Last Epoch

Last Epoch Dev Tracker

05 Oct


Originally posted by Ashmedai

Side question; will you be supporting/allowing (offline) modding?

It's something we have discussed, but haven't reached a conclusion on. We would like to support offline modding if we are able to, but we need to make sure we are able to before we make any promises.

01 Oct


Originally posted by Ashmedai

The single player version of the game is offline single player, with the restriction that such characters cannot be used for online play. Even games with restrictive online-only DRM, these games are heavily datamined because of all the local strings and what not. They're really aren't that many "secrets" in such games.

Spot on. One additional thing to note, online characters will be able to be converted to offline characters.

Regarding secrets/datamining, because we intend to support offline play we will not able to prevent datamining to the degree we could if the game was purely online. It's unfortunate, but it's a necessary compromise to offer the features we want to have

24 Sep


Hi Mastery, welcome to the community and thank you for your support. You raise some very good points and I have to say that I agree with your concerns. We don’t expect to get it right on the first try. I’m sure that the plans we have for the Bazaar will evolve as we experiment with it at scale. It’s actually one of the systems that we want to get up and running fairly soon so that we can start testing it out. Currently, we are planning on having certain situations in crafting where it binds the item to your account but makes the crafting guaranteed to work. We are planning on having most (if not all) items that you find out in the wild be tradable on the Bazaar or giftable to your friends.

We really like the GGG trading system a lot and want that same sort of market to happen. You’re right though, we are trying to avoid gold sellers being a thing. We are also trying to avoid players needing to go to another website or program (e.g. to set up a trade.

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21 Sep


Originally posted by awaterujin

Aww, I want a companion that levels up with you.

That feeling of a companion levelling with you is something we want to achieve with the skill trees of summoning skills.

30 Aug


Originally posted by EHG_Sarno

So our plan isn't for uniques to be objectively superior to rares (think Diablo III), but rather for them to do something different. Crafting items will be one solid way of getting a good foundation for your character, but you might want specific uniques which are build-enablers, or otherwise contribute to your build in an interesting way. Please understand that a lot of elements of the game are currently very much WIP, and balance (e.g. drop rates vs crafting) is top of that list.

Some uniques will be rarer than others - and we'll be making an official distinction where the rarest / most valuable are labeled Legendaries.

Appreciate your questions and the kind words!

Spot on, one additional thing to note is that some particular uniques will be exclusive to certain bosses or will have higher drop chances with their respective bosses, though these will not be the majority case.

29 Aug


Originally posted by 29NightRain

My understanding on Masochist is something like an additional mode of ‘All Monster do x% more damage and take y% less damage’, is it so? If it is, I think players from POE would buy it. I’m just wondering how much are the x% and y% in Masochist? Thanks!

In Masochist you and your minions take (100 + zone level)% more damage and deal (50 + zone level/4)% less damage.

The zone level of the arena is always equal to the player's level.

26 Aug

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the report! You’re correct that we need to change Your to You. :slight_smile:

25 Aug

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct

The Passive Grid featured in the game’s pre-alpha demos, but has not been carried forward into our alpha test. I’m going to lock this thread to avoid any confusion.

21 Aug


It should be within the next couple of hours now. We'll announce on Discord when it goes live, so keep an eye on #announcements!


12 Aug


Originally posted by [deleted]


If it helps conceptualise it the actual formula is

mana cost = raw mana cost / (1 + mana efficiency)

This last example would be able to translate the very way you stated mana efficiency would, I believe.

It's interesting that you bring this up, mana efficiency was originally called "increased mana cost divider", which is more descriptive. However we decided against going with that name as it was pretty long, and could be confused with "increased mana cost" at a glance, which would give entirely the wrong impression.

Stats like mana efficiency whose exact mechanics are not clear from their name will have detailed tooltips in game, and many, such as tenacity, already do. The only reason why mana efficiency doesn't yet is because at the moment you can't get it on items or passives so there's no character sheet description for it.

09 Aug

08 Aug

16 Jul

    Sarno on Forums - Thread - Direct


We are in the process of removing the boards for the mastery classes.

I’ve moved this thread from Sorcerer to Mage as a courtesy.

12 Jul


Hi Pajingtonn,

We're glad you're enjoying it and we appreciate the feedback.

A lot these points - like the skill point confirmation, and missing X on the dialogue window - are aspects of the UI or controls that are definitely rough around the edges in the pre-Alpha and that we plan to smooth out during Alpha, so rest assured that those will be looked at and improved on.

For skill tree node, we are planning a system for that, and respeccing individual nodes will definitely be a lot easier than it is in Pre-Alpha. We haven't finalised exactly how it's going to work though.

Thanks again for you feedback and I hope you enjoy our future releases.

29 Jun


Originally posted by EHG_Sarno

We are aware that some people are having issues 1) viewing support articles, and, 2) downloading the Necromancer client.

If you are affected by either of these, please e-mail [email protected].

We are extremely sorry about this.

Update: We have implemented a fix, let us know if you're still having issues.

Enjoy the patch!

25 May


Originally posted by sloxatwork

My ears. Holy cow. Whatever type of video player it is, it sucks. You can't expand it from it's UI and you can't adjust the volume. It's either full volume or none. I beseech thee to use YT or something that doesn't rape your viewers ears in the future.

Sorry for the inconvenience. This is Kickstarter's video player so we needed to use it post this as an update on our Kickstarter page.

21 May


The eleventh hour is a common saying referring to the last minute, and because most of our team have other jobs we do most of our development at night, thus eleventh hour games

20 May


Originally posted by gibbousmoon100

How do you intend to keep the reddit crowd from pressuring you more and more into a clear-speed meta?

Faster clear speed is often what players in these types of games strive for - I don't see that being any different in Last Epoch. If we see a skill that can go from screen to screen in a split second destroying everything in an area that is supposed to be challenging it's safe to assume that we'll combat that build in some way. A big way to prevent this up front is to build skills that do not hit the entire screen instantly. We've also decided to make mana matter much more than a lot of games by not introducing mana potions and giving powerful abilities high mana costs so you can't easily use them back to back.

I will not let our game become movement skill > screenwide kill > movement skill > screenwide kill, repeat. If you notice that happening in the future, copy and paste this comment to me and I will ensure it gets fixed. ;)