World of Warships

World of Warships Dev Tracker

11 Mar


Sorry, but I don't understand all this semi-threatening "I will put my $100 elsewhere"? I fully realize that paying players like you pay the bills. I value that, and thankful for that. Why is this an argument for game health discussion though? Why do you think it contributes to the weight of your statements? Should I, according to this logic, disregard the opinions of non-paying users? Or pay the attention depending on the check size? Sorry, I don't think it's fair.
As for your points:

As I said, any alternative ways after the general sales are gone are not really changing anything. The majority of ship sales are generated in the beginning, not 2 years later, and there is no point in hoping "we don't sell it anymore, it's fine". No, it's not fine. It's either accepting the fact there will noticeable % of OP prems in queue (a viable option, by the way) or not accepting it;

EULA already allows the changes to the game. As I said before, I'm ...

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WG doesn't want to hurt their sales, and I'm not "playing dumb" about it. Also, a wonderful revelation for you: no company wants to hurt their sales.


Most likely the approach that will emerge from GC testing will be universal and will set a precedent for foreseeable future. It won't be fair to touch GC, and not touch the ships you listed. It won't be fair not to touch GC and touch the ships you listed. That's why we're taking our time with the test and that's why I said several times we will take this decision very seriously, and all concerns and feedback will be taken into account.

Thanks for the solid and reasonable argument. I don't expect OP prems to really wash out of MM queue significantly compared to current state, though. The massive start sales and good player retention mean that they will remain played for years, and their episodic appearance in crates or any other special events doesn't affect it - this inflow is too small anyways. As for crates sales, I don't know, but it's a valid question we research atm. The second question would be: if such ships are super desirable drivers, are they des...

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Doubt it? We'll prove it one way or another using history! Read more

Hey guys,
Just a few clarifications:
1. I personally don't have anything against GC, that's..a weird thought. I personally love the principle in game balance when a player can choose and play any ship from a particular group, and show more or less same efficiency, under condition that the ship is used properly. GC and several other premium ships show considerably better performance relatively to player's skill. This is not good for game balance health and it makes other ships in their respective group look and perform worse. And when that's just 1-2 such ships in the group it does not make any sense to try to buff the whole group instead of tuning down the "overperformers".

2. That said, game balance health is not the only factor, and my personal views are not a serious argument when making such a serious decision. For example, if the majority of players are really fine with 5-6 OP premium ships (surely this ship group will grow over years, but looks ...

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07 Mar

    on News - Thread - Direct
Prepare for epic online naval battles with Founder’s Packs, launch rewards, and pre-release access. Read more

06 Mar

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We invite you to visit the Public Test server and familiarize yourself with Update 0.8.2 through our Developer Bulletin! Read more

05 Mar

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The development history of the Royal Navy’s aircraft carriers, now in formation and battle-ready! Read more
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Server will be not available from 5:00 (UTC+8) to 6:30 (UTC+8) on 7th March. Read more

01 Mar


Hello Commanders!

Wanted to jump in and say that we wanted everyone to know that we included Co-Op Mode so that a wider portion of the player base can participate in the "Exeter's Last Stand" missions to possibly earn this ship for free.

One of the main points of contention seems to be "Can I shoot down 30 planes in Co-Op battles?" The answer is yes, but in Co-Op battles, it may take a bit longer, as you are more likely to shoot down Spotter and Catapult planes as opposed to Carrier planes.

For the contention of "I cannot earn the 7 achievements in Co-Op" this is rather true and seems to be an oversight. It will be better caught for next time.

Hope this addresses the major concerns and good luck to all out there to earn this ship!


Hello Again!

If you were affected by the outage, please click here to claim your compensation:

To note: Only those affected by the outage will be compensated.

Thank you for your support!


Hello Commanders!

We noticed there were some issues with the North American Realm and some players, about 1,000 or so were locked into the loading screen. We apologize for this inconvenience. This issue has been resolved as of March 1, 2019. We are working to identify all affected and we will give these players 3 Days of World of Warships Premium once the list of affected players have been identified.

See you on the high seas!


Hello, looks like there is an issue with the poll, please re-vote if it was erased


Hello Commanders!

I need your opinion on something. Poll included

26 Feb


fixed in

25 Feb


Please make screenshot with your problem. What do you try to unpack? What is an error?



Limited palett of colors is used in game for fints and icon graphics:

For the most cases, the color can be used from so called safe Web-colors:




The main font used in game is Warhelios Condensed. It can be in one of two styles – common (WarheliosCondC) or bold (WarheliosCondCBold).


You should avoid using all the text style and instead use template style classes:


What it is being used fo


Secondary (additional) text


main class, use it for the most cases


Tier 4 header


Tier 3 header


Tier 2 header


Tier 1 header


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Element visual is determined by a set of atomic style properties, such as height, width, color, location etc.

Certain style properties can be combined in style classes:

class – style class

style – expression, defining the style element specifically in this block (i.e. incline-style)

atomic style properties

Similar to HTML, the property being used is the one was applied last to the element:



Each window or element consists of:

macroicons, displayed in the required order

style qualities, defining or dynamically changing the display of macroicons

expressions, that can:

set local variables

connect expressing with the model

manage the indication of the blocks

request methods, effecting the model


Element is an independent root block of the top parent level, in which the rest of child blocks are specified

Determining element is required when:

We want to create a new window.

We want to create a new element, that will be used in any of the existing windows.

The element can be determined either dynamically (when matched certain logic conditions) or statically.

An example of...

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