
Anthem Dev Tracker

08 Feb


Originally posted by FPSrad

I still think flight isn't fast enough though, what i'd give for an afterburner boost mode or higher max speed cap that you creep up to over time.

Sounds like something you could upgrade....would be sweet.


Originally posted by Heimdall09

I’m dealing with it by replaying Dragon Age Origins (just got it on PC for the first time recently)

Puts me in a very different mindset and I mind Anthem not being out less.

Spent so much time in DAO. So much. Time flies though. We’ll see you soon freelancer!


Originally posted by Professor_Snarf


It seems the same currency is used for crafting as well as cosmetics. Will there be enough available though game play to do both?

My fear is that in game currency will be drip fed, and a player would tend to save it for crafting (because crafting has a measurable effect on gameplay) versus cosmetic (which has none), in turn feeling forced to shell out real money for cosmetics.

TLDR: Will we have to choose between power and looking cool?

The design of crafting material harvesting is not to be scarce. Freeplay provides the most efficient and best way to gather crafting materials.

We also sell crafting materials for Coin (the sweat/grind currency), but the intent there is simply convenience of you need that last one or two or ten extra materials, and you don't want to go out to delay to gather. It's another option available to you but certainly not meant to replace going out and gathering.


Originally posted by Nojh

So during the open demo, I tried out Freeplay only to suddenly have the mission end because one of the other people in my freeplay ended the "mission". This happened several times. Is this a feature of the full game or a bug ?

This was a bug


Originally posted by Luckys224

Has anyone heard if there will be time-gated crafting? Like, "this item will take 12 hours to build". Not like it will change my mind about playing the game, but I'm just not a huge fan of that kind of gameplay.

No, this is currently not a thing.


Originally posted by Dre_23

It really is satisfying to use, and I feel like even a simple change like this (making tempest strike refresh your aura on combo detonations) Would go such a long way for the Interceptors diversity as far as playstyles. It would come at a cost, requiring 1 of your 2 ability slots, but it would give you the option of playing a detonating role in a squad. Wanna team up with your buddy who runs a priming ice storm? Throw on Tempest strike and Van Damme roundhouse all the ice blocks like he did in universal soldier 2.

Cmon /u/BioCamden .....who doesn't like van Damme?

As soon I saw the first iteration of the roundhouse kick animations for the Interceptor I was had flashbacks to bloodsport.

I do keep hearing feedback about Interceptor combo triggering. I’ll look into it.


Originally posted by mxcn3

As a long time BioWare fan, this seems to be the most talkative you guys have ever been. I don't know if you can answer this, but is this a general new approach to communication for BioWare, or is it just an Anthem-only thing? Asking for a friend that loves Dragon Age...

Haha I love Dragon Age too! I would think this is something that we will likely try to do moving forward for all projects, but I can’t say for sure. Guess it depends on how we do and how well this whole thing is received.

07 Feb


Originally posted by LethalDevoti0n

Please do I want my colossus to sound like a god amongst more mortals.

Thicc God.


Originally posted by LawbringerX

They seriously need to change the name of Detonating Strike if it's a primer. Perhaps call it "Resonating Strike" and make up some science voodoo about how it resonates inside the enemy and they explode? Same effect, better name, less confusion. /u/Benirvo and /u/BioCamden <(O_o)<

Totally valid, I’ll bring it to the team. I think this was named prior to us finalizing what we eventually ended up calling primers and detonators. I’ll pass this on :)


Originally posted by chadorable

This has been an exciting year for me only because of the engagement on here or Twitter, both silly & serious.

So if any of you do anything to hurt my CammyWammy bo Bammy (u/BioCamden) or daddy u/BenIrvo, I will sic my grabbits on you without hesitation. 🤷🏾‍♂️



Originally posted by Lone_Rover

Hi there! I don’t want to seem rude, but do you know that some (actually a lot of) people don’t really like how the weapons look? Are you going to change the appearance to more unique? I’m asking, because javs look soo good, and it would be cool if the weapons had the same “quality”. Thanks.

