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there's an issue with enemies, who sometimes fall from their positions to the lower level, when I use dive of the valkyrie ability. If this happens, there's no more chance to score the gold medal since I need to finish them and then climb the ladder back to the higher level (dive of the valkyrie doesn't allow to reach high ground from low ground). You can see this happen at approximately 1:20 in the attached video: https://www.transfernow.net/dl/20220511vfb8qj10/PqKjEXau

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there @MR-OPERATOR!

I'm sorry to hear that you've had trouble achieving the Gold Medal during the Trial of the Bear at Saint Guthlac's Point. Thanks for taking the time to share your report with us, and for including a video!

Would you be able to explain a bit more for me how this prevents you from achieving the Gold Medal for this Trial? I can see that the objectives to achieve the Gold Medal in this Trial doesn't include using the Dive of the Valkyries ability to achieve the kills. Is it that the enemies falling to the ground means that more time is taken to finish them, preventing you from completing the Trial within 2:00 minutes?

Would you also be able to let us know if this happens frequently when attempting the Trial, or if it only happens occassionally?

Thanks! 😊

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @s-a-n-dman213

I'm sorry to hear you're unable to complete the trial in time. I'd suggest to try having a look for some videos of it on YouTube to see how they do it and if you can copy their method to help you complete it.

@MR-OPERATOR I see you mean, though, as Ubi-Borealis mentioned above, that ability isn't required to complete it, so just another approach to how you tackle it may be required for this one.

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Hey there @ckonegamer - thanks so much for your posts about this challenge. I understand you'd rather the game award a bronze medal for killing all the guards outside of the time limit, and I've gone ahead and passed this on internally to be looked into. In the meantime, I would echo Ubi-Froggard's recommendation that looking into other ways to tackle the challenge would be a good option, as the silver and gold times are certainly doable, with guides and other resources available online to help you achieve that!

Just to reiterate, though, I've passed on your feedback, as I can certainly understand that having the bronze medal available is your preference with this, and I appreciate you letting me know. Please let me know if you've any further thoughts or questions.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Thanks for your additional comments on this and being able to obtain Bronze for this trial.

I've added these to the feedback comments already noted to the team by Thrupney.

If there's anything else you'd like to share, please let us know!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Froggard - Direct link

Hey @wraithmyth

Whilst it may not be included in this patch, it doesn't mean it won't be changed in future. We'll always share patch notes to let players know quicker what to expect in each patch without having to go in to the game and test to see if something has been resolved.

over 2 years ago - UbiSushiVamp - Direct link

@wraithmyth Thanks for sharing that with us! I appreciate your patience and understanding. Also, congrats on almost finishing the game!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Peach - Direct link

Hey @Asmodio. We understand this has not yet been resolved. Would it be possible to get a screenshot showing what version of the game you running? and ensure your save is uploaded to the cloud. I would like to get this reported to the investigating team and see if we can get an update about this.

Thank you!

over 2 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

Hi @SylvesBee @Asmodio I can understand your frustration with this particular trial, I myself have struggled to obtain the gold medal so far and have only acquired the silver medal.

This is a gameplay related issue and not a bug, as mentioned previously the trial can be completed in time and the Gold medal can be acquired, however it can be difficult to achieve this. You are correct that it is not possible to earn a bronze medal in this trial.

Feedback has been forwarded on to the development team, however I'm afraid we have no further updates.

I can only recommend to keep checking the news and announcements forum for updates as this is where all of the patch notes are posted.