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I have many times already owned items are still buyable from Reda. I and other user reported this some month now, first i had this issue with the berserker items.
But now i have it with other items too. I cant find the old topics. Only this newer one
Today i purchase this Ulls statue from reda and it was marked as owned. After i travel to france and back in my settlement i visit reda again and the item wasnt marked anymore.
If someone dont know what he already own,he spent maybe again his hard earned opals? I also think the owned section dont shows all items, should be better sorted.
The ingame inventar is also not sorted when i want sell them by a trader. In eivors inventar they are sorted..Hope i explain good..

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

Hello there @SteveZ_Pun!

I'm sorry to hear that Ulls Statue doesn't show as owned in Reda's Shop, despite the fact you've already purchased the item. I can see that the development team are still investigating this issue further, and that your previous reports regarding the Berserker items have been included in this. I've now passed on your report regarding Ulls statue as well.

If you notice any other items you have previously purchased show as available to purchase from Reda's Shop, please don't hesitate to share your report with us so we can pass it along to the team as part of the ongoing investigation.

Thanks! 😊

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Mark. - Direct link

Hello @stevez_pun,

Thank you for the update.

I can assure you that this issue has been reported and it's currently being investigated. Once we have an update, we will let everyone know through the patch notes.

Apologies for any inconvenience caused by this and if you have any additional questions, please let us know.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

@bielik01 asks a good question, @SteveZ_Pun. Would you be able to check if you have the Ullr's Hunter Settlement Pack available to purchase in the "Packs" section of the Animus store?

Can you also check if the Ullr's Hunter Decoration Set is available for you within the "Property" section of the Animus store?

We're currently investigating an issue wherein once a part of a Settlement Pack has been purchased from Reda (such as Ullr's Statue in your case), the full Settlement Pack won't appear as purchasable within the Animus Store. This can also cause some issues with the purchased items not showing as owned, despite the item being purchased. It would be useful to find out if this is the issue you've encountered, as we can then include your report as part of the ongoing investigation.

Thanks! 😊

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Borealis - Direct link

It's possible it could just be the settlement tree, @bielik01, based off your own experience. I'd like to check whether this issue is affecting other items as well, though, as this would be useful for the ongoing investigation. This is why I've asked @SteveZ_Pun to check their own store, to see if they're encountering a similar issue to you 🙂

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Woofer - Direct link

Thank you for your reply, @stevez_pun. Just to clarify, as it is a little unclear, do you see the Ullrs pack showing as "owned", or not owned in the Animus Store for you? If possible, images to show where the pack appears for you, as well as the items from it that you own, would be much appreciated!

Can you also confirm if what you mean by the second half of your post is that you'd like the number of owned items from a particular pack to be displayed in the "owned" section of the Animus Store, if not the whole pack at once?

Thank you for any additional information that you can provide us with, and please do let us know if you have any additional questions in the meantime! 🙂

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@stevez_pun Thanks for the information and screenshots provided, I have forwarded these on to the development team.

Regarding your feedback about the owned section, could you provide a video showing your owned items and how they are displayed and I will forward this suggestion on to the development team.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@SteveZ_Pun Thanks for the images provided. I will forward your feedback onto the development team.

@bielik01 I agree that the owned items could be organised better.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Viral - Direct link

@spirantcrayon22 Hey! Thank you for this additional information. I have passed this on to the dev team also.

Thank you.