capitán para usar al acorazado Premium alemán de Nivel VIII. Leer en el portal

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sigma can be altered by changing a number. As for incremental buffs, we've been doing that for years by this point. It's common to see ~5% buffs/nerfs as we nudge balancing parameters.

In terms of game-impact, quite large. Subs are a new class of ship for players to play as well as a further varied experience for other ships in battle with them. Our formula has long relied on varied experiences so that each battle feels unique.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

There isn't an easy answer to that for the gaming industry which is where the phrase "Soon (tm)" comes from. Even when something is awesome and is priority #1, sometimes it doesn't work out and has to be scrapped last minute or completely redone. This is the uncertain nature of the business.

Since the beginning of this year we've released "Roadmaps" which give an understanding of what the next 6 months looks like. This is our way to let people know what we have on our schedule and are directly working toward. Outside of Roadmaps, there are things like West Virginia '44 which have been placed on our internal roadmap and has a timeframe of 2023. When "Soon(tm)" turns into a [Date] is usually when it's been more locked in because there's a metric for delivery.

15 Sep

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Design Teams are limited by manpower and time, so prioritization is required. Operations were enjoyed by a small portion of the playerbase so it's hard to justify a very large amount of dev time into a low-yield project. That being said, it doesn't mean it's not on the list of things-to-do which is frequently filled with lots of cool ideas but not enough time to do them.

Later last year returning Ops was reprioritized. We needed to get AI work done before we could get to Ops and we were already in the middle of doing AI work, so Ops got put on the timeline after the AI work was done. AI Tools were finished earlier this year. When it comes to Dev Projects, you should try to look at things in terms of 7-10 months. The tools were finished around.. February? Now, 7 months later, we have Ops returned.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Our game is extremely complex when taken down to the small details. This is one of those finer details.

The Henri's armor scheme is designed to protect the ship. The design works exceptionally well against Gibraltar AP due to the spaced area.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

You are correct! Cruiser-caliber shells with short fuse timers will not reliably citadel cruisers that have spaced armor in front of their citadels. However, the tradeoff is that they are exceptionally good at not over-penetrating destroyers. Gibraltar will absolutely nuke a DD if you can land some hits.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct


You're experiencing the Short-Fuse AP getting armed prior to entry of the Citadel.

Gibralter has a 5ms Fuse Time:

whereas Goliath has a standard 33ms Fuse Time (as well as a higher Arming Threshold):


Gibraltar shells are wonderful against DDs because of priming off even very light armor and being able to explode quickly (instead of zooming out the other side of a thin ship before popping). This can make for consistent damage against Cruisers, but it can mean that spaced armor around the Citadel of a ship can remove the likelihood of scoring Citadels with Gibraltar AP.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just to keep things straight, the alteration to non-full groups was done years ago (people said around 2-3 years ago?).

I learned about that in another thread recently:

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct


Camos were extended to the Planes since a CV Player spends the majority of their time in the air where the Planes will be on their screen. Players did request an option to override this after it was implemented and the response was that the Econ/Camo Separation would address this.

The Econ/Camo Separation made using a Camo optional by removing the gameplay aspects, so players can now elect to avoid use of a Camo if they would like their Planes to be a in a non-Camo'd state. This is not a specific override, but it is an option that can be utilized by the player.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

An Audacious couldn't kill a Vampire... has no wooden stakes

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct


The effort to return Ops actually started last year. Operations were not very engaged with and were considered low priority, however it was pointed out how loved they are by a section of the playerbase so they were re-prioritized. We were already working on AI, so we elected to finish our work there and then use the AI Toolset to allow us to refurbish removed Operations. As we were already working on Ops, we've added a requested Submarine Operation that players have brought up for many months.

They're pretty cool. The weekly missions also help for having long-term play goals with Community Tokens and an earnable Supercontainer.