World of Warships

World of Warships Dev Tracker

27 Apr



As some have mentioned it appears you were in a division with a tier VIII, which means Tier VIII MM applies to your division. This has been the case for a very long time.

Which is why I always tell people when you division up, always be ready to be up-tiered if you are the lower tier ship. Or make sure your entire division is the same tier.




This is not true folks.



Not sure how adding a combat mission that anyone can play to get signals in the game will be to "make money" but interesting take. One good take away that I saw from this IDEA (that still needs to be tested) is that players in both PvP and PvE will be able to earn them. As we have a large PvE community at least on NA this is a bonus.

The server avg W/R is between 46-49%, and there are FAR more players in that W/R area then there are from 50 and up, which means you have the chance of having them more on your team. MM does NOT take into account W/R for team building. And for the foreseeable future we will not implement that.

Overall, server wide the avg W/R and battle wins and losses numbers have NOT changed for years. Though it may seem like it has when you're on the receiving end of the loss.

I am actually writing a report right now and sending all the feedback on this topic up the chain to the powers that be. Thank you all f...

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I literally lol'd at this thread

Just using my branding (what I have on social media and such) all match up. Though the ole grizzly Popeye probably fits more than this one, this is my official avatar now so I don't get in trouble for brand copyright or whatever..... This was actually art that I had made for me, though I do look younger in this photo...





Remember this is just an announcement of something we are looking to test, if the overall consensus is negative we will make changes or put this on hold.





Every server has their own "Regional" activities that are done throughout the year that not all regions participate in (Case in point ANZAC Day on NA) . This is one of them. That being said, depending on feedback, we can look into possibly duplicating this for the NA server.




If you complete both missions, yes you will have two Commander Jenkins, one that is a 10pt and the other that is a 6 pt.

Mahalo, to everyone that came out for the stream!!!



Replays are automatically saved in the World of Warships folder under "Replays" folder, there isn't anything you have to do, other than attach it using the menu at the bottom of these post windows.

You are the first person to report any issues with reversing in either ship, and we are unable to duplicate this either, which is why we need a ticket ( with a WGCheck report attached ( or we need a replay attached.



Consulte este artículo para obtener más información sobre la compensación por la reciente interrupción del servidor.

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Check out this article for more info on compensation from the recent server outage. Read it on the portal


Confira este artigo para obter mais informações sobre a compensação pela recente queda de energia do servidor.

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The event is over, and the results are in! Read it on the portal


¡El evento ha terminado y los resultados están aquí! Leer en el portal

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Testing the improved combat camera.

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