The enemies in francia do not scale properly when the setting is on constant (enemies at player level), they are always at least red diamond with the larger enemies at red skull.
The enemies in francia do not scale properly when the setting is on constant (enemies at player level), they are always at least red diamond with the larger enemies at red skull.
@d-warrior Greetings. Do you have any other adjusted settings in the game difficulty tab besides level scaling? Are you noticing this same issue when changing the difficulty to Skald?
Hey there @d-warrior, thank you for getting back in touch and elaborating on it further. Could you please provide a short video demonstrating that the enemies are not scaling properly, and displaying that you are on the latest version of the game? You could directly upload the clip to an online video-sharing platform like Twitter or YouTube. Alternatively, if you would prefer, you could transfer the video to a PC using a flash drive and then send it to us another way, such as through a file-sharing site. Your current game version can be located in the lower right-hand corner of the main menu. The current update should state 1.5.0.
If you have any questions or run into any other issues, please do not hesitate to let me know.
@d-warrior Thanks so much for this detailed video! Can you please tell me how long you have noticed this happening? Has it happened before, gone away, and returned, or always been present?
Just to check, can you please also go through our basic PC troubleshooting guide, making sure to verify your files, just to rule out any minor software issues?
Let me know so I can report back to our team. Thanks!
@d-warrior I'm sorry to hear this issues continues. Would you specify your power level and the those of the enemies you encounter in Francia?
Hey @d-warrior, thanks for your response as well as provided information together with the video footage. Do mind we sincerely appreciate your input regarding this.
So that we could proceed further, may I double-check if you've possibly started doing Mastery Challenges by any chance? Also, for reproduction purposes, could you upload your save file where issue is present to cloud? To do this, just simply follow steps outlined here. This will give us access to it and will be extremely beneficial record to have.
Let us know and we will take it from there!
@d-warrior Thanks so much! I've reported this issue to our teams. When I have an update to share, I will reply here. Thank you again for your help and cooperation so far.