7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

23 Nov

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Sometimes when you are doing something brand new you have to start somewhere and then build from that. I guess their starting place was just a bit different from where you would have picked as a starting place. For a first version I was pretty impressed with what they were able to get in. I did not expect it to be even this far along until Alpha 11.

13 Oct

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Are you playing Single player? You could mod in an item that does enough damage to destroy bedrock if so.

11 Sep

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I'm not even going to argue the point. The code is broken, even the developers acknowledge there are sound placement issues with the current code. The sound issues I listed are all confirmed issues that are possible within the current code for the sound engine with the way distance and range for the audio is calculated.
    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by EvilKlown: This is exactly why I posted what hardware I use, and software, and asked about the OP's too. So you, and the devs can look and say "Well isn't that strange, it works great for one player with this hardware, but not so great for others with this other hardware..." ;) The world of gaming is loaded with mysteries like this, but if we shut it down with out so much as a single peep of what kind of hardware are people using... The issue will remain unresolved for longer than it should.
Well, from personal experience I can attest to every one of the listed sound issues on both the same hardware you listed (Realtek 889 built-in to MB) and an Asus Xonar DSX.
    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Actually there are multiple issues with the sound even on properly configured sound setups.
Sound is not impacted or occluded based on objects.
Sound over distance is randomly as loud or louder than nearby sounds.
Sounds randomly swap direction as one turns (example, a very slight turn will cause a sound that is currently playing in the left speaker to play on the right channel {same for front/back} and then swap back again with a further slight turn or reversal of that slight turn.

Even the developers have acknowledged the sound system needs work (once they stopped playing with the magic blips {funny I mentioned it months prior but I had been playing with No Enemy Map Icons for a while})

Here are some comments from the developers acknowledging the sound issues:
... Read more

08 Aug

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
open the console (~` by default)
type dm
press the g key to fly
space to go up
c to go down

19 May

14 Feb

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
The 2 pack problems are STEAM issues.
1). When you buy a multi-pack, the first one is assigned to your account automatically (you and the developer/publisher have no choice), and the extra copies are given in your inventory as gifts.
2). Once you own a game, Steam prevents buying a multi-pack.

Both of these are STEAM problems that Valve has done nothing about forever.