Uma recompensa que pode ser até mesmo um navio Premium! Leia no portal
Uma recompensa que pode ser até mesmo um navio Premium! Leia no portal
We've placed a post in General Discussion to collect your Feedback there!
Please visit this post:
Additionally, we have created new feedback channels in our official Discord server. Feel free to join the server and leave your feedback there as well:
Update 12.0 brings the following new features:
Airship Escort
Japanese Cruisers in the Tech Tree
Lunar New Year: Unique Pan-Asian Commander
Early Access to U.S. Hybrid Battleships
Ranked Battles
Game Balance Changes
Content Additions and Changes
Other Changes
Read all about the update here:
As a result, we would like to hear your feedback about 12.0. Feel free to reply to this thread with your thoughts.
If you encounter any bugs while playing in 12.0, please leave them here:
Hello, everyone!
Update 12.0 is here, so please provide any bug reports you may encounter here.
If you're fairly certain you've encountered a bug, we'd like to encourage you to submit it to the Game Support section of the WoWs ticket queues, within a section where bugs are asked for, or to create a post within this sub-forum.
Remove your mods and try again before sending in a bug report as mods tend to be the culprit. YES we know we have made it automatic, but we state this anyways as sometimes players will find a workaround.
DO NOT just move your old mods into the new mods folder, make sure they are updated!
I do ask that you please provide any and all information that you can when reporting an issue.
***Please follow the format below***
Issue: This is where you should explain the problem that you're having. Expected Result: Tell us what should be happening. How to Re...
Read moreUpdate modifications for client version
Updated modification "Extended MiniCarousel"
Updated modification "Adjustable Div Chat"
Updated modification "Unique Camouflage Plus"
Updated modification "Clear All Flags"
Updated modification "MX Meter"
Updated modification "Learned Crew Skills in Frames"
Updated modification "Stopwatch"
Updated modification "DeCease Dark"
Updated modification "Customizable Panels by AutoSpy"
Updated modification "Advanced Chat AutoSpy"
Updated modification "AutoSpy Minimap"
Updated modification "Movement Indicator"
Updated modification "Adjustable Markers"
Updated modification "Battle Expert"
Updated modification "Advanced HP Bar"
¡Esperen descuentos, bonificaciones y misiones de combate, así como contenedores temáticos! Leer en el portal
Você pode esperar descontos, bônus e missões de combate, além de contêineres temáticos! Leia no portal
Expect discounts, bonuses, and combat missions, as well as themed containers! Read it on the portal
San Diego doesn't really represent the Austin playstyle. Austin has an 8 second reload and a -75% reload time consumable. That makes for play that uses burst windows that need to be well executed. San Diego has a much more forgiving reload time and weaker reload consumable because of the more consistent base reload which makes her more generally capable.
To answer your question on the consumable mod, it does increase the duration of the MBRB consumable. I just checked and it's 16.5 sec instead of 15 sec. The others are also increased by 10%.
She's designed as a sniper, which is why she has a large salvo weight, good verticle dispersion, and incredible ballistics. She can't be good at EVERYthing...
I elected not to because I've encountered issues where folks don't open/use spoilers. Adding additional clicks increases dropoff in information transfer.
I built a Thread with pictures and annotated Ship Types here:
We are working on a UI Issue which is not displaying Ship Types for Dockyard Missions. This Post/Thread will document the Ship Types for each of the Weeks of the Dockyard
Dockyard Format is:
4 General Purpose Missions (Any Ship Type)
5 Type-Specific Missions (Specific Ship Types)
1 Challenge Mission (Random/Ranked)
6 Missions are needed per stage, so typically completion looks like:
4 General Purpose + 2 Type Specific
4 General Purpose + 1 Type Specific + 1 Challenge Mission
Week 1:
(Any Ship Type)
(Any Ship Type)
(Any Ship Type)
(Any Ship Type)
For the final week? Each of the Ship Specific missions are all Base XP.
Or are you requesting like, a full list of all the missions?
Overpens are relating to Fuse Activation and Timing. You can learn about how our shells interact with armor in the game here:
That was quick! This was fixed just hours before I mentioned it. @Ahskance also mentioned it and it was adjusted.
Please note that not ALL missions are available in AE mode, but the vast majority are.
While there certainly will not be a micro-patch, but things like this can be adjusted. We will pass on your feedback about the DY missions not being available for Airship Escort Mode. If I'm speculating here - I suspect that it was not considered since the DY missions were created back in October or November for the December Dockyard. Airship Escort was not on anyone's mind when that happened, so it's possible that this is something that could be added.
¡El nuevo crucero Hector de Nivel IX ha llegado! Leer en el portal
Hector, o novo cruzador de Nível IX, chegou! Leia no portal