World of Warships

World of Warships Dev Tracker

01 Mar


Hello Again!

If you were affected by the outage, please click here to claim your compensation:

To note: Only those affected by the outage will be compensated.

Thank you for your support!


Hello Commanders!

We noticed there were some issues with the North American Realm and some players, about 1,000 or so were locked into the loading screen. We apologize for this inconvenience. This issue has been resolved as of March 1, 2019. We are working to identify all affected and we will give these players 3 Days of World of Warships Premium once the list of affected players have been identified.

See you on the high seas!


Hello, looks like there is an issue with the poll, please re-vote if it was erased


Hello Commanders!

I need your opinion on something. Poll included

26 Feb


fixed in

25 Feb


Please make screenshot with your problem. What do you try to unpack? What is an error?



Limited palett of colors is used in game for fints and icon graphics:

For the most cases, the color can be used from so called safe Web-colors:




The main font used in game is Warhelios Condensed. It can be in one of two styles – common (WarheliosCondC) or bold (WarheliosCondCBold).


You should avoid using all the text style and instead use template style classes:


What it is being used fo


Secondary (additional) text


main class, use it for the most cases


Tier 4 header


Tier 3 header


Tier 2 header


Tier 1 header


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Element visual is determined by a set of atomic style properties, such as height, width, color, location etc.

Certain style properties can be combined in style classes:

class – style class

style – expression, defining the style element specifically in this block (i.e. incline-style)

atomic style properties

Similar to HTML, the property being used is the one was applied last to the element:



Each window or element consists of:

macroicons, displayed in the required order

style qualities, defining or dynamically changing the display of macroicons

expressions, that can:

set local variables

connect expressing with the model

manage the indication of the blocks

request methods, effecting the model


Element is an independent root block of the top parent level, in which the rest of child blocks are specified

Determining element is required when:

We want to create a new window.

We want to create a new element, that will be used in any of the existing windows.

The element can be determined either dynamically (when matched certain logic conditions) or statically.

An example of...

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List of supported events for the mouse

Unbound supports only a fraction of the mouse events from ActionScript 3.0.


(bind dispatch "'click'; 'eventName'; {}")




Left click


It works when you click the left mouse button


It works when the left mouse button is released


Scroll the mouse wheel in any direction



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DataHub 2.0 Binding List








21 Feb


While issues are frustrating and we want to get you back on the game asap, many issues can be fixed by performing the following steps:

Remove mods:

3rd Party Mods (non-illegal) can often cause disruption with key game files, particularly if they are outdated or meant for a prior version of the client.

Open up the file in which you have the game stored on your PC, often it will be located C:\Games\World_of_Warships_NA

Navigate to "Res_mods"

Delete all files within this folder.

Run a Check and Repair / Integrity Check:

Open the Wargaming Game Center (WGC).

From the Games tab, click on World of Warships.

Click Game Settings.

Click and run "Check and Repair Game".

Hopefully these steps will restore the game to its functioning state.

If ...

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19 Feb


Greetings, all!

WoWs Upack Tool (referred below as the program) is used not only to interact with console utility program wowsunpack.exe used to unpack in game resources (referred below as the utility) but also has a list of its own functionalities that can assist our respected modders in their work. WoWs Upack Tool is compatible with Steam version of the game.

Program installation:

Working with the program:

Program settings and functions:

Info dialogue window:

Key binding:

Working with wowsunpack.exe utility via console command lines (just in case):


WOWS Unpack Tool program - AutoSpy
wowsunpack.exe utility -

Submit your comments and suggestions in this thread – will try to answer all the questions regarding the program.

Good luck with modding!...

15 Feb


Recipient Update! Congrats to @gman6395 !!!

11 Feb

    Vessery on Forums - Thread - Direct

German battleship Viribus Unitis, tier V.

The Sigma value is decreased from 1.8 to 1.65;

Changed the parameters of the consumable "Repair party":

The restoration of the casemate (non-citadel) damage reduced from 50% to 40%;

Restoration of hit points, after receiving damage to the citadel, increased from 10% to 33%.

The battleship had excessive accuracy for its Main Battery salvoes with hard-hitting shells. Changing the parameter will bring the accuracy in line with other battleships of this tier.

Viribus Unitis has good armor, allowing it to avoid sustaining large amounts of casemate damage, however, with the small number of hit points, penetrating the citadel (with shell, bomb or torpedo) is fatal for the ship, so changing the proportions of the restored hit points will reduce the severity of the damage received in the citadel.

British cruis...

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07 Feb


Alright! Flags have been paid out!

Here are your winners! Thanks to everyone that tried and congrats to all of you that gave the new gameplay a chance! \

Enjoy the flag!

    Ev1n_NA on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just to clarify, because you guys are writing about Phil as if he quit his job. This is not the case.

He is just taking time away from the salt mines of Reddit and the community in general. Some are also under the impression that communicating with the community is his only job - this is also not the case. He is a producer, has a team to lead and many tasks that are invisible to the average Joe Cmdr - all connected with making the game better for everyone (on average, you sealclubbing GC owners).

So don't make this an obituary - he'll be back eventually.


05 Feb


Don't give up!

One more day left!