7 Days To Die

7 Days To Die Dev Tracker

06 Nov

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by akroma.chan: It's not a bug... It's a feature.
Some versions before they decided bow was op because it couldn't miss when aimed correctly, so they introduced a rng when shooting making the arrow "deviate" from it trajectory.
It's crappy, it could have been set by several different changes, they choose this way and will probably never change (since MM don't seem to even play his game, or understand how we play it).
I died or almost died a few times because of this "oups you arrow didn't hit the dog at 50cm from you but hit the rock behind it". It is frustrating but, well, it's not broken.
Just a correction:
In Alpha 14.3 a chance to miss was added that I lovingly call "fake miss" because at th... Read more

22 Sep

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Start game
build stuff
press F1
type 'st 01 07 00' without quotes
press enter
press esc

bingo, Day 1 7:00

07 Jun

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Kunovega: For anyone else who stumbles on this topic and is trying to copy their save games:

When you launch the game from steam library, it asks if you want to show the game launcher

Start the launcher, not the game. Switch to the tools tab

You can now open game folder or open savegame folder directly, no searching through file explorer or using search box to find them

Or if you need a video, here's how to transfer a character to a new world:
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10 Oct

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
No, the ability to get achievements remains intact for that world.
As long as cheats are disabled when you actively try for the achievement, having previously enabled them does not seem to cause an issue.

Example a quick way to get the Player Killing achievements without killing another human.
Note: I can personally verify this works.
New game with cheats disabled.
F1 (to open console)
F1 (to close console)
U (open cheat menu)
Search for pipe bombs
Fill Belt with pipe bombs
Close cheat menu
press H
press space to fly up above the ground out of reachable distance for anything on ground.
Face a little bit in front and toward the ground of current position.
F6 (to open spawn menu)
Click the Spawn 25 box.
Press banditmelee twice
F6/ESC (to Close spawn menu)
F1 (to open console)
F1 (to close console)
NOTE: you should still be flying, and bandits still spawning or nearly ful... Read more

02 Aug

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Please post in the appropriate forum! Thank you!
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    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Playstyle Attacking It seems there has been an increasing amount of attacking those whom would play with different settings, values, modifications than default.

This needs to stop. These forums are not here just for the default settings and/or harder. They are here for everyone who enjoys the game in any way they choose to play.

The Fun Pimps themselves have said many times that while they are designing the game how they want it to be played, but they also want the user to be able to have the customized experience the user would like.

Going forward, threads request help customizing the experience toward a player's liking or offering suggestions for such should not be met with attacks, comments of how they should play another game, comments they should just enable cheats, etc, etc. Those who've decided to make such comments will have their ability to interact with the community restricted.

Each time such a thread is posted a person makes a c... Read more

24 Jul

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by madmole {developer}: Yea hopefully. I think achievements are coming in A15 to PC.

Note the PC only got them days ago:
whereas console has had them since early June:
http://www.trueachievements.com/7-Days-to... Read more

22 Jul


    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
I also would support and buy another copy if released on GOG. (not that what I think matters to anyone but me and the voices in my head).

28 May

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Depends on the button used to take the screenshot.

Game (F9) - Steam Client > Games Library > 7 Days To Die > Right-Click > Properties > Local Files > Browse Local Files.
This will take you to a path of
\SteamApps\common\7 Days To Die

Steam Overlay (F12) - Steam Client > View > Screenshots > 7 Days To Die > Click one of the pictures > Click Show on disk
This will take you to a path of (note: I already used your SteamID to look up the correct value for the your userid one below):

Your specific path:

My Path:

Next you might ask how to check the value of AccountID1.
The information is fully public, every Steam account has certain always public info, and Valve has an API published to look it up.
Go to sites like ... Read more

12 Dec

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by ISac: but why they dont fix this ??
Because they could spend time building new code and new stuff, or making sure everything is backward compatible like this was a final released product. Which would you prefer during an Alpha (hint if all the time is spent fixing a few bugs and keeping everything backward compatible that means fewer changes usually and fewer new features). They've said many times eventually that will be a focus but for now major updates mean a restart (or roll-back/opt-in) to an old version but never load saves between different major versions.
    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Cheater, Hackers, Bad Admins - Name & Shame - And YOU!
Copied here for convenience:
Cheater, Hackers, Bad Admins - Name & Shame - And YOU!
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25 Nov

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
7 Days To Die Forum Rules (applies to both the Steam and Official Forums):


NOTE: While some of these do not directly apply and some have directions that slightly differ, the premise of the rules remains the same when applied here.
For reporting, you would use the Flag instead of the Exclamation Point mentioned in these rules.

NOTE: These have been copied for convenience, but please check the above link in to be sure of the latest versions.
Official Forum Rules and Guidelines
*Updated June 12th, 2020*

Welcome to the official forum for 7 Days to Die. This is a place to discuss the game, as well as offer feedback, trade advice, and share, me...
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    /u/ on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Rules from Valve per your agreement to be on Steam:

NOTE: I've copied the current version below, but please see the above link for to be sure you are viewing the latest version. Further if you have any questions regarding these rules or any other rules from Valve for Steam, visit the provided links, and additionally this Guide:
... Read more

21 Jul

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Eating broken glass was introduced almost right after the suicide command was removed.
It was added in Alpha 9:
Added eat glass for suicide option

19 Apr

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
To Be Honest I am not sure what the measurement value is against now as it has changed. I believe a higher number means slower, but have not tested on recent versions.
    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Good point Roadie.
As Roadie points out that would make a lot of difference.
    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
growth rates are in blocks.xml

25 Mar

    Red Eagle LXIX on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Originally posted by Lenkdrache: Skynet called, and wants it's story line back lol
Colossus called and told Skynet it was darned clone that was inferior to even the Russian Guardian.

23 Nov

    Roland on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Sometimes when you are doing something brand new you have to start somewhere and then build from that. I guess their starting place was just a bit different from where you would have picked as a starting place. For a first version I was pretty impressed with what they were able to get in. I did not expect it to be even this far along until Alpha 11.

13 Oct