
Anthem Dev Tracker

06 May


Originally posted by yippiekayyayyy

I still have this problems since day 1 of 1.0.3 update. Its been over a month since I last played Anthem..

I keep getting

" Error retrieving Anthen live service data.

ErrorCode:0x60583f6aba10fddf-0-S "

Hey there. Sorry to hear that. Do you mind helping us track down your issue by filing a report with us at


Sorry for the late response. I was out last week.

I'll see if I can get some definitive answers on this. I think it was Brenon who made some comments about it in the past, but I'm not 100% sure.

25 Apr


Hey there. I will look into this, but can you give me some more information? What console, etc?

Would also help us to identify the issue you're having if we can get a report on, if you don't mind.


Originally posted by [deleted]


We read both subreddits.


Thanks for this. All solid feedback.


I genuinely LOL'd at this one.


FYI -- This is just the starting point for this list. We know some of you have other things you're running into. We will update as we can verify things.

As always, we'd love your reports to be submitted here, so we can track:


24 Apr


Is anyone still experiencing this after downloading the latest Update (1.1.0) released on April 23rd?

23 Apr


Here is an update from Ben (Lead Producer) & Chad (Head of Live Services) on the Act 1 90 day calendar.


Hey Everyone,

It’s been 10 weeks since the early access release of Anthem. While we have been quiet publicly, we have been hard at work in the background and we wanted to provide an update on the state of the game.

The Past 10 Weeks

We have learned a lot since the game went live. We have heard a lot of feedback from all of you, and we have been working diligently to improve as many things as we can in the short term.

We’ve fixed a lot of bugs and made changes which we believe begin to point us in the right direction for the future. That being said, we know there is a long way to go before Anthem becomes the game we all want it to be. So where are we at today…

Game Update 1.1.0

Game Update 1.1.0 went live today and includes some new content and improvements t...

Read more External link →

22 Apr


Originally posted by Greaterdivinity

Thanks for copy pasting the tweets here...

Any chance of high level details of the "various other game improvements and fixes"? Knowing that you'll want to save the meat and potatoes for the stream, it would be nice to get some idea of what else is coming beyond a new stronghold.

We aren't saving for the stream. The details will be in the notes tomorrow.


As I stated on Twitter...

Our next game update (1.1.0) will be released tomorrow with the new Stronghold and various other game improvements and fixes. We will detail all of that out in our patch notes tomorrow, as well as give an update on the 90-Day calendar.

You'll need to download the client update after the servers come back online following the scheduled maintenance. Be sure to follow EAHelp for updates on that.

If you're doing the math, this means you'll actually have a chance to try out the update before our livestream, which I believe is a first!

EDIT: Jesse tells...

Read more External link →

20 Apr


This video is full of false information, it’s misleading and just doesn’t make any sense.

As for Anthem specifically (as I know you all have a lot of questions), we’re still planning to stream on Tuesday. More news then.

13 Apr


This does put a smile on my face.

12 Apr


Originally posted by Mr_July

This. Is. Amazing. Now, please do this for legendary. If my friend picks up a legendary, please auto loot for me.

It's supposed to do that as well... MW and higher are supposed to be auto looted, but we've got reports of it working inconsistently and are investigating the problem now.


It's a feature. If you're not in a group already, and someone on your friends list has an open spot you'll get a notification and can choose to join them. 😊


Originally posted by Joshuwaka

The game auto loots for me. I don't even pick the drops up anymore and I haven't missed one.

Maybe the auto loot fails if the timer is about to go out, idk. I've never had someone wait till the last sec.

Yep, loot from the Elysian chests is automatically picked up. 😊

10 Apr


Originally posted by Rick_Griiiiimes

This must be why the devs are so silent. They're still dismantling epics.

The devs are working on the game, actually.


Originally posted by darealjackbauer

Same. I'm also not a fan of littering. Seeing stuff left behind upsets me. Gotta pick up after myself.

I mean... nothing wrong with at least collecting for the materials, IMO.


Originally posted by muffindonor

Heya, any news to share before/about the next livestream?

Yup. Soon(TM)