Alright just looked into this! When 12.2 goes live, Trouble in the Hot Tub will be added to these capaign missions as an option.
Alright just looked into this! When 12.2 goes live, Trouble in the Hot Tub will be added to these capaign missions as an option.
Hey! Let me look into this and see if I can get an answer. I'll respond here when I can.
A Comandante Ashley Violet está de volta em um Drop especial, e agora ela tem sua própria voz! Leia no portal
Commander Ashley Violet is back in a special Drop—and she’s now fully voiced! Read it on the portal
La Comandante Ashley Violet está de vuelta en un Drop especial, ¡y ahora tiene su propia voz! Leer en el portal
Dispute para ser o melhor pato de borracha guerreiro: confira suas propriedades elásticas e lance suas minas e equipamentos especiais! Leia no portal
Compete to be the best rubber duck warrior: Check out their rubber-like properties and deploy their splashy mines and special equipment! Read it on the portal
¡Compitan para ser el mejor guerrero de los patitos de hule: comprueben sus propiedades elásticas y desplieguen sus minas salpicadoras y equipo especial! Leer en el portal
If you'd like, you can see the history of the ship via the Wiki:
The Z-42 has not been altered since she became available.
You may be referring to stats which only existed on the DevBlog when she was revealed as a ship that would be coming to the game. Shortly after the DevBlog was published, her stats were adjusted heavily so they would be more correct when starting the testing process. Test ships are not available for players outside of special programs.
YouTube videos would reflect the final version of the ship. Test ships are not allowed to be used for content until they are in their Final or nearly-Final state. This prevents incorrect information as the testing process can have significant changes applied over a short span of time which could make older content no longer relevant.
As others have said, in a less-coordinated environment the "safe-to-safe" push (your Home cap to their Home cap) can work out, but it requires two things:
Immediate aggression from every player on your team. Tempo is important to avoid risk of cross-fire from the contested-cap flank.
This is by no means guaranteed as many players learn to kite/trade instead of hard-and-fast pushing.
Forward-heavy positions from the enemy team. If they are turned out to kite away, they can bleed time for their contested-cap allies to take positions and help.
The A-to-B push has to happen so quickly and so violently that all of the enemy forces at B are annihilated before the C cap forces can set up to crossfire. If the B-forces kite out and delay, pushing into B could be extremely unpleasant.
Further, if the push to B is sufficiently stalled, forces from C can instead wrap down t...
Read more¡"Problemas en el jacuzzi", los cruceros panamericanos en Acceso Anticipado, cambios a la economía de batalla y muchas cosas más! Leer en el portal
Trouble in the Hot Tub, Pan-American cruisers in Early Access, changes to the battle economy, and a whole lot more! Read it on the portal