Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

16 May

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

The issue with the Wraithlord is the reason this bug was investigated and corrected. It’s possible other issues could have been caused by this, though I do not have a list. If you’re encountering any bugs, please do report them via the in-game bug report tool for the team to have a look at!

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug where certain minions could enter a state where they can’t be affected by abilities, causing Wraithlords to get stuck endlessly trying to consume them
    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

We have a potential fix in testing for the Wraithlord incidental bug that got added after fixing characters instantly reviving after death in rare instances.

15 May

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

This isn’t technically an issue with warpath, but rather the level and needs to be fixed on a case by case basis. If you’ve encountered this in a specific area, please submit a bug report with a screenshot of where it’s occurring for our level design team to look into that spot.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Looks like the edit was the piece I was missing, you need to be in negative mana for this to occur. I’ll make sure it’s on the Team’s radar, thank you!

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Cleric’s Hammer is a trigger itself, a trigger cannot trigger a trigger. If Cleric’s Hammer triggered Healing Hands, it could go into an infinite loop.

    EHG_Kain on Forums - Thread - Direct

Upcoming Bazaar Sales Cleanup

Hello Travelers!

Alongside today’s Patch Notes, we also wanted to provide notice that on Monday, May 20th, we will be cleaning up all records of Redeemed and Cancelled auctions from the Bazaar. This means closed listings prior to the May 20th cleanup will no longer be displaying on your redeem page. With 1.1, we will be introducing an automated cleanup for this, which will remove old Redeemed and Cancelled auctions after a given time period.


  • Moved the s...
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    EHG_Mike on Forums - Thread - Direct

Well, I’m very happy to report that is not the case at all. The vast majority do not fall into those categories at all. It has people from a very diverse gaming background.

14 May


Originally posted by HuntedWolf

Ah I see. Great job on the way it currently works though, I love seeing that quick shift from an untidy mess of me picking things up into smooth layers.

On a side note both the sorting and the general use of stash boxes would improve if it didn’t have 17 rows. Nothing goes into 17 so things always end up wonky.

Lol I know, it bothers me so much. That and also how the sort doesn't put 1x1s side by side to make a pair so you don't get that awkward 1x17 section down the right side. We just hired a dedicated UI dev for the first time to redo all these janky old bits of my code floating around.


Originally posted by HuntedWolf

Can you change the tiebreaker to alphabetical so that unique items are at least sorted into groups with each other?

It's on the list to be updated properly. It doesn't know the name of the item and the tiebreaker is just incidental, it's not actually coded. So it's not just a matter of switching what it's looking at.


Originally posted by kz9000

Would you guys consider allowing us to vote on what is released? Have a poll going for the month with a few concepts that we could vote on for our favorite. Might increase the hype around a new cosmetic release.

I think it's a cool idea. We don't really have the spare art assets to make concept art for mtx that we don't follow through on. We are just trying to add as much as we can right now as the shop still feels kinda bare. If it is good enough that we would be confident to present it as an option, then we would probably just want to make it regardless. Maybe once we get the mtx options settled a little more.


Yea, my sorting algorithm was never meant to go into production 6 years ago. All it cares about is object size. It then uses age as an incidental tiebreaker so it just knows that all those 1x1s are "sorted nicely".

Edit: someone just told me they are actually working on this already.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Skill issue


I’ll link this to our dev team to get their thoughts


Originally posted by sathwik93

Oh ok thank you for the clarification.

I didn't mean add a sixth skill specialization though. Just a key on which we can only map traversal skills, and does the dodge roll if the binded traversal skill is in cooldown. Said traversal skill doesn't even have to be specialized.

I can understand the concern with extra keybind on ARPG (one comment in this thread mentioned it) but if we most likely have a new button to trigger dodge roll, might as well well xpand it's functionality to trigger a traversal skill if available

But extrapolating your point, I guess it would be difficult for balance and gameplay flow if you seperate out traversal skill as the player can have 5 damage skills available to him instead of four.

Edit: sorry I just saw your request to use evade instead of dodge.

It's less about not wanting to add a 6th button and more about not wanting to add a 6th specialization slot and wanting equal spec slots and ability bar slots which implies the requirement of not adding a 6th non-spec bar slot.

Also, please try to use Evade as we aren't adding a Dodge roll.


One of the requirements we had for the system was to not add a 6th specializable ability slot. This suggestion would require compromising the other systems in a way we are not comfortable with.

Option 1: delete all of the traversal still trees. It then is just a class specific version of what we are already doing while also effectively deleting 10 skills at the same time.

Option 2: remove one of the other ability slots at the same time. That turns this into us just locking one of the slots on your bar and giving it a coooldown effect.

I can't think of another way to make this work and both of these are non starters for me personally.

It's a neat idea but even if we didn't have to make another of those adjustments, it also increases the complexity of the overall system higher than we want.

This was an option we considered which is why I know the reasons we didn't do it off the top of my head.

Edit: also, please please please start u...

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13 May


Does it depend on our react to the state of the game?

If yes, not ok. If no, maybe ok but not conclusive.


Eleventh Hour Games is seeking multiple remote, full-time positions for individuals who share a passion for loot-based games, skill trees, and joining a team of dedicated creators. We've just added a new Combat Designer role as well! Check out our hiring page for more information: https://eleventhho...

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Originally posted by Groovy_Decoy

Not yet. Which way is best to do it? In game? On the Discord? Or On the official forums?

I'm posting it here first hoping to get some confirmation from someone else having the issue to see if theirs can also be attributed to drift.

In game is best


Originally posted by Groovy_Decoy

Following up on this... Hey u/ekimarcher , would you mind checking out another post I made on this as well? I think I have cracked what is happening.

Did you also submit it to the bug reports?