We discussed this a lot this week and have something in the backlog to review and discuss what (if anything) we could or want to do for retrofitting weapon variants and models after launch. No ideas yet on whether or not this is something we will end up doing for existing guns, but it is certainly something we’re aware of.


Originally posted by Jeyd02

Based of just the power item level from the main stats of the weapon, just based of the power level, or based of both the power level and stats values?

Just the power level itself.


Originally posted by Alizaea

u/BioCamden u/BenIrvo I am sorry for pinging y'all, know we ain't really supposed to. But can we get clearification on Why exactly we cannot do freeplay in private? I, and probably many others, would love to be able to launch up a freeplay session so we can get ready and wait for our friends that will join us. It is incredibly boring just sitting on the "Launch" screen just waiting for them to get done in Tarsis and ready up. Why can't we do a private session so we can play with our friends? Or did this QoL improvement just get swept under the rug or was it even thought about?

I am sorry if I come off as a little rude in this, but seeing that freeplay can't be played in private was the first and only time I actually lost hype in this game and made it actually livid. I am trying me best to be professional in this question, but to have to constantly go back to fort tarsis just because a new friend got on and they can't joi...

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Hey Alizaea I unfortunately don’t have the context to be able to answer that one. I wish I could be more help. I do know that post-launch (starting now) that we are going to be doing a lot of quality of life improvements and if this ends up being a big friction point that we can certainly take a look at it. I totally understand what you’re saying.


Originally posted by Jjiinx

I kind of hope the devs add a separate volume slider for the Javelin audio. As a colossus I would totally turn that shit all the way up

Hrm...could do.


Oh we definitely used some jets on these, and will continue to as we progress through live service!


Originally posted by DemonikFaith

Do you know what the difficulty for hard was percentage wise for the demos? I’m trying to get a good comparison for that to the adjusted difficulties. Definitely appreciate all of your replies and involvement with the community. I’ve been looking forward to this game for a long time u/biocamden

I can’t remember off the top of my head unfortunately. We’ve changed quite a bit for overall balance and tuning including overall creature shield amount in hard and GM1, and other modifiers alongside overall creature damage and health. We feel like they’re in a pretty good spot.


Originally posted by bigfoot1291

I suppose it's a bit more nuanced than what I initially was trying to say. A bit hard to explain, but the easiest way I can explain it is say, in CS:GO, the recoil is always trying to re-center itself back to where you started, and yes, if you just hold down fire it will physically recoil. However, even in between each individual shot you can see it fighting to move back. Then when you're out of ammo, the reticle is right back at the original spot you had it before you fired a single shot.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong as I didn't have as much time with the demo as I would have liked (no hard feelings but I've been waiting 14 years for Kingdom Hearts 3 lol), but as far as I can remember, and with gameplay videos, it doesn't seem as if the reticle ever works to re-center when not firing and just leaves off wherever you stop firing. So instead of going from point A, temporarily moving towards point B then returning to point A, it's just going from point A to point B, being whe...

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Hey thanks for the follow-up! That makes a lot more sense when you explain it that way. I do believe you’re correct ultimately in that our reticle will not return exactly to center. Our recoil curves do have returns though, but it’s not exactly where it was prior to the shot in most cases, especially for automatic weapons. Also no hard feelings! Kingdom Hearts looks awesome :)


Originally posted by dowens90

The most recent number was showcased in the This is Anthem Part 2 Endgame vid

Gotcha thank you! Yeah I just took a look at that. I believe that is old UI footage.


Originally posted by Mind-Game

The question is, does crafting a masterwork guarantee one with extra bonuses or is it only a small chance?

That will make an enormous difference on how farmable good items end up being.

Good question. Masterwork items always come with their specific special property. This holds true when crafting as well. The only variables are the infusions that come on the item. 😁


This is fantastic. Thank you for creating such a wonderful tool. We have such a great community. 😊