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Unknowingly I purchased a second set of the armor available with the current Yule Festival. I assume this wasn't intended as a player could assumingly buy it multiple times if they wanted. Just a heads up as it's a bit annoying having a second set of armor in my inventory.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Mushy - Direct link

@eternaljosh Hey there, thanks for reaching out to report this! We've reached out to let the team know about this issue.

Do you recall if you altered the appearance of your original Yule armor? Additionally, were you able to purchase duplicates of any other items?

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Milky - Direct link

Hello EternalJosh, thanks for coming back to us, and letting us know you did not use the transmog system.

Could you please give us the exact name of armor - was it the Modraniht Ceremonial armor or another? Did you purchase it from Norvid twice, by accident?

We know some armor and weapons can be duplicated when upgraded, so we need to ask you these questions to make sure this is not the same issue.

about 3 years ago - Ubi-Dino - Direct link

Thanks for clarifying that @eternaljosh! I advise that you reach out on our support page and create a new case related to this issue so we can have one of our specialists look into this issue for you.