Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

13 May


There will be UX improvements, possibly tier-balance adjustments, and we're planning on slipping in a couple slightly smaller un-announced things - generally the Bazaar will be a core feature that persists in the game's future though

12 May


Originally posted by SamSmitty

It might already be apart of it, but had shadow banning been discussed? If they get chat banned, they make a new one. If they aren’t sure if they are chat banned, it might slow it down? They would probably still need to be able to whisper and all so they can’t confirm it easily, but if they aren’t sure of what exact phrase got them banned at what time I could help in the conflict.

I can't really go into details on what we do with regards to this but we can shadow chat ban people.


I agree that our methods aren't providing enough protection against this yet. The current system blocks almost all of it. But the couple percent that does slip through is still really annoying.

Edit: We are actively developing new systems to combat this problem.


Originally posted by VictusBcb

Just out of curiosity on the matter, why does online have issues with this as opposed to offline being able to just clear their bar? Wondering what makes this issue tick

I don't know off the top of my head. If I was going to start investigating it, I bet that the ability assignment request has a null check in it somewhere that fails if you try and set the ability to nothing. It actually asks the server if it's ok to assign that skill. We try to reduce network calls wherever we can do it's probably checking the null value before it even asks and just isn't bothering because it thinks it's a pointless request. Even though it's not.

Basically someone probably forgot about it.


Originally posted by CypherdiazGaming

You know what the problem with your shop is?

After 300hrs...

There isn't enough..things in it. I really want to support you guys more cause 35 for 300hrs is fantastic but I just want more options in the shop to support yall more. More cosmetics please. Lol.

Of all the things that could be wrong with a mtx shop, that's probably the best lol. More coming with major patches.


Others answered the questions well already, just to add that the extra purchase pushing that we do is just a tiny little button that says "shop" just at the bottom of the screen. You don't get any annoying popups or stuff.


Ok, there is technically a way to do it but it's next level jank.

Fill you action bar with an ability that you have because of passive point investment. Respec your passives such that you don't have that ability unlocked any more. It will automatically remove it from your action bar.

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

OK, let’s get into it. Before I get too far, the specific details on exact timings, speed, cooldown, interactions and everything else is still very much up for adjustments and will almost guaranteed change between now and 1.1 launch. The start of my Evade description post starts by saying that these are the details for the version that we are doing internal testing on. It still has to go through that and to our CT program before it gets a 1.1 launch version. So, lots of stuff here will see adjustments between now and then. All I can describe is the version that we are testing now.

I believe Evade is currently slightly faster than walking. However, if the goal is the optimize, spamming Evade between packs is not necessarily going to be any better. I have been testing this out a bunch and I have consistently posted slower times on echoes when I use Evade as a traversal skill. Having it as a tool to quickly reposition in combat saves more time for me than spamming it between pac...

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    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

Because the goal is to slightly increase battlefield repositioning potential, not give a significant increase to overall traversal speed. Reducing the cooldown on traversal skills would have the intended effect but would also have an unintended downside. This does not share that downside. We also would prefer to have the option of taking a traversal skill or not continue to be an option. It would also require dramatic changes to each traversal skill which would result in the removal of many mechanics that people really enjoyed. I also think that it is a step towards having each ability slot being categorized. If you ever played D3 before you realized that you could put any skill on any slot if you changed ...

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11 May

    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

I get a notification when someone quotes me so I figured I’d add a reminder that if you press G in game, you can open the game guide which says:

The affixes are selected at random and cannot be influenced.

10 May


Originally posted by Cygnarite

Hold up - new player here who knows the basics of slamming but maybe not the intricacies - you mention that sealed affixes are ignored - is there a way to seal 1/2 affixes I don’t want in a 4 affix exalted so I improve the odds of getting the stat I want on an LP 1/2 slam?

No, please read the rest of that chain, I explain it in detail.

A 1LP unique always has exactly a 25% chance of grabbing any of the main 4 non-sealed affixes it has. Regardless of any sealed affixes or not.

Edit: also, I'm sorry but the post you replied to has the line: "There is no way to bend the odds in your favour."

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Harbingers of Ruin update comes to Last Epoch on July 9th.

Join us as the fight for Eterra continues with the launch of Cycle 1.1 - Harbingers of Ruin.


Originally posted by CypherdiazGaming

I just wish foe 2 things with the crafting system.

A rare glyph (like creation rare) that can be used to give the item 1-20 FP.

And another ultra rare glyph that will has a chance to upgrade a t5 affix to t6 or t7. Can only be used on t5s. Eats the rest of the FP like a creation. Has a chance of failure, but a decent chance to upgrade to t6 and a minor chance to upgrade to t7.

I love the crafting system in LE compared to other arpgs.

I will rip that band-aid off quick. Those are both items we have considered and debated many times. They have never come remotely close to making it past the "should we do it?" phase.


Originally posted by Chlorophyllmatic

I follow now. I appreciate you taking the time to break it down so thoroughly.

As an aside, I think you guys have a really good balance between deterministic and randomized crafting (e.g. this subsystem), as someone who was driven away from PoE after a few years on account of the forced economy and esoteric crafting. You guys have gold on your hands and I’m excited for how you continue to shape it.

Thanks :)

We've got some exciting plans for upcoming additions too.


Originally posted by Chlorophyllmatic

Ohhhh okay, it needs exactly four affixes. Got it, I overlooked the specificity

Well yes, but technically not quite. (unless you're really taking my "ignore the sealed affixes" to heart)

As I said: "The exalted item is required to have 4 non-sealed affixes on it." It may or may not have additional sealed affixes but it doesn't matter.

The exalted item is required to have exactly 4 non-sealed affixes on it. The number of sealed affixes is irrelevant.


Originally posted by Chlorophyllmatic

but it is completely ignored

Just to clarify - as in it cannot transfer when slamming? Or or as in the fact that it is sealed is irrelevant and can transfer as normal?

If it’s the former, you could seal an undesirable affix to improve your odds, no? If it’s the latter, would you be able to seal a desirable affix and then play the lottery with Runes of Removal for undesirable affixes?

The legendary creation process has no knowledge of a sealed affix in any way shape or form at all. For all purposes, it is as though the sealed affix does not exist at all. It is completely ignored for all requirements and uses. You can pretend that it doesn't exist.

So, now that sealed affixes don't exist. The exalted item needs 4 affixes. If the unique item has 1LP, it has 25% chance of hitting each affix. Nothing can change that.


Originally posted by Chlorophyllmatic

So if you have an exalted with one or two worthwhile affixes, what are you doing there? Playing the remove lottery? Sealing an undesirable one?

The exalted item is required to have 4 non-sealed affixes on it. It can also have a sealed affix but it is completely ignored. There is no way to bend the odds in your favour. You're just rolling the dice. It's even chance.

All the info is in the game guide [G].

Edit: also to add to your question about how rare 4xT6/7 are, they say "Extremely rare" but that doesn't come close to describing how rare it is. It's mega omg wtf rare.


Originally posted by princemousey1

Oh my, Canucks are the absolute worst. You guys use both American and British spelling together! Then I take it all back, you don’t need a Brit and a Yank in the equation. You just need a Canuck to muck it all up.

Yea, and then we toss in some random native stuff too just to make it extra confusing.


Originally posted by princemousey1

They’ve got a yank and a Brit editor who just keep correcting over each other’s mistakes.

It's actually a Yank, a Brit and a Canuck that caused these problems but yea.

Source: am the Canuck in question.