

07 Mar

    Ubi-Galaxy on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Axios-115

I'm sorry that you had an issue with the Battle Pass.

Could you please tell me more details regarding the issue?
Have you finished a challenge but it did not unlock or you did not receive the reward?
Could you also tell me which challenge is not unlocking?

Thank you very much.

01 Mar

    Ubi-Galaxy on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

The issue is still under investigation. At present we do not have any new information.

As soon as we receive an update from the devs, we will let you know.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Thank you very much.

    Ubi-Galaxy on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey everyone,

I just wanted to check if the crashes you reported are still happening after the last game update.

If the issue persists and the troubleshooting we suggested did not help, please create a support ticket, as we need to investigate the crashes.

Please make sure to include the system files mentioned here, when you create the support ticket.

Thank you very much.

    Ubi-Galaxy on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @mvpeu

I'm sorry that you are experiencing many issues with The Summit.

Would you be able to provide a video of the issues you mentioned, please? It can help us investigate your report.

Thank you very much.

    Ubi-Galaxy on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @svaage70

Could you please let us know if it is the issue is related to Dark Zone South Recon Mission?

It seems that you have also mentioned a Delta error. Could you please tell us the exact error code?

Thank you very much.

    Ubi-Galaxy on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @dapeamel

I'm sorry that you are unable to open the boxes in both raids.

Could you please let us know if the issue persists after this new game update?

If it does, would you be able to create a video of the issue, as it can help us to further investigate it?

Thank you very much.

    Ubi-Galaxy on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

I'm sorry that the issue persists after following our troubleshooting guide.

In this case, we need to check some system files, to further investigation.

Could you please create a support ticket, making sure to include the system files mentioned in this guide?

Thank you very much.

    Ubi-Galaxy on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey everyone,

Just checking if the issue persists after last game update.

Could you please let us know?

Thank you very much.

    Ubi-Galaxy on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @daniel_tanks

Thank you for your report and for the video you've provided. I am sorry that you are unable to finish the Manning Zoo mission.

Could you please let us know if the issue persists after the last game update?

Thank you very much.

    Ubi-Galaxy on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @daniel_tanks

Thank you for letting us know that the issue disappeared.

@N3mB0t could you please let us if you're still having this problem?


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    Ubi-Galaxy on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there,

Just checking if the issue persists after TU17.

In case it still happens, could you please provide a video of the issue, so we can forward it to our devs?

Thank you very much.

    Ubi-Galaxy on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @E-ven

Thank you for your report. I am sorry that you've had this issue for so long.

I have forwarded the information and the screenshots you provided, to the devs for further investigation.

We apologies for any inconvenience.

We will let you know, once we receive more information.

Thank you very much.

    Ubi-Galaxy on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Chrisg810

Thank you for your feedback! We will pass it on to the relevant team.

Although we can't guarantee that this feature will be added to the game, we appreciate the time you took to provide this feedback.

Thank you very much.

    Ubi-Galaxy on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Phatman1759

I am sorry that you've had this issue with the exotics on The Division 2.

To investigate your report, we need to check your account but it is not possible to do it on the forum.

If you have already created a support ticket, you will get a reply as soon as possible. We apologise for the delay.

Thank you very much for your patience and understanding.

    Ubi-Galaxy on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey there @MrAATX50

Thank you for following our troubleshooting guide.

Does the issue persists after updating the game to TU17?

If it does, would you be able to test if, by connecting your console to a smartphone wifi hotspot, the issue persists?

Thank you very much.

    Ubi-Galaxy on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey everyone,

Thank you for sharing the information. I can confirm that we have already reported the exploits mentioned in this thread and in the other one created by @OtterNas3n to the devs, for investigation.

We appreciate the time you dedicated to create these reports ❤

Thank you very much.

    Ubi-Galaxy on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey everyone,

Thank you for the information. I will pass this feedback to the devs, as we don't have any other reports of issues with the exotic drop rate.

As the exotic drop is random, it is not guaranteed. However we will send these reports to the devs.

Thank you very much.

    Ubi-Galaxy on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @Tyranmedic

Thank you for your understanding. There are still no updates regarding the ongoing investigation.

Once we will receive new information from the devs, we will post them on the News & Announcement section of the forum.

    Ubi-Galaxy on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey everyone,

It seems that the issue was solved so I am now locking the thread.

@Noxious81 Thanks again for the assist! 😁

26 Feb

    Ubi-Galaxy on Support Forums - Thread - Direct

Hey @silverp07

Just checking how are you getting on.

Do you still need support regarding the materials or is the issue solved?

Please let us know.

Should you need more information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us again.

Thank you very much.