
Anthem Dev Tracker

28 Mar


Originally posted by xMateo619x

Is there any info on flight times being shorter?

I know theres less rain but shouldnt the flight time with no rain after the patch feel similar to when it was raining pre patch?

We're looking into it now... flight duration was numerically increased by about 25%. Doing vanilla before/after tests, this seems to be working correctly.

We're investigating if it's an issue with some of the flight boosting stats.

Beyond that, it could also be due to the long bout of rainy weather we've had... since that reduces heat buildup by around 35%.


Originally posted by fatalbyte

Yes sir. It happens to me too. The screen just “freezes” & you have to just hit the skip expedition results and go to your loot. However, the cache items aren’t there. They pop in the expedition screen.

Edit: going to freeplay and exiting or relaunching the game usually allows the vanity items to pop in your forge.

Hmm, ok - thanks for the information! I'll make sure we have a bug filed. 😊


Originally posted by Igglez83

/u/BrenonHolmes Brenon, not sure if you can speak to this, but my expedition results screen consistently hangs up on “recording victories” now and I can’t see what was in the Elysian Cache. Is this a known issue?

It just hangs? You don't get a connection error?


Originally posted by FiveGuysAlive

And the health bug?

Edit: Thanks for the reports - we're aware that people are still seeing this issue.

27 Mar


Originally posted by Neiloch

You can probably get a little more attention if you kind of mention them in posts like /u/UNTDrew if they have the setting turned on

But honestly I wish if they saw a reddit post they wanted to reply to they would just kind of copy/paste or rephrase the comment and also answer it in a tweet. Dont even link back to reddit. This sub is great but most of reddit is a dumpster fire. If they 'moved' here I feel the aggressive people would just follow.

I do not have it turned on, as my phone battery would probably not last till lunch, but we read as much as we possibly can in both of these subreddits. :)


Originally posted by Revanche123

Huh, that is interesting.

So if I understand from other posts correctly you have a simulator that drops items (I'm guessing for an individual or does it simulate a team?) And you track that to make sure the percentages are where you want them as well as the correct type.

Then you also have live metrics telling you in broad terms how closely for the entire population those numbers are matching up?

So even with those tools the bug, which my friend and I have experienced though my GF has not can only be reproduced at scale?

I actually find that kind of cool.

I know you're busy but, have their been similar bugs you've found and in general terms do you know why tools for finding them didn't work and you needed to rely on reports on a massive scale to track them down?

That's pretty much it, yes. 😊

When we're doing simple tests we generally just use a dedicated server running on a local computer which is fairly different from a linux VM running on a cloud platform. Beyond that, the environments and how some of the online services run are slightly different as well (internal vs. external).

Generally, issues at scale have to do with load - so one person hitting one server doesn't demonstrate a problem... but a million people hitting tens of thousands of servers does.


Originally posted by jmkj254

Got mad love and respect for you Drew, but sigh I don't want to hate or say thanks for a hotfix that shouldn't have been necessary in the first place. I just wanted to say I know the team there at Bioware is doing their best and there are clearly things out of your control that are causing all these problems. It's happening like clockwork at this point, but I dont feel cheated out of the money I spent for this game cause at it's core Anthem it is a one of a kind gem (gave me 84hrs of great times and may come back in the near future, depending on it's health.

Whatever problems are holding Anthem back I hope they get resolved, at the moment I am not angry. I'm just dissapointed in Bioware as a team and as a consumer and fan I still have faith in you guy's, I just don't have the same confidence I initially had and always did in Biowares ability to follow through. With issue after issue and patches for the issues that patches created, it's tiring really.

Im ju...

Read more

I don't like to think of anyone as a needle in a haystack. I would love to have the time/bandwidth to respond to every single one of you. I won't say "thank you for your feedback" because that has somehow become the subject of every meme on here, but you are appreciated and I do thank you for writing out this honest and constructive response. We appreciate you.

I have immense faith in the team here at BioWare. They're all incredibly talented people and I love coming in every day to work with them. That's the 100% transparent truth from me. :)


Originally posted by KangaxxKhan

I'm sorry, I still don't follow - do you currently intend to make this change in the future or not?

I can't really comment on what we'll add in the future just yet. I'm just saying it's not in this update as I had originally communicated.


Originally posted by KangaxxKhan

Is the Apex creature drop change still planned for inclusion in an update, or did you determine not to increase the drops?

It was just a mistake. My apologies for the confusion.


The team has released a couple of server side fixes to address loot in 1.0.4:

  1. You should now receive your guaranteed Masterwork items at the end of Strongholds.
  2. You should now be able to pick up loot for yourselves, instead of it being picked up for you from a squad mate.

Some regions/servers might take a little longer to see the changes, but they're happening. Never hurts to back out of your current expedition and start a new one.

External link →

The team has released a couple of server side fixes to address loot in 1.0.4:

  1. You should now receive your guaranteed Masterwork items at the end of Strongholds.
  2. You should now be able to pick up loot for yourselves, instead of it being picked up for you from a squad mate.

Some regions/servers might take a little longer to see the changes, but they're happening. Never hurts to back out of your current expedition and start a new one.

External link →

Originally posted by Dead-Sync

I have to agree here, this is prominent info! (although I also appreciate it is posted here)

EDIT: NVM, realized it's on Twitter too and all that jazz

I can do that too.


Originally posted by jeffdeleon

What about legendary components for the wrong class?

I'm at 200 hours played. 2 of the classes I play have more legendary components than the one I do play.

It's awful. I need armor and shields on my main in order to progress.

That's also a bug - we're still looking at that one.

The crappy part about that bug is that it only seems to reproduce at scale... so we've been trying to tackle this one from a few different angles to try to identify exactly where the problem is.


Originally posted by Dead-Sync

Awesome thank you!! Time for me to update the tracker with some good news! :)

Be sure to note my edits in the original post as well. We're just trying to be as transparent with you all as possible about the notes and changes.


The team has released a couple of server side fixes to address loot in 1.0.4:

  1. You should now receive your guaranteed Masterwork items at the end of Strongholds.

  2. You should now be able to pick up loot for yourselves, instead of it being picked up for you from a squad mate.

Some regions/servers might take a little longer to see the changes, but they're happening. Never hurts to back out of your current expedition and start a new one.


Originally posted by havoc70

This update brought a lot of good but also some bad:

  1. Loot is no longer instanced. So when someone picks up a masterwork for them but it’s a blue for you it goes into your limited loot slots. I’m sure this is a consequence of making the new chests be non-instanced.

  2. Other players can pick up health and ammo drops that used to be instanced.

  3. Health bug is still present. I’ve had it in two out of four missions. But that is an improvement so far.

  4. GM1+ stronghold bosses no longer drop the guaranteed masterwork. This is clearly unintentional and will hopefully be fixed.

This is not a salty post, just providing my observations. This is an overall good if not great update. It just seems some key things were missed in QA. Again, not being salty just presenting my observations. The game is still great and fun.

We are looking into a number of things right now. I'll update you all when I have more. Thanks!


It's a bug, as Jesse mentioned we're working on fixes now.

26 Mar


There are a couple of issues with loot that the team is investigating right now. We'll update when we know more. Thanks!


Hey there. Sounds like you're having some technical difficulties. Mind reporting to our support team at We can look into it.