I'll just echo what others have said. 😊
You can only quick play into missions you've already completed. It's a "narrative safe" activity.
I'll just echo what others have said. 😊
You can only quick play into missions you've already completed. It's a "narrative safe" activity.
Oh dear... What have you all done...
Interesting idea
Will the PC users have access to the party UI on the upper left hand side of the screen like consoles? While playing on the PC my friends and I didnt have access to this UI element nor did we find an option to toggle it on.
Yes. It wasn’t available for anyone in the demo
Lol I'm sure PLENTY of us will be making ridiculous faves as we play. Also pretty sure people like u/BenIrvo and the rest of the team are gonna laugh their heads off at all our mindgasms hahaha
Looking forward to seeing people enjoy the game :)
u/BioChrisSchmidt Is there a limit to the stacking? Say, can I do something dumb like put on 6 "ultimate inscription" components with 10% buff for 60%? Or three combo consumables and get the max bonus? Or are there diminishing returns?
Hey Hearty! Sorry for the late reply. All component are unique-equipped by type. The inscription stats on items however can stack.
Seeing as how the demos were a taste of the game, do we know if some of each of the Javelins abilities were not available in the demos? Such as Interceptors Nova Strike. Or was Nova Strike and some other abilities removed from the game?!?
All Javelin gear was in, Nova Strike was renamed to Wraith Strike.
yes! please like and share, doubt anything will happen with it but you never know... Maybe someone like Dantics or Arekz will see it and sign and share... Maybe the devs will see it on Twitter or /u/BioCamden will see it...
A boy can dream!
Hey, so just to clarify is there forge access on the strider just not javelin switching or no forge at all?
No forge or javelin switching in the strider while out in free play.
Was this not live in the demo?
Yes it was!
Does this also apply when you revive NPCs that you're doing a world event with, or is it player-to-player revives only?
I believe both, but that’s a great question.
I believe a minor buff (such as an extra shield or something from that nature) after you rez a fellow freelancer will motivate more team play... Just a friendly suggestion for Bioware, what do you guys think?
We actually already add a 5 second overshield to the player reviving, and the person being revived, after the revive is complete. This results in basically 5 seconds of damage immunity. You can usually see this with a faint blue shimmer VFX on the Javelin once it goes off.
And by this I mean no stealth nerfs, no controlled RNG, no coin drops nerf, remember Bungie cheating players last year for the XP bar and how it ended as a scandal ? or the recent Bethesda on Fallout 76 stealth nerfs ? (I'm not even going to talk about Blizzard...), they are not good for the community, nor for the game and with "EA" stampeded on your game, it can be even worse with all those people just waiting for an opportunity to jump on the hate train.
Want to decrease coin drop rate to sell more shop items ? no problem, just tell us, want to nerf / buff some enemies ? no problem, just write it in the patchnotes; but just DON'T keep behind the scene, cause someone will find out.
Keep up the good work, you are on the way to create a great gaming experience for the years to come, we love your work ;)
ps : this is not a hate thread, but actually a sentiment on how you are treating your community right now, which is great.
Our goal is to continue to be transparent. We will never intentionally make stealth changes - as we get our patch note process locked in for launch it’s possible we miss things, we will try very hard not to but we hope you give us the benefit of the doubt if something goes live without an appropriate message to the community :)
Read moreThere's a lot of hate going on YouTube and social media about Anthem solely because it's being published by EA. The identity politics being applied to it is just ridiculous. Even with all the dev involvement with the community, the consistent feedback, the livestreams, the roadmap, the launch support and content, the end-game; all of this and still people who haven't even played the demo are receiving it poorly all because of 2 freaking letters.
Despite all of the undeserved negativity, the community has seen through it (especially here on this subreddit) and sees Anthem for what it is: an awesome new IP that's letting all of us fulfill our Ironman dreams. What's more is BioWare has taken all the bad press like champs and continued to fine tune the game into something awesome. My friends and I played both demos and the remarkable improvements they made with the demos alone was nothing short of dedication and commitment to quality.
I mean, they are alright, I guess.
Combat in Anthem is based on flight, hovering and high mobility.
The devs stated they want to keep the players moving in battle. That's why we don't have a cover system for example.
But how does stationary effects from support abilities fit in this picture ? Not so well, in my opinion.
For example: if I want to have that nice damage buff from the storm in my group, I need to keep an eye on him to see if and when he's using it. Then I need to run or fly to wherever he put that circle on the ground and keep standing still in that circle to benefit from it.
Would it not be better if the Storm uses the ability and instead of putting a circle on the ground, his teammates automatically get the buff ? Like the armor get's a light blue glow so everyone knows they got the storm damage buff.
This way everyone stays mobile and the fights are more fluid imo.
You can fly through them and you get the buff, you don’t have to stand in them. Going back in refreshes the buff.
Different for bulwark and windfall as they are shields
u/BioCamden or u/BioChrisSchmidt - any info we can get on how inscriptions and components can/will stack before Friday?
They will stack. What exactly would you like to know?
I won't kill them because I don't want my name on a list.
Looking good. So far there is no reason for you to be on the Tarsis Preservation Squad's list of undesirables.
That’s certainly a good thing, but I meant the list the Grabbits are keeping themselves. Who knows what they will and won’t forget.
Be real with me....what are the chances that a cataclysm will spawn a giant, mutated Grabbit for us to kill at some point in the future? Like Titan sized one. I'm sure the vast majority of the community would love to see that as well :)
Hahaha, that would be incredible. Not sure if we’d do something like that, but who knows I guess!
what day is reset?
Monday night/Tuesday morning
Imagine spending 6 years making a game, and when it releases the thing people talk about is if the random alien bunny is evil or not. /u/biocamden We need grabbit themed vinyls for Grabbit protectors and Grabbit killers! It's time to pick a side! Serious note are you guys watching all this Grabbit talk and thinking were nuts?
So I’m personally in an entirely separate camp. I’m in the “I’m not a huge fan of those things and I certainly don’t trust them. But I won’t kill any of them because I don’t want my name on a list.” camp.
And yes it’s been hilarious to watch everybody take sides.