Anno 1800

Anno 1800 Dev Tracker

26 Feb


Originally posted by Poyri35

Holy shit, Bilbo Baggins quote!

I’m curious how the new calculations made for roads going to affect spec requirements, if it even does that

And a gameplay beta!? That was quite a surprise for me, it looks great considering they are just doing closed betas. The visual wave when placing a road kinda looks weird, but maybe they’ll change it with the release

Overall, I am quite interested in what they are coming up with. It looks like they are trying to give it an original identity while still keeping true to Anno. And I really appreciate that!

Also, what was that testimony about farms! 45 degree angled farms potentially?

Yes, that visual effect when placing the road is one of the reasons why the clip has the "work-in-progress" label on it ;)

In fact, in the most recent build it's already fixed, but too late for the blog I'm afraid.

And yes, farm fields are also impacted. A bit more on that in part 2 in March.

edit: also, glad someone appreciates the Bilbo quote!


Originally posted by tomassko

But, but, making roads around buildings, thats like 40% fun gameplay for me in 1800.

You can still do that manually, of course, we do not want to take away your main (?) source of fun in Anno!


Originally posted by toiletclogger2671

i'm okay with 45°. i'm glad it's not a complete free placement.

unrelated but has anyone been accepted for the playtest yet? or has there been any word about required specs yet?

We have not yet sent any invites for the beta test. We will let you know when that has happened (so people check their inboxes) but don't expect that to happen for a little while longer.


“The Road goes ever on and on,
Down from the door where it began.”

Bilbo Baggins, The Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

Very few things in an Anno game would function without roads: they connect all the player’s buildings on an island, starting at the harbour and connecting lonely woodcutters, houses in the towns and every other little production outpost.

They enable the transportation of goods and visualize the delivery time and distance of said goods via transportation feedback units with carts or wagons. They play a key role in the city planning for players and help organize the different parts of an island.

And, lastly, all kinds of other feedback units (i.e. pedestrians, animals, etc.) spawn on them as well and make the world look livelier and more believable.


Importantly: They are sticking to the grid like everything else in...

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Your efforts to produce all these shiny assets summarising various features and content of Anno 1800 are very impressive!

Have you considered bundling them in some kind of document? My point would be that there's a danger of all your great work getting "buried" here on Reddit at some point.

24 Feb


It's a great design and personally I also like the aesthetic of the design you went for.

Ultimately, we received so many submissions it wasn't easy to pick only five - on the basis of Level Art's approach to island-design, characteristics of the region (Latium) as well as playability aspects and balancing (Game Design).

Thank you for participating in the contest! All of us very much enjoyed looking through the large number of different entries - we'll probably share the rest (or at least a wider selection) after the winner has been decided. Similar to how we've done with the statue contest last year.


Hey Anno Community,

It’s time for the last phase of our third and final Community Contest dedicated to Anno 117: Pax Romana – voting for your favourite island design!

Back in January, we challenged you to design your very own Latium island and submit your creation for a chance of your design becoming an actual island in Anno 117: Pax Romana. Well, you clearly understood the assignment and sent us SO MANY amazing designs!

We would like to take this moment to thank each and one of you who submitted an entry for the contest, your creativity and attention to details always amazes us. We had an incre...

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19 Feb


We have not yet sent out any invites for the beta (if you're referring to the recent sign-up). This will still take a while - we'll definitely post news as soon as we start sending out invites.
You can continue to sign up here if you haven't done so already:

We did already do smaller playtests over the last 1,5 years or so, but those do not have a public sign-up. They are a mix of hand-picked people and people who generally have signed up with the User Research Labs (e.g. when we looked for people who had zero experience with Anno), the latter usually being in-person playtests (link to User Research Labs: - this is not restricted to Anno specifically).

... Read more

14 Feb


Hey Anno Community,

let us quickly update you on two recent pieces of news!

Register now for beta tests

You can now officially sign up for upcoming beta tests later this year via this website!

We’ll have more information on the exact dates of these tests in the coming months. From all registered players we will randomly draw a certain number of people based on the goals of the tests.

These tests serve to both collect your feedback on the game and its features as well as test performance and stability on all platforms and different kinds of hardware configuration.

The Anno 117: Pax Romana Collectors Edition

Just last week we confirmed...

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10 Feb


We're not getting rid of the grid, as previously mentioned. More later this month in dedicated DevBlogs :)


Originally posted by S1mpel

Thanks for the reply! Maybe the team didn't hear about the (relatively) new Apple game porting toolkit? Others devs seemed really impressed by it when talking about it in behind the scenes videos. Did the Anno team take a look at this?

While this can make it easier, there still are serious efforts involved, especially since we're using a proprietary engine. Plus, every platform (that includes Xbox and PlayStation as well) has some specific requirements before you can release there.

So, sure, not impossible, but if you have to decide where to spend your team's time, you go for the platforms with higher player numbers.

Doesn't rule anything for the future, after all, we released Anno 1800 on consoles years after the PC release, but for now: no, no macOS plans.


Originally posted by Erycius

If it isn't on the Ides of March, I'm selling all my Anno games.

Better create an ebay account.


Originally posted by TrojanW

When is it, then?



I see this was already edited but no, this is not and has never been the release date.

09 Feb


Right now there are no plans in that direction. For release, Anno 117: Pax Romana will be available on Windows PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X|S

07 Feb


Originally posted by MathewCQ

Got the invite too. Does that mean we are in a waitlist or are we gonna picked regardless? And when does it start?

From the pool of everyone who signed up, we will randomly pick people for each upcoming beta test.


Originally posted by fickogames123

Does anyone know how they pick those who can play in Beta? Im assuming its random+content creators?

Depends on the playtest, really. The registration here is for multiple different test phases.

For the large phases like Closed Beta: very much a random selection for each platform + some handpicked people.

For smaller playtests: mostly handpicked people or at least much more specialised criteria (platform? player type? played Anno before yes/no?).


Originally posted by PiRaNhA_BE

Anyway to change the email address any invite would be sent to?

You would need to change the email address of your Ubisoft account, that's where we send the invites to.
You should be able to change it via this website:

06 Feb


Originally posted by Basyli

Looks like the wrong URL was added on Ubisoft Connect. Please use this link:


Originally posted by BackFromItaly

Does anybody know how long the selection/approval process will be? Like should I expect an email (if I get selected) same-day, or like 6 weeks from now?

This is just a registration for future beta tests ;)

I understand you (and many others) are impatient now, but the next test is still a little bit further into the future. We'll post news when invites are about to be sent out.