
Anthem Dev Tracker

10 Feb


Storm hover shield no longer grants immunity to status effects. Those rocks should knock you out of the air. Same with swarm tyrant web attack.

09 Feb


Originally posted by Zeonymous

Is having Health/Shields beneficial??


Armor and shields are beneficial, especially in situations where you don’t have armor and shields.


Originally posted by ClothoBuer

But what are their thoughts on people dying when they're killed?

We feel that most Javelins should die when killed.


Originally posted by CroogQT

Have they confirmed that weapons do damage yet?

This is a great idea and is certainly something we’d like to do.

Edit: /sarcasm just in case that wasn’t super clear haha.


Originally posted by iTyrael7

Are the Legendary weapons going to be closer to the Exotics from Destiny? For the most part, the Whirlwind looked the same throughout each level (uncommon, rare, etc.)

Some Masterwork and Legendary weapons will have new VFX or SFX. Some will have slightly different model variants. And all have different vinyls/color patterns.


This is awesome! Well done. :)


Originally posted by xTheWildPanda

are we going to be able to make multiple characters?

Yes. If you want to replay the story or roleplay as a different character, you have the option to make an additional pilot. You will share some things account-wide however, like unlocks, currency and challenges.


Originally posted by Great_Rhunder

Please be a thing. Please be a thing. Please be a thing.

Totally a thing.


Originally posted by RustyMechanoid

You can't go wrong communicating with the community, you just can't.

I think the overwhelming majority of gamers are in favor of communicating with the creators of the games they play.

Some developers don't want to take that path for reasons unknown.

I believe if Bioware continues this path of transparency and conversing with the Anthem community, you'll develop a great bond with us for many years to come.

Thank you Rusty!

08 Feb


Originally posted by alt-thea

from recent article on

" So they all unlock at [Level] 30, but what we're doing is going to turn [Grandmaster] 2 and 3 off at launch, just to make sure nothing weird happens with progression and difficulties. And if anything is looking good against the models we have, then we'll turn 2 and 3 on, or we might look at all the feedback and might go, "Okay, we need to adjust these numbers" make it harder, easier, or whatever. So we'll probably, soon after launch, turn them on. The idea is that the endgame has Grandmaster 1, 2, and 3 in it, as soon as we think it's safe to turn them on. "

Not a bad idea actually. They already changed difficulty numbers from what we saw, a...

Read more

They will be on for launch, we changed our mind since that interview.



Originally posted by Shitfaced-Crusader

Any thoughts on you guys tweaking some of the gun sounds? Some of them would greatly benefit from some more OOMPH, such as the autocannon.

Yeah, we have added a lot since the demo. Months of work across 14 people working 12 hours a day :)


Originally posted by Kingblue11

They apparently just said in the Twitter AMA that Freeplay can't be private, so yes, but as long as the party isn't full. =/

This is correct


Originally posted by Morrkai

Anyone know if experience gained is only from completing achievements / missions? Do we get experience from killing enemies?

Experience comes from feats. One feat may be to kill 50 enemies, but there is no experience gained outside of feats (such as XP per enemy). Feats reset every expedition (and they are earned and shared as a group).


Originally posted by etham

Will there be a material conversion mechanic similar to how you can trade say x10 common embers to receive 1 rare ember in the game?

No plans at launch, no


Originally posted by beef_swellington

NMS recovered pretty well, though. They brought in 24 million dollars of revenue when NEXT was released last year, and their steam reviews have shifted from "mostly negative" originally to "mostly positive" now.

I think that if EA was willing to commit to fixing ME:A to the same degree that Hello was committed to fixing NMS, we could have seen a similar comeback story. There was a potentially good game in there somewhere, but it needed a ton of love to fix the blemishes and narrative problems.

Yeah they did come back in fine form, been meaning to try it lately. And I agree with your last point, and wish we lived in a parallel universe where that happened.


Originally posted by Deadpoetic6

Except WoW had 10x the content and features of Anthem at launch.

Hell, Anthem dont even have the most basics features like text chat, when Apex, a F2P game that was just released it have it. Only 3 raids at release, no waypoints on map features, no solo freeplay / stronghold, no locking equipment, no weapons upgrade, no weapons customization,

Now games uses the "live services" excuse to launch with barely any content. Look at BFV or Sea of Thieves. BFV is a shadow of what battlefield used to be. BF3 and BF4 got released with waaayyy more content.

That's a fair criticism. I think the prevailing thought (amongst a few developers at least) is to polish what you have to 90%, rather than try to get the whole game to 70% using the same amount of resources and time. Not perfect, but in this world of billion dollar games, competition is really fierce and you don't get to release an unpolished experience and recover, even if you fix it later (look at MEA or NMS).

Just my personal opinion though :)


Originally posted by Deadpoetic6

aahh good old "live service" AKA forever early access

Hey if it means we keep getting to make cool stuff and people are playing, I'm happy :)


Originally posted by mutatersalad1

That would be a HUGE hit if it's something that would be easy for you guys to do. People would love to hear loud af javelin noises the whole time they're slaughtering filthy Scar scum.

Noted. Will investigate :)


Originally posted by Darkagent190

What are some interesting tid bits you used for creating audio for some things?! Would love to hear them

We will do some dev diaries in the future :)


Originally posted by Monutan

Wow. You guys are fantastic with these responses. I've played every major bioware ip since baldur's gate as a child, and this by far meets your moxy when raising the bar. From lore, to gameplay, to small things like this... THANK YOU.

Thank you! We aim to please, and have worked really, really hard on this one. Hope you like it :)