Original Post — Direct link

I bought weapons and ship upgrades and tattoos from Retta and upgraded them and then all of a sudden I travel to different country and they disappeared and I travel back and they still haven’t appeared I’ve even tried to reload save and it shows the items in the store and it shows that I have purchased them because I have less opals but the items have disappeared?! spoiler:::

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @TotalCHAOS0323

If you still need assistance, please can you reach out via one of the following options so we can look into this for you:

Live Chat (when available)

Twitter Direct Message

Facebook Private Message

Please make sure to provide your Ubisoft account username and email if messaging on Twitter or Facebook and if you could also provide some images or what you bought (showing it shows it is purchased) and tell us what items they are, we'll be able to look through your account and see what's going on.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Thanks for sharing this advice too @azullFR, much appreciated as always!

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Mushy - Direct link

@Iwak3z Hey there, I'm sorry to hear you didn't receive the item you purchased! To help get this resolved, please create a ticket on our support site. Make sure you're using the same account where you are playing the game so they can properly assess the situation.

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @Br4dyE4TZVV0r1D apologies for the late response.

Can you please install update 1.7.0 that was released on Tuesday and confirm if this issue is now resolved.