World of Warships

World of Warships Dev Tracker

16 Sep

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Got an internal update for this issue:

This behavior of the shells is present for a long time and occurs when you quickly move the aiming reticle right before the guns fire. It got more attention because of the "railgun" bug: it caused the change in behavior of the shells when reticle is moved before the shot. To fix the "railgun" we rolled the game logic back to the state before the changes which resulted in it appearing as a side effect. This situation prompted us us to have a more detailed look at older mechanics and after fixing the "railgun" we planned an improvement for the future.

However, developing of the proper solution for this "under-the-hood" firing behavior might take significant time because it is related to technically complex game logic and the way client - server exchange the information. We will obviously share more information when we will have a stable improvement ready.
Hope that helps!

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

There are two mission paths that can be chosen. It looks like you chose the Surface Ship path!


Bônus de aniversário, descontos e recompensas dedicadas ao sétimo aniversário de World of Warships! Leia no portal


Bonificaciones de cumpleaños, descuentos y recompensas dedicadas al séptimo aniversario de World of Warships. Leer en el portal


Birthday bonuses, discounts, and rewards dedicated to World of Warships' Seventh Anniversary. Read it on the portal

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Tokens that can be used to clear ships from Port are only there for that one task. Definitely use them to clear your Festive Rewards as quickly and easily as possible.

Unused tokens are addressed as the bottom of the "Rewards" section:

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

You can only gain a Reward from a ship once.

You can only earn Tokens to clear extra Rewards while using a ship that still has a Reward token on it.

If you only play 1 ship for the entire Update, you will clear the Reward off that ship (if you Win or receive 300+ Base XP). During the match you play while the Reward token is still on that ship, you could earn additional Tokens based off the performance in that match.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Tied to a specific Nationality so there are two versions.

Unsinkable Sam only has Dual-Citizenship in our hearts <3

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Not sure as to the link issues you experienced.

You'll want to make a Customer Support Ticket to see about if your account received the contents of the email's offer.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is already known. I made a Bug Report for it recently but one had been made from PTS testing. Issue still ongoing.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

For the 600 Base XP Game Example above:

You get the Reward from your ship that you played, because...

and you get 1 Token to use in the Port Section because...

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct


In Update 0.11.8, we've added a new way to clear "Snowflakes"~ What are Snowflakes? That's what people call the little symbols on your Tier 5+ ships in your port. For this update, they are called "Festive Rewards"!

If you see this icon on a ship, there's a prize waiting to be obtained!

How do you get the prize? Well, there are two ways~


Claiming the Prize (the old fashioned way):

If you mouse over the Festive Reward you'll see this description

If you play the ship and either Win or get at least 300 Base XP, you'll claim the Festive Reward on that ship. The icon will disappear once it's been claimed <3


Claiming the Prize (the NEW way!):

If you perform well in battle, you'll get to clear the Festive Reward off other ships in Port! How do you do this? By going here~

Mousing over the area provides a ...

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    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Update: We are closer to resolution but do not have a refined ETA to update with at this time.


We've created some unique mission chains for the U.S. Air Force's birthday! Read it on the portal


We've created some unique mission chains for the U.S. Air Force's birthday! Leia no portal


¡Hemos creado algunas cadenas de misiones únicas para el aniversario de la Fuerza Aérea de los EE. UU.! Leer en el portal

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Or you can aim for the upper hull / superstructure on the Henri and similar ships with spaced armor around the citadel.

Not all should are going to or should play the same. Gibraltar is somewhat unique in it's AP shell characteristics for the caliber, as they behave more like MInotaur shells than goliath shells. This is part of what makes it different from choosing an Henri or a Goliath.

You may not like the difference, but the purpose of having a wide variety of ships is to allow gameplay that suits as many styles as possible.


Saludos Capitanes,
Estamos teniendo un evento en el foro. Para participar sigue las reglas de abajo y publica tus resultados en el tema principal. Desafío:
Responde a este hilo con tu momento favorito de World of Warships del año pasado (septiembre del 2021 a septiembre del 2022). Este puede ser un logro personal, un clip de una transmisión, una repetición, una interacción de la comunidad o cualquier otra cosa. Esto está destinado a ser una respuesta abierta. Este evento finalizará el 29 de septiembre a las 17:00 UTC (12:00 p. m. CT). Reglas:
1. Asegúrese de que la captura de pantalla es claramente legible
2. No se permite el plagio de ningún tipo.
3. Debe seguir los parámetros indicados en la sección de desafíos.
4. Responde solo a la conversación principal con publicaciones para participar en el concurso. Cualquier otro tipo de mensaje será eliminado. Premios:
3 ganadores al azar recibirán:
- 1 apariencia "Leyenda de los ...

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Saudações Capitães,

Estamos tendo um evento no fórum. Para participar, siga as regras abaixo e poste seus resultados no tópico principal.

Poste no tópico principal seu momento favorito de World of Warships no último ano (setembro de 2021 a setembro de 2022). Vale qualquer coisa: uma condecoração, um trecho de uma transmissão, um replay ou até uma interação com a comunidade. Use a sua imaginação. Este evento terminará no dia 29 de setembro às 17:00 UTC (12:00 CT). Regras:
1. Verifique que a captura de tela seja claramente legível
2. Plágio de qualquer tipo não é permitido.
3. Ele deve seguir os parâmetros listados na seção Desafio.
4. Por favor, responda apenas ao tópico principal com as postagens de participação no concurso. Todos os outros posts serão excluídos. Prêmios:
3 vencedores aleatórios receberão:
- 1 visual Lenda dos Oceanos para o Anhalt
10 vencedores aleatórios receberã...

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