
Anthem Dev Tracker

15 Dec


Originally posted by chammer88

Can you clarify the Interceptor Aura Ben? Does the aura apply to proximity of the Interceptor, or proximity of where the combo occurred?

It’s an aura on the interceptor. It moves where you move


Originally posted by Moday4512

If that's the case, what exactly will an explosion combo do to diffierentiate it from shock?

So there is the status effect and the combo effect. Which one are you asking about?

Here are both answers...

Status effect - fire (dot), Frost (freeze), electric (AOE), acid (debuff)

Combo effect - ranger (impact - bonus damage), colossus (explosion - AOE dmg), storm (chain - spreads the status effect), interceptor (aura - gives an aura for the status effect)

So it doesn’t matter what status effect was applied, it matters who triggers the combo


Originally posted by AnthemJavelin

Hey Ben, sorry if you get asked this all the time, but why "Irvo" for your handles?

My name is Ben Irving. In Australia that means you get called Irvo. It’s a thing. Either O or ie or Y at some point in everyone’s surname

And BenIrving was taken I believe


Originally posted by Fataltapper

...and I absolutely cannot be more hyped for the game right now. If they wanted to force players down a lane and rigidly play a certain way, their "build" in the game would have flawlessly destroyed everything in sight, and endgame would just be spent grinding for the gear that the Devs intended to be OP. But because their build didn't even work, the live-stream really gave the impression that the Devs have instead thrown hundreds of perks/stats/abilities into a primordial soup and are welcoming whatever OP, unbalanced monstrosities that will emerge.

I'm soooo glad there's no PvP balancing issues to spoil the fun. I'm all in.

The build was pretty good. There were like 3 bugs - second gun, thruster time and all the numbers being zero. Not bad IMO


Originally posted by xxLateralusxx

I didn't even know that was possible. I'm on the Android app and thought maybe it updated.



Originally posted by RocketLove4

I wanna play this game early but idk if it’s worth pre ordering just for that

Yes. Definitely.


Originally posted by lilhuman231

I do know that we get our javelins threw levelling, but what I don’t know is will we be able to choose what javelin we want when we get to that certain level or is it laid out so we get a certain javelin at that level.

You can unlock them in any order you want


Originally posted by -Albans-

Design team have done an amazing job with the environment, best I've seen in a game in a while, stunning!!

It’s an amazing team, thanks for giving them praise! :)


Originally posted by Invoker_Paragon

Will ALL of the items with Masterwork Property, the Orange Text property, be viable?

In Diablo 3, there are plenty of legendary weapons that uninteresting unique passives or "Orange Text Properties". This eventually leads players to have one or two legendary weapons / armor that works with their sets / game play. Sure you can use any legendary weapon, but you will not be doing the most optimal damage.

Some Diablo 3 items are very nit picky about only using their property / legendary effect at a certain point in time, or has a very lack luster bonus, deterring people from using it. Examples include:

Blood-Magic Blade

  • Blood oozes from you

This provides no additional damage bonus to a build


  • Chance to summon angelic assistance when attacking.

Summons a very weak additional ally, dealing very little damage. Adds nothing to game...

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Our hope is that you find all the weird and wonderful ways to make them viable. We set out to make them viable. Time will tell :)


Originally posted by Arkrayven

I think a stun would have overlapped too much with freezing. Shock being an AoE is definitely interesting! I would've liked there to be an extra on-hit burst (like Blast in Borderlands) but maybe Shock will do that just fine.

That’s right. We wanted them all to have a different effect


My experience with Mike is that probably means 100%. Just speculation though.


Originally posted by smita16

I've decided to avoid shaving my beard until release. Wife says no. Upvote to support my cause and show my wife it's what us Freelancers do.

Edit: the response is incredible! I won't let y'all down!

Edit2: Before pic! Will post the after after launch.



Originally posted by ohoni

Imagine if we'd known about this stuff six months ago, so that you could have had time to fix it by launch. What a world that would be. . .

That’s actually not how it works. 6 months ago we likely had none of that stuff to show... because we spent the last 6 months building it...

14 Dec

Our world is a violent and cruel place. For centuries, we lived at its mercy, unable to rise above the violent chaos that shook our land and mutated the creatures around us. We would be suffering still, if not for the Legion of Dawn. Under the eye of General Helena Tarsis, they built the first javelins, protected us from the chaos, and created a new future for all those who came after. Their story – her story – is what makes ours possible.

The First Javelins

When every day was a battle for survival, we had few resources to make better lives for ourselves – and even less time. But General Tarsis and those who followed her saw a different way forward.

One of her followers was Arden Vassa, an inventor and a genius in his time. He built the Javelin of Dawn, a forebear to the ...

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Originally posted by ohoni

I think they said that the higher your level, the more likely that higher tier stuff would drop, so like (my numbers) at level 10 you might have a 1% chance that your drop will be "epic," but at level 20 it's a 10% chance, or something along those lines. I imagine that even that aside, an "epic" level 20 weapon would have higher stats than an "epic" level 10 weapon.

But they also seemed to imply that crafting was more of a gap-filler, not an endgame mechanic, that while you could craft "basic" versions of any type of thing, they seemed to imply that you would not be able to craft "the best" of any type of thing, leaving you at the whims of RNG farming for that.

Crafting fills a few gaps, mostly it's as a secondary sink... for example if you don't like shotguns (what's wrong with you? 😊) you could crush them all and craft sniper rifles instead.

The power level of the item that is crafted is tied to your pilot level, the rarity is dependent on the blueprint.

Once you've hit max pilot level, you can absolutely craft end game items assuming you have the mats and the blueprints. 😊


This was a bug I believe in the build. Uncommons are green.


Originally posted by Halefire

[Please see Ben Irving response below]

I'm not sure if my question on stream was perhaps misconstrued, but on the stream Darrin McPherson answered my question about rerolling items by basically saying (paraphrased) "the only way to get different rolls on items is to re-craft them or get them again as a random drop".

This is a HUGE mistake of game design.

I'm not sure if perhaps Darrin thought I meant "can you completely reroll the item and try again for 4 new properties", which is not what I meant; I meant being able to reroll 1 out of the total properties, such as Enchanting in Diablo 3 or Recalibration in The Division. Once you pick one property to reroll, the other ones become locked in forever.

Imagine getting Argo's Fist as a drop (revealed today on the stream). You're excited as hell because it's part of a blast build you're trying to make. You speed through the rest of the mission, eagerly waiting to get the item at t...

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I think this is fair feedback. We probably can’t/won’t do anything for launch but it’s a reasonable thing to consider later. We will definitely monitor player behavior/ feedback at launch