
Anthem Dev Tracker

03 Feb


Originally posted by Wellhellob

This can be nice ultimate idea tho. Earthshaker... Jumps and hits the ground with immense powaa. Shakes the screen, breaks the ground+good sound effect.. yeah

I'm fan of the colossus ''say hello to my little friend'' ult but alternatives can be useful. Colossus and Storm ultimates are orgasmic btw^

Not a bad idea, :)


Originally posted by Varicite_

Just out of curiosity, if red = armor and blue = shields, what do you guys refer to the yellow bars as?

Yellow bars are for armored creatures, red is for Javelin armor.


Originally posted by Wellhellob

Shield regen cooldown fine imo. It's a nice challenge. But their shields ridiculously strong. You already can't crit or combo against it. Making shield high kills the fun. Less shield/more hp would be much better. Yellow hp enemies much more fun to kill due to high hp without shield.

My second complaint is combo damage. We can't see it. Combo floaty masks it or it's hidden. I think big damage numbers is satisfying. I should see the high damage number specially when i play ranger because it has high single target combo damage.

Yeah we’d worked on showing combo floaties but it was quite a problem to solve. We may take another crack at that one.


Originally posted by shulima

Did the event end? Tried to load freeplay twice now, nothing happening anymore.

No it should be up for some time, the server is probably still just rolling over 😊.


Originally posted by SKYeXile

i keep seeing in threads, "yeah man, i just quit out after the second chest, no loot from the last boss" how miss informed are you? While technically true, you still get loot from completing the mission. sure it might be faster to quit out and reque and get loot faster by just running the first 2 chests if you're bad at boss dps. but if you want the path of least resistance for the most loot...go play freeplay instead and just run around looting chests and doing events.

the whole not getting loot in a chest at the end of the dungeon is kinda anti climatic sure, but you still get loot.

We're working on making it a bit more clear and celebratory 😊.


Yep this is working as intended, though the frost stacks might be building a little too fast on those turrets 😊.


Originally posted by Defektivex

They are restarting servers left and right, give it 30 minutes (making an assumption)

Yeah, it'll take a little bit for the servers to fully roll over 😊.


Originally posted by northyorkthrowaway24

Thank you for being so responsive on the forums.

And not just quick responses, but actual great detail. Hugely appreciated and likely to tilt me toward buying the full game!

/epic high five

Thanks North! Just happy to help where I can.


Originally posted by R3D-RO0K

So shield strength increase components on the Colossus makes his deployable shield stronger?

Yes that’s correct. :)


Originally posted by HadesVampire

Turns out I did turn them off. I guess I thought they were the the dying indicator, like redness edging the screen. Turned them back on and my damage done is back. My apologies, completely forgot I was looking around settings.

No worries! Just glad it wasn’t something else haha. <3


Originally posted by Im_Working_Right_Now

Xbox. Was playing with my buddy and he had the same issue. Even a few squad members hit the wall on a tight turn because you can’t see the turn. It’s the first tunnel with the mines. Like I said, maybe the intent wasn’t to fly through it and actually walk? Hence the mines? I just think a small shoulder or chest mounted flashlight would help a lot with visibility in dark places.

Yeah each javelin does have a headlamp, but overall I have seen feedback on PS4 and Xbox that brightness in some areas is a problem. I’ll pass this one on.


Originally posted by Alizaea

Haha, well thats not as bad as what I thought, but still, that just compounds on y'alls already busy schedule. Hopefully things die down a little bit on y'alls end after launch, though I understand post launch takes a metric shit ton of resources as well. Hopefully it dies down a little just in case reddit does triple or something. Just remember, y;all are doing y'alls best and that is all we could ever ask :)



Originally posted by jprava

Didn’t want to turn more than one dial at a time in this case

Perfect. Changes one by one, specially if you keep this fantastic pace, are all that is needed.

I always make the (somewhat Texan) analogy that it’s like smoking brisket. When you are trying to fine tune a new smoke, you can’t change two or three things at a time because then you might spend 12-18 hours and it comes out terrible and you may not know what caused it. One thing at a time!


Originally posted by BiowareBen

I think you might have a point. Paging /u/biocamden

Youuuuuu raaaang? Yeah we’ll take a look. I think right now part of the problem is that we limit how many active ammo/health drops there are in the world for each person to 3. If we upped this then you’d have more on the field lingering to ammo up your Ranger. Something we can think about.