
Anthem Dev Tracker

30 Mar


Originally posted by Bakedbrown1e

I really want to be sympathetic about the more difficult to solve bugs but it's made so difficult when no one seems to be taking the easy wins like sorting out the loot situation (or even just having a clearer discussion about what the reservations are to hitting on the on switch an what you're doing about it).

I suspect I speak for a lot of the community here but not talking about the big issues in a more transparent way (and I'm sorry but from this side of the conversation "we're looking into it" is not transparency) makes otherwise understandable issues just more fuel to the fire.

I hear you, but as I’ve said before, loot drop rates and reward systems aren’t a topic that I can weigh in on. The decisions around loot are actively being worked on and discussed everyday, but they aren’t being made on the gameplay team. We are focused on creating the content you interact with during the moment-to-moment gameplay: Javelins, abilities, weapons, creatures, combos, status effects, Masterwork functionality, combat systems, etc. I expect that the community team and studio leadership will post updates as soon as we have more to share on loot.


Hello. We have confirmed with the team and world chest loot is working as intended in 1.0.4.


Originally posted by ajm53092

Well when have had these same bugs that have been around since launch that you guys have been working on, supposedly fixed, and apparently not, twice; it makes it difficult to care why, just that its still a problem.

Yeah I totally understand. I’ve sprouted dozens of grey hairs because of this problem alone. Every time I see us take several shots at it, only for it to rise from the dead again, I get angry/frustrated/upset/disappointed knowing that we’ve let you all down. I wish it were easy. If it were, we’d have knocked it out and been done with it. As long as it’s still happening, we’ll keep looking into it.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Unfortunately since launch all of my time at work had gone to assisting and facilitating the gameplay team development. I’ve had significantly less time interacting with the community and this subreddit than the community team. Happy to receive, read, and take criticism.


Originally posted by leftnut027

/u/Biocamden is fully aware, he had responded multiple times that this was just a UI bug. After thousands of players proving this was incorrect, that health is actually bugged, he said the critism hurt his feelings and has been silent about it since.

Haha I’ve been mostly silent in general over the last few weeks. I’ve been focusing as much of my time as I can in my primary role assisting the gameplay team with development and resolving issues.

When we first dug into this, we only had information and reproduction of the one UI related aspect of this bug. Through additional testing and reports we ended up identifying two. Both of which had fixes roll out with 1.0.4. As I mentioned in another thread on this topic we’ve put in another bug report on this as we clearly haven’t resolved all of the root problems. Sorry that you read my points, acknowledgement of the bugs, and lack of recent participation on the subreddit as anything else.


Originally posted by Parabrezza69

The “I’ll create a bug” was actually intended right?

Yes haha yes bug REPORT. Yikes. Sorry internally we track tickets as tasks, bugs, etc.

29 Mar


That’s very cool. Get it? :)


It’s all I want right now...


Thanks for the additional report details and context /u/exoronin. I'll create a bug report* with this new info and get this looked into again.


Originally posted by XorMalice

we're currently having a lot of internal discussions on the future of loot and progression

I'll be a little bit harsh, because this matters a lot:

At some point real soon, we need to know how loot and progression are planned to work throughout the lifecycle of the game

Everyone talks about WoW or Diablo or whatever, but when they do so, they take for granted that the developers will, mostly, follow the same pattern that they always have. In WoW (or SWTOR), every expansion drops by making previous gear worthless, by adding levels to players. Then, as the expansion progresses, the player gains more and more power by finding gear. Eventually, this recurs, wiping the gear again and delivering more content.

Diablo did a similar thing early on- they raised the level cap, destroying all the (real money purchased in some cases!) loot that everyone had spent time on. Meanwhile, Diablo has two overall types of cha...

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Thank you for the very well though out post! You make some really good points, and I'll be sure to bring it up with systems guys.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Is there something else you'd like me to say when a new issue is brought up?

This is currently all the information I have, but if there's a different way of framing things that you would find more helpful - I'm all ears!

I could say nothing if you'd prefer... but I tend to think that acknowledging that there's a problem and letting people know that we're working on it is the right way to go! 😊


Originally posted by donSefer

There's currently a problem with the newsfeed - we're looking into it... While that's being worked on, the news tiles have been disabled.

28 Mar


Originally posted by sonoma12

Did a design director of a loot based game 6 years in development just admit that their entire loot drop system is bugged?

What in the actual heck am I reading right now?

No... there's a bug that is awarding you drops for the wrong suit... that's what we're talking about. 😊


Originally posted by Mephanic

I see someone also got a legendary for a Javelin they're not even playing... XD

Yes... Yes I have 😊

That said this discussion is giving me a few ideas - going to head back to the office after lunch and check something (might be promising?)


Originally posted by berninhell

I agree. I hope your team gets it sorted out soon.

I saw your other comment about the internal discussions. I think we all look forward to some clarity on the path forward.

Any chance you could address the topic (at a super high helicopter level - no details reqd) of the loot quality calculation? Specifically, whether the calculation for quality of a loot drop contains factors that are predetermined at the start of a session (contract, mission, SH, freeplay) or whether every single loot drop has quality randomly determined when it pops? It really seems like something nerfs loot drop quality on a session by session basis and it's not an equal RNG chance from one session to the next (all other factors being equal).

Loot type (weapon, gear, component, etc) and rarity are determined at the time of the drop.

Hope that helps! 😊


Originally posted by TARichter

I just don't particularly understand why loot is this way currently. I personally stopped playing because honestly chasing a build was taking long periods of time to get any piece because there was no real way for me to chase anything specific and my luck feels extra trash even running 90 luck. I recall spending about a week and a half trying for the life of me to get a mw component for ranger as well as I still have never seen a last argument or a single mw light machine gun which were my favorite weapons all the way up to when I started gm1.

I just sincerely hope the team understands the problem. I can't speak for everyone but for me getting anything I want feels unattainable and ending a mission with a barren rewards screen after I salvaged everything is about the worst I've felt in these types of games.

As a comparison in td2 I'll run around for an hour or two and then have to pick through my inventory to clean it out after all 100 slots of my inventory fill. I...

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I think we understand what some of the core issues are... there's a huge problem with variance for example... with a large enough sample "everything is working fine". But the issue there is that that isn't the case for people actually playing the game... you don't get thousands of drops in a night for example - so statistics aren't really comforting there.

So longer term fixes to the base system will likely include reducing variance and narrowing the band between "lucky" and "unlucky" people.


Originally posted by Paul_Indrome

Speaking in my function as a programmer: That doesn't really sound like a simple bug anymore. That almost sounds like a fundamentally broken system in need of re-implementation from scratch. I am not meaning any offense and I'm just speaking from experience. When I try to adjust a system to correct a misbehavior and it takes me longer than a week working within the established confines, I start to seriously consider rewriting it from the ground up.

It has some development overhead but in the end it saves on HOURS of unnecessary debugging and builds on previously acquired knowledge, allowing a forward-thinking approach to its scalability.

Yep, and that's something we're considering. "Rewriting Loot" isn't a quick thing though... so regardless of whether or not we want to proceed with that, we're still left with this annoying bug that we want to fix. 😊


Originally posted by [deleted]


It's ok, like I said... I understand that people are frustrated.

I'm definitely not the right person to get into the conversation about how we got here... All I can promise to do, is to raise it - and we'll have to see what happens there.