ARK Survival Evolved

ARK Survival Evolved Dev Tracker

05 May

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

Sponsored Mod Program Applications

Congratulations to our newest arrivals in the ARK Sponsored mod program. The modding community continues to impress and engage players looking for new ways to play!
Recently the modding community got their hands on an updated DevKit that includes the genesis content so it will be interesting to see what they come up with in the coming months. If you have an interest in making mods for ARK you can find the ARK DevKit on the Epic Games Launcher.
Additionally, Sponsored Mod Program applications are once again OPEN! If you are interested in sponsorship for your projects, please fill out the application here:
Applications for the next selection of sponsored projects will be open until June 5th, 2020.

New Spon...

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24 Apr

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

The server is not down. Please use the server list to search for the server instead of favorites.

22 Apr

    Chris on Forums - Thread - Direct

This is already a feature, check your Notification settings and make sure you have them turned on.

14 Feb

    Chris on Forums - Thread - Direct

It's unfortunate that in the 60 seconds it took me to create this image, you think the dev team has completely stopped all work. The team have been and still are working hard to fix all high-priority issues.

11 Feb

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

Ah I see now.
That outputs the actual color values though and not just an index so I am not sure why the names would be needed in this case.
As for the ancestry thing, possibly... That's pretty low priority right now but I'll put a request task for that

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

I think they get serialized out with those files now as well. Didn't specifically test for that, but I expect they would. Any tools the community uses for that though would have to update to actually read in those values.

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

It took longer than I would have liked, BUT

10 Feb

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

A couple of months ago there was a change that went out that had some unexpected consequences for PC unofficial servers and singleplayer. We made an optimization that cut down on color definitions being duplicated over and over by mods, and a lot of people that had done a lot of breeding for color mutations lost those colors. We understand that a lot of time and effort and planning went in to get these so we wanted to provide a way to prevent this problem from occurring in the future.
Today we have added the ReassertColorization command to address this. There will now be some protections in

26 Jan

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

Hello, I just wanted to pop in while I had some time and acknowledge that I have seen that people are still seeing this problem.
I don't have an ETA on a fix but it is on my radar and it will be addressed.
Based on what I know about the chibi functionality, I believe that as long as you unequip and requip your chibis before gaining any exp that you will be fine. Just for now make sure not to kill any alphas while an equipped chibi reads as 0 exp when you know it should have more, that should hopefully mitigate the issue somewhat in the meantime.
Storing it at an obelisk when you go offl

28 Dec

    lilpanda on Forums - Thread - Direct

All the listed above should be fixed in a few minutes. They are rebooting currently

27 Dec

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

Not yet, people are off for the holiday so it hasn't been tested and validated yet. Gotta try to make sure I didn't create more problems with with the change.
I'll make sure to update this thread again when it goes out.

24 Dec

21 Dec

    Chris on Forums - Thread - Direct

@Eli Can you work with these guys to maybe merge any extra accounts they may have due to not being able to sign in. Thanks.

20 Dec

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

This should be fixed in a patch soon (If it hasn't already gone out), but if the chibi was just sitting in your inventory when you logged off or restarted the game, when you come back it might look like 0 exp. re-equip the chibi and it should update, if the patch hasn't gone out though it's not just a visual glitch, don't try to earn alpha exp on an equipped chibi showing 0 xp if it should have more, re-equip it first. If the fix has already gone out, then it should just be a visual glitch that will only affect unequipped chibis.

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

To that point Cedric would love to be able to do what I did here, but often when something goes wrong on that scale, the engineers are being scrambled to figure out the problem and then immediately hop on fixing it. There isn't always someone to give the information in full to Cedric so that he can give a more detailed update. The chain of communication just isn't always established that fast. In some cases, we just flat out can't talk about a particular issue until after it's fixed because people will take advantage of and abuse it (If that is already happening in a particular situation, we w

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

I think I understand where your confusion is coming from.
The change we made was fixing a bug in how mod data is merged in when you launch a game. it was resulting in that, for every single mod installed, the core color definitions were being duplicated. That duplication now no longer happens. ASB is doing assumed correction, and since you weren't using any mods that added new colors it's actually easy to figure out what the right color is in your case. It is mathematically consistent.
This bug was actually how people could breed for mutations of the dye colors (That's a whole other topic

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

I do understand that this inconvenienced a lot of people. I really do. That's why I have been spending my own free time trying to help people understand what happened (even at risk of getting in trouble for oversharing information) and to work on something to prevent it in the future and to try and possibly help find ways to make this less awful for those that were affected by it... all when I would normally be resting.
The change went through testing, but the test conditions that were necessary to have exposed this are not normal for any studio that I have ever interacted with.
Trying to

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

@IanHighlander @CyberAngel67
It is definitely an impressive tool.
But do you see the color indices there on the right?
Notice how they are all at 56 or less?
There are 56 color definitions in the core game currently. (And then the dye indices which are all 200+)
Inside of the tool itself they are all predefined to what color they represent. The amount of data that had to be sorted out and manually entered for this tool is insane.
The only thing the tool is loading from the creature data is that byte value itself:
This is the data I just copied from the tool itself (Dictionaries i

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

Just to double check before I opened my mouth, I downloaded that source, and while I haven't spent a ton of time looking through it I would say it's doing things in a similar manner to the mod I just linked. Except that in this tool, color indices and matching color definitions have been manually entered into dictionaries (and by the looks of it there are collections of value data for at least some mods that it can download from somewhere? I have never used this tool before, but I am assuming that is how it could be determining any offsets that would otherwise mismatch the index numbers).

    ZenRowe on Forums - Thread - Direct

Here is an option that should work pretty well for anyone that knows that none of the mods they had installed added any custom colors.
This mod will try to correct all of your dino colors. It works by making assumptions about what the color definitions array looked like for you before the update that caused this, so It's not suitable for us to do in the core game... but as an option, this should actually work pretty well for many.